суббота, 6 декабря 2014 г.

Dating violence warning signs

This course will help you:

> Understand teen dating violence and its consequences

> Identify factors that can place teens at risk for dating violence

> Communicate with teens about the importance of healthy relationships

> Learn about resources to prevent dating violence

By working with teens, families, organizations, and communities to implement effective teen dating violence prevention strategies, you can help make your school safer and healthier for all students.

What is teen dating violence?

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Being able to tell the difference between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships can be more difficult than you would think. No two relationships are the same, so what’s unhealthy in one relationships may be abusive in the next. Although there are many signs to pay attention to in a relationship, look for these common warning signs of dating abuse:

Checking cell phones, emails or social networks without permission

Extreme jealousy or insecurity

Constant belittling or put-downs

Explosive temper

Isolation from family and friends

Making false accusations

Erratic mood swings

Physically inflicting pain or hurt in any way


Telling someone what to do

Repeatedly pressuring someone to have sex

If you or someone you know sees the warning signs in their relationship, talk to us -- we can help. Learn other ways how unhealthy and abusive relationships work by exploring our power and control wheel.

Teenagers often experience violence in dating relationships. Statistics show that one in three teenagers has experienced violence in a dating relationship. In dating violence, one partner tries to maintain power and control over the other through abuse. Dating violence crosses all racial, economic and social lines. Most victims are young women, who are also at greater risk for serious injury. Young women need a dating safety plan .

Teen dating violence often is hidden because teenagers typically:

are inexperienced with dating relationships.

are pressured by peers to act violently.

want independence from parents.

have "romantic" views of love.

Teen dating violence is influenced by how teenagers look at themselves and others.

Young men may believe:

they have the right to "control" their female partners in any way necessary.

"masculinity" is physical aggressiveness

they "possess" their partner.

they should demand intimacy.

they may lose respect if they are attentive and supportive toward their girlfriends.

Young women may believe:

they are responsible for solving problems in their relationships

their boyfriend's jealousy, possessiveness and even physical abuse, is "romantic."

abuse is "normal" because their friends are also being abused.

there is no one to ask for help.

Teenagers can choose better relationships when they learn to identify the early warning signs of an abusive relationship, understand that they have choices, and believe they are valuable people who deserve to be treated with respect.

Early warning signs that your date may eventually become abusive:

What Is Dating Violence?

What is Dating Violence?

Dating violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a dating partner.

A Pattern of Behavior

Calling dating violence a pattern doesn't mean the first instance of abuse is not dating violence. It just recognizes that dating violence usually involves a series of abusive behaviors over a course of time.

Every relationships is different, but the one thing that is common to most abusive dating relationships is that the violence escalates over time and becomes more and more dangerous for the young victim.

Who Experiences Dating Violence?

Any teen or young adult can experience violence, abuse or unhealthy behaviors in their dating relationships. A relationship may be serious or casual, monogamous or not, short-term or long-term. Dating abuse does not discriminate – it does not see gender, sexual identity, economic status, ethnicity or religious preference.

What Does Dating Violence Look Like?

Teens and young adults experience the same types of abuse in relationships as adults. This can include:

Physical Abuse: Any intentional use of physical force with the intent to cause fear or injury, like hitting, shoving, biting, strangling, kicking or using a weapon.

Verbal or Emotional Abuse: Non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking.

Sexual Abuse: Any action that impacts a person’s ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity occurs, including rape, coercion or restricting access to birth control.

Digital Abuse: Use of technologies and/or social media networking to intimidate, harass or threaten a current or ex-dating partner. This could include demanding passwords, checking cell phones, cyber bullying, sexting, excessive or threatening texts or stalking on Facebook or other social media.

If you or a loved one is in a violent relationship, please get help. Visit loveisrespect for more information, chat with a peer advocate online, call 866.331.9474 or text "loveis" to 22522.

Ten Warning Signs of Abuse

While there are many warning signs of abuse, here are ten common abusive behaviors:

Checking your cell phone or email without permission

Constantly putting you down

Extreme jealousy or insecurity

Explosive temper

Isolating you from family or friends

Making false accusations

Mood swings

Physically hurting you in any way


Telling you what to do

If you or a loved one is in a violent relationship, please get help.

Recognizing violence warning signs in others

Often people who act violently have trouble controlling their feelings. They may have been hurt by others. Some think that making people fear them through violence or threats of violence will solve their problems or earn them respect. This isn't true. Some violence occurs as a response to prolonged hurt, trauma, bullying or victimization. People may use violence to get something, while others may act out of self-protection or desperation.

People who behave violently lose respect. They eventually find themselves isolated or disliked, and they still feel angry and frustrated.

Anger itself is not always a sign that violence is imminent. While anger may be a warning sign of violence, it must be put in context. In fact, by assuming that anger or increased substance abuse will always lead to violence means that many non-violent people who are in need of help become unfairly characterized as violent. What is most important to look at is if there are “new” signs and significant changes in behavior.

The presence of some of the signs or factors listed below should alert us to the possibility that an individual may be at risk of violence. It should be noted, however, that the presence of one or more signs or factors does not necessarily mean that the person will be violent.

Some signs of potential for violence may be historical or static (unchangeable) factors like:

A history of violent or aggressive behavior

Young age at first violent incident

Having been a victim of bullying

History of discipline problems or frequent conflicts with authority

Early childhood abuse or neglect

Having witnessed violence at home

Family or parent condones use of violence

A history of cruelty to animals

Having a major mental illness

Being callous or lacking empathy for others

History of vandalism or property damage

Other signs of potential violence may be present over time and may escalate or contribute to the risk of violence given a certain event or activity. These might include:

Serious drug or alcohol use

Gang membership or strong desire to be in a gang

Access to or fascination with weapons, especially guns

Trouble controlling feelings like anger

Withdrawal from friends and usual activities

Regularly feeling rejected or alone

Feeling constantly disrespected

Some signs of potential violence may be new or active signs. They might look like:

Increased loss of temper

Frequent physical fighting

Increased use of alcohol or drugs

Increased risk-taking behavior

Declining school performance

Acute episode of major mental illness

Planning how to commit acts of violence

Announcing threats or plans for hurting others

Obtaining or carrying a weapon

There is research that indicates that new or active signs are more predictive of short-term risk of violence than historical factors, which may be more predictive of longer term risk.

What you can do if someone you know shows violence warning signs

When you recognize violence warning signs in someone else, there are things you can do. Hoping that someone else will deal with the situation is the easy way out.

Above all, be safe. Don't spend time alone with people who show warning signs. If possible without putting yourself in danger, remove the person from the situation that's setting them off.

Tell someone you trust and respect about your concerns and ask for help. This could be a family member, guidance counselor, teacher, school psychologist, coach, clergy, school resource officer or friend.

If you are worried about being a victim of violence, get someone in authority to protect you. Do not resort to violence or use a weapon to protect yourself.

The key to really preventing violent behavior is asking an experienced professional for help. The most important thing to remember is to not go it alone and to take any signs or threats seriously.

Dealing with anger

It's normal to feel angry or frustrated when you've been let down or betrayed. But anger and frustration don't justify violent action. Anger is a strong emotion that can be difficult to keep in check, but the right response is to always stay cool.

Here are some ways to deal with anger without resorting to violence:

Learn to talk about your feelings — if you're afraid to talk or if you can't find the right words to describe what you're going through, find a trusted friend or adult to help you one-on-one.

Express yourself calmly — express criticism, disappointment, anger or displeasure without losing your temper or fighting. Ask yourself if your response is safe and reasonable.

Listen to others — listen carefully and respond without getting upset when someone gives you negative feedback. Ask yourself if you can really see the other person's point of view.

Negotiate — work out your problems with someone else by looking at alternative solutions and compromises.

Take a self time-out and calm yourself down before you respond to the situation or person who is triggering your anger.

Anger is part of life, but you can free yourself from the cycle of violence by learning to talk about your feelings. Be strong. Be safe. Be cool.

Are you at risk for violent behavior?

If you recognize any of these signs for violent behavior in yourself, talk with someone who can help, a friend, but especially an adult you trust.

You don't have to live with the guilt, sadness and frustration that comes from hurting others.

Admitting you have a concern about hurting others is the first step. The second is to talk to a trusted adult such as a school counselor or psychologist, teacher, family member, friend or clergy. They can get you in touch with a licensed mental health professional who cares and can help.

Controlling your own risk for violent behavior

Everyone feels anger in his or her own way. Start managing it by recognizing how anger feels to you.

When you are angry, you probably feel:

Muscle tension

Accelerated heartbeat

A "knot" or "butterflies" in your stomach

Changes in your breathing


Goose bumps

Flushed in the face

You can reduce the rush of adrenaline that's responsible for your heart beating faster, your voice sounding louder and your fists clenching if you:

Take a few slow, deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing.

Imagine yourself at the beach, by a lake, or anywhere that makes you feel calm and peaceful.

Try other thoughts or actions that have helped you relax in the past.

Keep telling yourself:

"Calm down."

"I don't need to prove myself."

"I'm not going to let him/her get to me."

Stop. Consider the consequences. Think before you act. Try to find positive or neutral explanations for what that person did that provoked you. Don't argue in front of other people. Make your goal to defeat the problem, not the other person. Learn to recognize what sets you off and how anger feels to you. Learn to think through the benefits of controlling your anger and the consequences of losing control. Most of all, stay cool and think. Only you have the power to control your own violent behavior. Don't let anger control you.

Violence against self

Some people who have trouble dealing with their feelings don't react by lashing out at others. Instead, they direct violence toward themselves. The most final and devastating expression of this kind of violence is suicide. Like people who are violent toward others, potential suicide victims often behave in recognizable ways before they try to end their lives. Suicide, like other forms of violence, is preventable. The two most important steps in prevention are recognizing warning signs and getting help. Warning signs of potential self-violence may include:

Previous suicide attempts

Significant alcohol or drug use

Threatening or communicating thoughts of suicide, death, dying or the afterlife

Sudden increase in moodiness, withdrawal or isolation

Major change in eating or sleeping habits

Feelings of hopelessness, guilt or worthlessness

Poor control over behavior

Impulsive, aggressive behavior

Drop in quality of school performance or interest

Lack of interest in usual activity

Getting into trouble with authority figures


Giving away important possessions

Hinting at not being around in the future or saying good-bye

Feeling like a burden to others

These warning signs are especially noteworthy in the context of:

A recent death or suicide of a friend or family member

A recent break-up with a boyfriend or girlfriend or conflict with parents

News reports of other suicides by young people in the same school or community

Often, suicidal thinking comes from a wish to end deep psychological pain. But keep in mind that pain often diminishes and feelings change. There are almost always options to something as final as suicide. Sometimes we just need some help to see them.

If a friend mentions suicide, take it seriously. Listen carefully and then seek help immediately. Never keep their talk of suicide a secret, even if they ask you to. Remember, you risk losing that person forever.

When you recognize the warning signs for suicidal behavior, do something about it. Tell a trusted adult what you have seen or heard. Get help from a licensed mental health professional as soon as possible. They can help work out the problems that seem so unsolvable but, in fact, are not.

Take a stand against violence.

About this guide

The original Warning Signs of Youth Violence guide was co-produced by the APA and MTV in 1999 to help young people recognize when a classmate or friend might be a potential danger to themselves or others. The project was launched with the airing of a 30-minute MTV special, called "Warning Signs" on April 22, 1999. "Warning Signs" was the first major piece of programming in "Fight for Your Rights: Take a Stand Against Violence," MTV's 1999 pro-social campaign. Over the past decade, APA’s grassroots network of psychologist worked in communities to provide information on the warning signs of youth violence by organizing video viewing and discussion programs and giving media interviews and presentations.

In January 2013, the Warni ng Signs of Youth Violence guide was updated with assistance from the following psychologists:

пятница, 5 декабря 2014 г.

Dating ariane


Biographie [ modifier | modifier le code ]

Elle est la fille du realisateur Raoul Andre et de l'actrice Louise Carletti. Apres son BAC A2 au lycee Janson-de-Sailly elle suit des etudes simultanees a l'Universite Paris Descartes ou elle obtient en 1977 un DEUG de psychologie, et d'art dramatique au Cours Florent .

Parallelement au theatre, elle fait ses debuts a la television en 1980 sur la demande de Jacqueline Joubert alors Directrice des programmes jeunesse de la seconde chaine, qui cherche quelqu'un pour remplacer un mercredi apres-midi Dorothee dans Recre A2 . bloquee sur le tournage du film Pile ou face de Robert Enrico. C'est ainsi qu'Ariane integre l'equipe de la celebre emission jeunesse d'Antenne 2 dont elle devient une animatrice recurrente tout au long des annees 1980. Elle participe egalement a l'emission musicale Discopuce dans laquelle elle chante avec Dorothee et les animateurs de l'emission, toutes les chansons traditionnelles francaises, reunies sur les nombreux albums du Jardin des Chansons .

A partir de 1987. sa carriere prend de l'ampleur grace a la presentation du Club Dorothee sur TF1. dont elle deviendra une figure emblematique.

Durant dix ans, Ariane sera la comparse de Dorothee. Dynamique, elle excelle dans son role de « bras droit » de Dorothee qu'elle seconde en imposant sa personnalite detonante, tout en sachant s'effacer quand il le faut.

Elle participe a toutes les emissions de Dorothee, notamment les nombreux prime time de l'animatrice ainsi qu'a l'emission caritative Le Noel de l'amitie .

Ariane presentera egalement sa propre emission, en duo avec Jacky. Il s'agit du Club mini . un rendez-vous matinal pour les tout-petits diffuse sur TF1 entre 1990 et 1996.

Au debut des annees 1990. elle se produit sur scene a Paris, pendant les fetes de Noel, entouree de ses camarades du Club Dorothee (Jacky, Corbier, Patrick et Helene) pour jouer dans plusieurs comedies musicales : Les Bisounours . Retour a Diguedondaine et Rock'n'Twist .

A partir de 1993. Ariane devient auteur de chansons et participe a l'ecriture des deux albums de son poulain : Anthony Dupray. publies en 1994 et 1996.

A la fin du Club Dorothee . en 1997. elle cree Trinore, une societe de production, avec son mari Remy Sarrazin. ex-bassiste des Muscles. Elle est egalement directrice de collection chez JLA Holding .

Pendant ses dix annees sans animation, elle devient Directrice litteraire et Productrice Artistique chez JLA et s'occupe de nombreuses fictions ( L'Instit . Le Groupe . SOS 18 . Baie des flamboyants ).

En 2002. Elle tourne pour la television avec Roger Hanin dans Ne meurs pas . une fiction de 90 minutes realisee par Jose Pinheiro et diffusee sur France 2 .

Ariane fait son retour a la television en compagnie de Dorothee. Jacky et Patrick sur la chaine IDF1 (creee par Jean-Luc Azoulay ) a partir du 20 mars 2008. Elle y anime plusieurs programmes avec ses partenaires, notamment Choisissez vos animateurs dont elle est la conceptrice, ainsi que Pas de pitie pour le net une emission presentee par Dorothee et dans laquelle elle est chroniqueuse avec Jacky et Patrick Puydebat entre autres.

En decembre 2008, Ariane participe egalement a la presentation de l'emission caritative Le Noel de l'amitie .

En 2008 et 2009, elle anime, seule, une emission de dating intitulee Le Grand Amour .

Elle quitte la chaine IDF1 en janvier 2010 mais y apparait episodiquement lors d'evenement speciaux ou de simples clins d'?il amicaux.

Le 18 decembre 2010 elle a interprete son tube Dragon Ball Z sur la scene de Bercy lors de la premiere partie du concert de Dorothee .

Ariane apparait dans le film Je m'appelle Bernadette . sorti le 30 novembre 2011. realise par Jean Sagols et dans lequel elle donne la replique a Francis Huster .

Discographie [ modifier | modifier le code ]

Firefox - The game works fine offline with the latest version of Firefox, in fact that is what I was using to create and test the game.

Internet Explorer - When you start the game you will get a popup mesage, click on "Allow Blocked Content" and it will work fine.

Google Chrome - You need to add a command line flag "--allow-file-access-from-file" Here's how in Windows and Linux and Mac .

Apple Safari - I don't have a Mac, but a possible fix can be found here.

Opera - Type the following in the command bar: opera:config#UserPrefs|AllowFileXMLHttpRequest

There are many other fixes for all browsers found here .

Japanese Dating Sims

When I originally created my Dating Sim, I thought I was being original. I knew about games like The Sims that had dating scenarios in them, and I knew about interactive stories, adventure games, and the “choose your own adventure” books, but I figured that my combining all these elements together was an original concept.

It wasn’t too long after releasing the first version that I discovered I was wrong. A whole genre of “Dating Sims” had risen and declined in the decade before my game. My ignorance can be forgiven since all of this happened in Japan, and nowhere else.

Before I go on about the Japanese Dating Sims, I should point out that the Japanese never called them “Dating Sims”. They have Bishoujo games (beautiful girls), and Ren’ai (romance) games, both categories do not necessarily mean “dating” as literally as I took it.

The term caught on, because the Ren’ai games released in the early 90’s like Tokimeki Memorial . True Love 95 . and a bunch more relationship games seem sto have “getting a date” as a major objective . These are just some of the ones known here in the US. In Japan there have been hundreds of these titles.

A well known sub genre of the Dating Sim is “Eroge ” (Erotic game, aka hentai game. or H-game), and Dating Sims themselves are part of a broader genre known as Visual Novels, which I’ll discuss in a future post.

I do not know what is considered to be the first “dating sim”, the early H-game Dokyusei (1992) seems as good a candidate as any. Games with sex and nudity existed before, but it was just straight porn or “strip poker” type games. Dokyusei actually had plot and a gaming objective before the sex and nudity came into play. Like many early titles, eventually non-H versions would appear on consoles, and even Anime based on the game would be made.

I do know that Tokimeki Memorial is the first real breakout title, released in 1994. It was an all ages program from the beginning, and its gaming style influence many titles to come. It and numerous sequels, have been released onto many consoles and even on cell phones. Another breakout was True Love (1995) another “eroge” title. An MS-DOS version in English was released in the US with nudity intact in 1999.

Before you go track these down, most all the characters in these games are “manga” style drawn characters. This convention has largely remained throughout the visual novel genre, which is probably why the genre has never caught on outside Japan.

The general settings of these games are also very Japanese. The most common setting is Japanese prep school, and all the girls are in school uniforms. The games start out letting you pick what kind of character you are RPG style where you distribute points between, looks, charm and intelligence. As you move through the school, you meet many girls, and the object is to find girls that your style allows you to “score” with which you must do by the end of a set time period, usually a semester or school year.

It is not always a school setting, but there is always some arbitrary time limit involved. The games usually also involve many different possible endings making the games re-playable. Even though the settings often differed, the formula did not.

After about a decade, the formula got tired, and the popularity declined except for small cult followings. Recently a resurgence has been happening as video game makers have been interested in games for pre-teen and teen girls they have dusted off the old formula, removed the eroge stuff, and reversed the genders making games where girls have to get boys. These are called “Otome ” or GxB Dating Sims. Gay themed dating games exist as well, but only from indie sources.

College Romance – A simple flash romance virtual novel, PG-13 contains adult situations but not nudity.

Sim Girl – A flash game that pretty much includes all the stereotypical Japanese dating scenarios, including the H ending.

True Love 95 – The ms-dos game in english, in all of its 256 color glory, downloadable for free. Contains a reg file to allow it to run in windows. In vista or 7 see this note .

Dating Sims at NewGrounds – A big collection of flash H-dating sims, most are probably crap.

Wonderland Days – A PG rated Otome dating sim for girls.

Similarities and Differences with Ariane’s Dating Simulator

While mine is made up of rendered 3D while most of these are hand/computer drawn, the idea that live photos would be way too creepy is a shared idea. Like mine, most all of these Date Sims adhere to the first person perspective (I thought I was being very original here, but I was just like everybody else). All dating sims, including mine, occasionally pause the plot for some mini game or puzzle you have to solve to go on. Mostly still images mixed with occasional animation, is also a shared trait. The biggest alike quality is of course the multiple possible ending scenarios.

The key differences: Most dating sims allow you to pursue multiple girls, while mine is limited to one. The advantages of the first is you can construct multiple personality types, mine is stuck with one type. Other dating sims go on for pages before you have to make a branching decision, while mine has multiple branching decisions every other page. The advantage of the first method is that you can actually tell a story, mine has to be designed with small story elements that can be told out of order thus sacrificing any semblance of plot. Another key difference, all other dating sims are made up of “sprite” images overlapped on still backgrounds, while mine are all fully rendered stills. Their method is a lot less work, believe me.

The biggest original concept on my part (and I wouldn’t recommend it to others) is to code the whole thing in html/javascript. There are free programs out there that automate the whole process for people interested in making your own.

The Dating Sim Formula in Other Game Genres

As games have gotten more complex over the years, the Dating Sim seems to have gotten demoted from genre to story element. One cannot play these Japanese Dating Sims without being reminded of Leisure Suit Larry games for example, though that series was more arcade skill oriented and linear stories. While The Sims added Hot Date in 2001, it was The Sims 2 expansion pack Night Life that included simulated dates where you had a certain amount of time to impress your date or lose a bunch of friendship points.

But the most complete inclusion of the Dating Sim element into a larger game I have seen is Dragon Age: Origins . where an optional sub plot of the game involves getting friendly, or better yet romantically involved, with your party NPCs. Like the above Dating Sims, this usually involves chatting them up, and responding in ways that gets them to approve, as well as buying them gifts and doing special personal favors for them. No doubt these formulas show up in other RPG games, but DA:O is the most obvious example.

If Ariane asks for comfortable, fashionable, and sexy,

choose a straplesss bra and thong.

If Ariane asks for inexpensive, comfortable, and sexy,

choose braless and classic style.

If Ariane asks for comfortable, fashionable, and inexpensive,

choose sports bra and boyshorts.

If Ariane asks for inexpensive, fashionable, and sexy,

choose wonderbra and bottomless.

Ariane said "I'm here with a date. I'll let him decide

what we should do."

54. (click on Rebecca) Agree to drinks at the club

with Ariane and Rebecca.

At the nightclub, Rebecca says "Wow, Ariane! You look

fabulous! We should get together sometime!"

Ariane said "That might be fun. I'll have to check my

schedule and e-mail you."

55. (click on Ariane) Ask Ariane to dance,

56. (click) Go back to the bar,

57. (click on the bar) Buy the next round of drinks,

Rebecca says "Ariane, would you like to dance?

Maybe we can show these boys how its done !"

Ariane said "Okay, I think I'll give it a shot!

62. (click to drive the girls home)

Back at Ariane's home,

Ariane said "Want to come in for a nightcap?"

Rebecca says "Sure lets keep the party going"

63. (click) Stay for a drink,

Rebecca says "So this is your house? Seems a bit small."

Ariane said "It's big enough for me, and

it has a large backyard, which I love."

64. (click) Have a drink,

Rebecca says "I'm feeling really tired, may not make it home.

Dating Ariane Game Solution

Do you need help with the Dating Ariane Game . Have you arrived further enough?

An anonymous (thx Nacho, hehe) has just sent me the clues/steps for the Dating Ariane Game Solution:

Poem, compliment, cheeck kiss.

Mouth Kiss, Touch Hair

Music:soft rock, Mouth Kiss, Neck Dip

Go to Kitchen, Fridge, Wine

Drink Wine, Click on chairs to see stars

Get right the questions: google copernicus (center, left), aries (left, middle-top), tri? ngulus (center, middle-left) and sea of tranquillity (center, middle-right)

Flash boobies, Click on terrace table, talk, compliment, eat, drink

Swimming pool, go out from pool (not repeat swimming)

Hot Tub, Mouth Kiss, Wine, Play Truth or Dare

First Truth (you have never f**k on a hot tub), Second (she) Truth (ask whatever you want), Third (you) Dare, Fourth (she) Dare: Undress Top

Here you have two different ends:

Dare (you) and Dare (she), undress bottom

Drink wine, french kiss, massage shoulders, grab bubs, lick nipples, massage low back (tummy), massage thights (legs), brab ass, finger


Dare (you) and Dare (she), go to a shop dressed only with a towel

You are on the car, click on the towel (she will enter on the shop withou for $20)

Buy snacks, come back to car, beer


Here you are. The “Prized Solution” for the Dating Ariane Game by arianeb. com

вторник, 2 декабря 2014 г.

Dating decision maker

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Sample Letter of Intent

For an explanation of this agreement see Information File Overview of Letters of Intent File .








The purpose of this Letter of Intent (“Letter”) is to set forth certain non-binding understandings and certain binding commitments between ____________________, (“Acquirer”) and [ list names of owners ] . owners of 100% of the capital stock of ______________________, (“Target”), with respect to a proposed transaction in which Acquirer, or its affiliate, will purchase all of the capital stock of Target. For purposes of this Letter, Target, each of its shareholders, and Acquirer are sometimes collectively referred to as “parties” and individually as a “party.”

The terms of the acquisition will be more particularly set forth in a purchase agreement and one or more definitive agreements (collectively “Definitive Agreements”) to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. This Letter outlines the proposed transaction based on each party’s present understanding of the current condition of the assets and business operations of Target. In particular, Acquirer understands that Target owns all of the land, buildings, equipment, rolling stock, and other assets consisting of the facility in [city and state of facility/assets] and that [list names of shareholders] collectively own 100% of the outstanding shares of capital stock of Target. [List names of shareholders] understand that Acquirer may assign its rights under this Letter.

The following numbered paragraphs 1 - 4 of Part One constitute a general outline of the proposed transaction, the purchase price, key ancillary agreements, and important conditions. The provisions shall be included in the Definitive Agreements, but in all instances shall be subject to and contingent upon the parties reaching agreement on the Definitive Agreements and the terms and conditions set forth in the Definitive Agreements. The parties expressly state their intention that this Letter as a whole, and paragraphs 1 through 4 of Part One, in particular, do not and shall not constitute a legal and binding obligation, contract, or agreement between any of the parties, are not intended to be an extensive summary of all of the terms and conditions of the proposed acquisition or the Definitive Agreements. The parties do, however, expressly intend that paragraphs 5 through 10 of Part Two of this Letter, upon acceptance by [list names of shareholders] . Target and Acquirer, shall constitute the parties’ agreements with respect to the procedures for negotiation and preparation of the Definitive Agreements.


1. Acquisition of the Stock . Subject to (1) the satisfactory results of a due diligence inspection by Acquirer (as provided in paragraph 5) and the making of any agreed upon adjustments to the acquisition price reflecting the assets, liabilities (both known and contingent), finances, and business operations of Target, and (2) the ability of Acquirer to secure adequate debt financing to acquire the capital stock for the purchase price (as defined below) and adequately capitalize the business to operate Target’s business, and (3) also subject to the conditions, agreements, and undertakings referred to below in this Letter, Acquirer will purchase all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Target.

Acquirer will purchase the capital stock for a purchase price of $___________________ (“Purchase Price”) subject to the provisions of this Letter. $________________ of the Purchase Price will be paid in cash on the date of acquisition (“closing”). Acquirer will pay the remaining $____________ portion of the Purchase Price over a five-year period under a subordinated note secured by a pledge of Target stock with the following terms and other terms that may be agreed to by the parties and subject to senior lender approval: (1) the annual rate of interest on the unpaid portion shall be ______%; (2) payments shall be made quarterly with the first payment being an interest only payment in the amount of $___________; (3) payments 2 through ___ shall be interest and principal payments each in the amount of $__________; (4) Acquirer may prepay the note at any time without penalty; and (5) in the event of default, [list names of shareholders] may take actions necessary to protect their interest.

2. Consulting Agreement; Non-Compete; Board Seat. At closing, [list names of shareholders] will each enter into a ____-month consulting agreement providing for compensation of $_____/day and reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses when their services are requested by Acquirer. In a separate agreement, and except for providing services to benefit Acquirer, [list names of shareholders] will also each agree not to be involved in any way with the [list type of business that shareholders cannot engage in] until the earlier of Acquirer discontinuing operations or ___ years from the date of closing.

[List names of shareholders] will also be entitled to appoint one director to the Board of Acquirer until the Purchase Price is paid in full. If [list names of shareholders] wish to appoint someone other than one of them, that appointment must be mutually agreed to by all parties. This right extends into any entity that Acquirer merges into or otherwise assigns its rights in this Letter.

3. Preparation of Definitive Agreements. The parties will negotiate the terms and begin preparation of the Definitive Agreements that will govern the Acquirer’s proposed acquisition of the capital stock. To the extent appropriate for transactions of this type and size, the Definitive Agreements will contain customary representations, warranties, covenants, indemnities, and other agreements of the parties, including, but not limited to: (1) representations and warranties related to each party’s power and authority to enter into the Definitive Agreements and perform its obligations thereunder; (2) representation and warranty by [ list names of shareholders ] that the accounts receivable plus cash, less accounts payable, of Target will be equal to or greater than $___________ on the day prior to closing; (3) ownership and title to the capital stock of Target (and that such interest will be conveyed free and clear of all encumbrances); (4) various representations and warranties concerning Target and Acquirer such as due organization, good standing, the absence of violation of other agreements and laws, the accuracy of financial information being relied upon, and other matters customary for transactions of this sort; (5) indemnities from [ list names of shareholders ] in favor of Acquirer against all claims and liabilities with respect to breach of such representations and warranties concerning their ownership interest in the capital stock of Target in favor of Acquirer against all claims and liabilities with respect to breach of such representations and warranties; (6) indemnities from [list names of shareholders] in favor of Acquirer for environmental liability caused prior to the date of closing and an indemnity from Acquirer in favor of [list names of shareholders] for environmental liability caused after the date of closing; and (7) indemnities from Acquirer in favor of [list names of shareholders] against all claims and liabilities with respect to breach of Acquirer’s representations and warranties.

The Definitive Agreements are expected to include, without limitation: (1) a purchase and sale agreement to govern Acquirer’s acquisition of the capital stock, (2) a promissory note, (3) a consulting agreement, (4) a non-compete agreement, and (5) any other agreements necessary or desirable in connection with any of the foregoing arrangements or any transaction contemplated herein.

4. Conditions Precedent to the Closing of Proposed Acquisition. The Definitive Agreements shall include customary conditions precedent generally applicable to an acquisition of the nature and size of the transactions contemplated by this Letter, each of which must be satisfied prior to the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby. In general, the closing of the proposed acquisition and the obligations of each party under the Definitive Agreements will be subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent, which shall include but not be limited to:

Satisfactory Results of Due Diligence. The satisfactory completion of due diligence investigation and acquisition audit by Acquirer (as provided in paragraph 5) showing that the assets of Target and any actual or contingent liabilities against those assets, and the prospective business operations by Acquirer of Target’s business are substantially the same as currently understood by Acquirer as of the date of this Letter (determined without regard to any documents which Target or any party may have previously delivered to Acquirer).

Compliance. Satisfactory determination that the acquisition and prospective business operations by Acquirer of Target’s business will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including antitrust and competition laws.

Consents and Approvals. The approval and consent of the Definitive Agreements by the respective Boards of Target and Acquirer and the receipt of the consents and approvals from all governmental entities, utility providers, railways, material vendors, lenders, landlords, customers, and other parties that are necessary or appropriate to the acquisition of the capital stock and for the prospective business operation by Acquirer, and the receipt of all necessary governmental approvals including the expiration or termination of all required waiting periods.

Absence of Material Litigation or Adverse Change. There must be no pending or threatened material claims or litigation involving Target, and no material adverse change in the business prospects of Acquirer operating Target’s business.

Delivery of Legal Opinions. Customary legal opinions must be delivered, the content of which shall be mutually agreed upon.

Successful Financing. Acquirer must secure the debt and equity financing necessary to acquire the capital stock of Target.

Environmental. An environmental inspection by a licensed environmental inspection firm contracted by Acquirer must show the assets of Target to be free from significant environmental liabilities. Acquirer shall be given access to the property of Target and documents as necessary for Acquirer and its agents to conduct the inspection and prepare the reports at the Acquirer’ cost. [List names of shareholders] and Target shall represent and warrant as a condition of closing that to the best of their knowledge there are no material adverse environmental liabilities associated with Target or the property it owns.


In consideration of the costs to be borne by each party in pursuing the acquisition and sale contemplated by this Letter and in consideration of the mutual undertakings by the parties as to the matters described in this Letter, upon execution of counterparts of this Letter by each party, the following paragraphs 5 through 10 will constitute legally binding and enforceable agreements of the parties regarding the procedures for the negotiation and preparation of the Definitive Agreements.

5. Due Diligence. From the date of acceptance by the parties of the terms of this Letter, until the negotiations are terminated as provided in paragraph 9 of this Letter, Target will give Acquirer and Acquirer’s management personnel, legal counsel, accountants, and technical and financial advisors full access and opportunity to inspect, investigate, and audit the books, records, contracts, and other documents of Target as it relates to Target’s business and all of Target’s assets and liabilities (actual or contingent), including, without limitation, inspecting Target’s property and conducting additional environmental inspections of property and reviewing financial records, contracts, operating plans, and other business records for the purposes of evaluating issues related to the operation of Target’s business. Target further agrees to provide Acquirer with such additional information as may be reasonably requested pertaining to Target’s business and assets to the extent reasonably necessary to complete the Definitive Agreements.

6. Confidentiality. By their signature below, each party agrees to keep in strict confidence all information regarding the terms of the proposed acquisition of the capital stock, except to the extent Acquirer must disclose information to lenders and equity partners to obtain necessary debt and equity financing. If this proposal is terminated as provided in paragraph 9, each party upon request will promptly return to the other party all documents, contracts, records, or other information received by it that disclose or embody confidential information of the other party. Acquirer agrees to keep all material and information provided to it, under paragraph 5 above, confidential and to promptly return the same to Target upon termination of this Letter. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive termination of the agreements set forth in paragraphs 5 through 10.

7. Public Disclosure. No party will make any public disclosure or issue any press releases pertaining to the existence of this Letter or to the proposed acquisition and sale between the parties without having first obtained the consent of the other parties, except for communications with employees, customers, suppliers, governmental agencies, and other groups as may be legally required or necessary or appropriate (i. e. any securities filings or notices), and which are not inconsistent with the prompt consummation of the transactions contemplated in this Letter. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive termination of the agreements set forth in paragraphs 5 through 10.

8. Disclaimer of Liabilities. Except for breach of any confidentiality provisions hereof, no party to this Letter shall have any liability to any other party for any liabilities, losses, damages (whether special, incidental, or consequential), costs, or expenses incurred by the party in the event the negotiations among the parties are terminated as provided in paragraph 9. Except to the extent otherwise provided in any Definitive Agreement entered into by the parties, each party shall be solely responsible for its own expenses, legal fees, and consulting fees related to the negotiations described in this Letter, whether or not any of the transactions contemplated in this Letter are consummated.

9. TERMINATION. Except for the provisions set forth in paragraphs 5 through 10 of Part Two, each party hereby reaffirms its intention that this Letter as a whole, and paragraphs 1 through 4, in particular, are not intended to constitute, and shall not constitute, a legal and binding obligation, contract or agreement between any of the parties, and are not intended to be relied upon by any party as constituting such. Accordingly, the parties agree that any party to this Letter may unilaterally withdraw from negotiation or dealing at any time for any or no reason at the withdrawing party’s sole discretion by notifying the other party of the withdrawal in writing. If any party withdraws from dealing or negotiation prior to ___________, or fails to negotiate in good faith, or if each party hereto has not entered into the Purchase Agreement by _________________, then any obligation to negotiate and prepare the Definitive Agreements or otherwise deal with any other party to this Letter, and the agreements of the parties set forth in paragraphs 5 through 10 shall immediately terminate and Target(s) shall retain the deposit described in paragraph 10. It is agreed, however, that the terms of any Purchase Agreement or other Definitive Agreements entered into by the parties controls over the right to withdraw from dealing or negotiations in this paragraph.

10. Acquirer Exclusive Opportunity; Deposit. [List names of shareholders] agree that none of them nor any of their affiliates will pursue, solicit, or discuss any opportunities for any party other than Acquirer to acquire or otherwise control the capital stock of Target until this Letter is terminated by Acquirer or mutually by Acquirer and [list names of shareholders] or any of the events in paragraph 9 do not occur by the dates stated and [list names of shareholders] notify Acquirer in writing that they are pursuing other buyers for the capital stock. In consideration for this exclusive opportunity, Acquirer will pay to [list names of shareholders] . collectively, a $__________ deposit upon the execution by them of this Letter. The deposit is non-refundable but will be applied to the Purchase Price at closing.

If the terms of this Letter are agreeable to you, please sign a copy of this Letter and return a signed copy to me at _____________________ by no later than noon on _________________, followed by a mailed original signed copy. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same document. Upon acceptance of the binding provisions of this Letter (those provisions set forth in paragraphs 5 through 10) by each party, the parties will negotiate in good faith to prepare and enter into Definitive Agreements to govern the proposed acquisition and sale, subject to the termination provisions set forth in paragraph 9.

Should you have any questions, please contact me at the phone number listed above.


Joe R. Thompson, 612-367-8736, Barnes & Thornburg, LLP, 225 S 6th Street, Suite 2800, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Sources: Pat Bowlen no longer Broncos' major decision maker amid "memory loss" questions

Pat Bowlen.

For months commentators have been engaged in a coded whisper campaign about Denver Broncos owner Pat Bowlen's health and diminished role in the organization. As the 2-6 team staggers into a bye week amid raging concerns about its leadership, talk about Bowlen's admitted "short-term memory loss problems" and low profile has intensified, even as club officials insist that everything's fine. Nonetheless, knowledgeable sources tell Westword Bowlen is no longer the team's major decision maker on key subjects.

The rumor mill started grinding in earnest last year, after Bowlen informed Denver Post columnist Woody Paige that his memory isn't what it used to be and that he was even having trouble recalling details of the Broncos' championship seasons in the late 1990s. Never the most accessible of NFL owners, Bowlen has granted few audiences to journalists since that exchange; his last interview was more than nine months ago.

The revelation prompted other writers less obeisant than Paige to ask whether the memory problems had played a part in the acrimonious Jay Cutler trade. Cutler insisted he'd responded to Bowlen's efforts to contact him during the tense standoff; Bowlen recalled no such thing. On his ESPN blog, Rick Reilly wondered whether the owner's slippery recall "and other curious goings-on " in Bronco management would cost the team for years to come.

A little forgetfulness is part of the aging process, of course, but even Paige has intimated that it may be something more serious. After the Broncos' collapse in London last week, his column on the debacle fueled more online chatter about the boss by hinting at the degree to which the organization has closed ranks around him: "Bowlen stood quietly on the sideline at the end of the loss Sunday night and did not talk to the media afterward. He has medical issues, and is maintaining a much lower profile (read: no profile at all) this season."

That's not quite accurate, according to team spokesman Patrick Smyth. "Mr. Bowlen is heavily involved in all matters of the organization and remains a key figure on several NFL committees," Smyth wrote in an e-mail to Westword . "He does, however, maintain a less visible role with regard to interviews and media appearances."

But Bowlen's involvement in the team's current woes may be much more limited than most fans suspect. According to two sources knowledgeable about front-office operations, Broncos chief operating officer Joe Ellis, who was deeply enmeshed in the firing of head coach Mike Shanahan and the hiring of Josh McDaniels, is now the team's major decision maker on most, if not all, key financial and management questions.

Ellis puts an upbeat spin on Bowlen's vanishing act in an interview with Mike Klis in today's Post . insisting that Bowlen is "doing well," is still active in day-to-day operations and "speaks to the coach every day." There's clearly a concerted effort to present the transition of power as Bowlen's call: "He's elected at this point in his life to step back and not be in the spotlight as much as he was," Ellis tells Klis. But all these assurances by the new voice of management only raise more questions about why the owner isn't speaking for himself.

Since buying the team from Edgar Kaiser and other interests in 1984, Bowlen has been a driving force in shaping the Broncos into one of the most-prized (and most-scrutinized) franchises in the NFL. Even if he chose to go public with what Paige cryptically refers to as his "medical issues," it's doubtful that such a move would put the speculation to rest.

Yet it seems particularly unfortunate that, at a time when the Broncos seem to hitting depths of disarray they haven't seen for years, the man who steered them through so many good and great moments is -- for whatever reason -- silent and sidelined.

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Casual sexual relationship

A casual sexual relationship . casual relationship . or casual dating . is a physical and emotional relationship between two people who may have casual sex or a near-sexual relationship without necessarily demanding or expecting the extra commitments of a more formal romantic relationship. Motives for casual relationships vary. [ 1 ] There are significant gender and cultural differences in acceptance of and breadth of casual relationships, [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] as well as in regrets about action/inaction in those relationships. [ 6 ]

A casual relationship may be part-time, or for a limited time. It may or may not entail partner-exclusivity. In each case, the relationship's dominance in the lives of those involved is being voluntarily limited, and there is usually a sense that the relationship is intended to endure only so long as both parties wish it to. Casual relationships sometimes include mutual support, affection and enjoyment, which underpin other forms of loving relationship. [ citation needed ]

People in a casual sexual relationship are sometimes referred to as "friends with benefits", but the terms may differ in that the latter term carries less of the implication of relations beyond sexual activity. A one-night stand is also different, as a casual sexual relationship extends beyond a single sexual encounter. Nonetheless, these concepts are similar to a casual sexual relationship in that the sex is generally focused on fulfilling sexual desires rather than romantic/emotional needs. [ citation needed ]

Friends With Ex: Should You Be Friends With Your Ex Post-Split?

A big, looming question after the breakup seems to be, "Can we still be friends?" Unfortunately the answer is probably no. There are several reasons for this, but first and foremost is that even after the most amicable breakup, the people involved need some time so they can work through their feelings and sift through the ruins of the relationship. Even if it was not an emotional high-wire act, as many breakups are, there needs to be time apart to break the bond of "the couple."

Each person needs to separate and go back to being an individual and lose the "couple" identity. Each person needs to do their work and become an individual once again. Each needs to deal with the breakup in their own way, apart from the scrutiny of the person they just broke up with. Most people cannot remain friends after a breakup, but if it ever is to be, it will be later. much later. The atmosphere immediately following a breakup is too emotionally charged for it to happen right away, if at all.

Sometimes both people are okay with the breakup and try to be friends too early. I know one couple who had dinner every now and again after they broke up. They told everyone they were "friends" and liked to check in now and again. One night, about two months after the breakup, the dinner turned into a teary shouting match.

Neither was prepared for it but both were moving onto other people and the revelation at dinner brought up all kinds of emotions that neither knew were there. If you're going to be friends -- ever -- the first six months is probably not the time, no matter how amicable it seems on the surface.

The person who pushes to be friends is usually the one who has unfinished business but doesn't want to own that or doesn't want the responsibility of the relationship, but is unwilling to completely relinquish the ex. That is a selfish motive and not fair to the other person. Do your work and let the other person do their work and heal. It is not fair to string someone along as a "friend" because you can't deal with the pain of having them out of your life completely.

As with any post-breakup dealings with the ex: examine your motives. A coworker recently said to me, "I want to be friends after the breakup and she doesn't. She's a terrific person and I don't want her out of my life."

If you're the one who is asking to be friends, examine your motives. Are you trying to avoid your grief? Are you playing a game? Are you unwilling to really break all ties but don't want the relationship either? Do you want benefits without responsibility? Do you want to hurt someone else because you don't want to be in a relationship but you don't want to let go completely either? If so, that's dysfunctional and wrong.

Some people can't do endings. If you can't do endings (if you're still friends with absolutely everyone you've gone out with), you might need to think about that. Others just don't end things because they don't know how. If your ex is one of those, don't let him or her lead the way. Take charge of ending it and not remaining friends.

If you are the one who isn't able to end things, don't inject your inability to come to terms with the end of the relationship on the other person. It's simply not fair. Yes, she's hurt. You're making things worse. If you truly think she is terrific, then let this terrific person have her space to heal. You cannot have it both ways. Leave it alone.

If your ex is asking you to be friends, don't let him or her manipulate or guilt you into it. Your healing is what matters, not impressing your ex with your ability to be okay with the friends thing. It's okay if you don't want to be friends. It's more than okay, it's healthy. So, if you're the person who is being asked, say no. Short and sweet. Pure and simple.

Don't try to explain or rationalize -- just say no or maybe no, not now. The problem with saying "not now" is that it will usually be followed by "When?" and you just don't know. No is a one-word sentence. Say it and then go. No further explanation necessary. Again, being friends with your ex can be a minefield. Don't try to cross it in the early stages of the breakup.

The early stage is about you taking care of you. You need time and space to heal. Be good to you and the healing will happen.

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Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.

понедельник, 1 декабря 2014 г.

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Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.


Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.

Dating перевод русский

Международный сайт знакомств с иностранцами

Знакомства с иностранцами

Бесплатный международный сайт знакомств с иностранцами Portal Dating - идеальное место для приятного общения, созданное для женщин и девушек, желающих бесплатно завести хорошие международные знакомства с иностранцами. Наш датинг сайт знакомств создан для поиска серьезных отношений и не содержит фальшивых анкет, писем и людей. Анкеты никому не продаются, Вы бесплатно и безопасно общаетесь с реальными мужчинами, которые желают обрести реальные серьезные отношения с русскими женщинами и девушками, желающими выйти замуж за иностранца.

Прекрасные дамы, имеющие желание завести серьезные отношения с мужчиной, помните и соблюдайте главное датинг правило - не смотря на ваше финансовое положение, никогда не просите у него денег, даже если вас специально провоцируют, вас проверяют и просто добавят в черный список. Переписываясь с иностранцем, не пренебрегайте использовать дополнительные функции нашего международного сайта знакомств - начните общаться с понравившемся вам мужчиной по телефону или используйте web-камеру. После этого вы точно для себя решите продолжать вам общение или нет. Не давайте конкретных обещаний до личной встречи с потенциальным мужем. Ситуация, когда женщина почти готова к свадьбе и даже выбрала свадебный наряд, а любимый мужчина иностранец оказался не таким, как в виртуальной реальности, случается очень часто. Приглашайте иностранных мужчин в свой город, но не к себе в дом, потому как, любителей пожить в удовольствие за счет женщины и отправиться к следующей может найтись не мало.

С помощью Portal Dating, завести бесплатные международные знакомства с иностранцами. не составит большого труда. Вы, регистрируетесь на нашем международном сайте, заполняете анкету, добавив свою фотографию, и на ваш выбор предстанут лучшие иностранные женихи из стран Европы и США.

Замуж за иностранца

Мечтаете познакомиться и начать общение с иностранным мужчиной? Хотите выйти за него замуж? Вы уже на пол пути к своей мечте! Специалисты давно наблюдают дефицит общения в современном обществе. Многие люди, по той или иной причине, не могут завести серьезные отношения в реальном мире, и начинают поиск знакомства в интернете. Немалое количество женщин и девушек надеется, с помощью знакомства по интернету, выйти замуж за иностранца. Наш международный сайт знакомств очень популярен среди иностранцев, которые считают, что русская или украинская женщина - мечта любого нормального мужчины, потому как она красива и трудолюбива.

Portal Dating - является международным сайтом знакомств с иностранцами для серьезных отношений и у нас есть реальные примеры, когда с его помощью, женщины и девушки выходили замуж за американца или европейца. Если, Вы, желаете познакомиться с иностранцем, для начала общения, предлагаем зарегистрироваться и пройти психологический тест, чтобы определить, какой именно иностранный мужчина, для серьезных отношений, вам нужен.

Международные знакомства

Успех международного датинг знакомства, заключается в наличии максимальной откровенности с партнером и всестороннем своем раскрытии. Определите те черты, за которые вас можно полюбить. На весах ваше будущее, и не стоит бояться косых взглядов ваших знакомых. Мужчина, которого вы ищете, может незаметно мелькнуть и исчезнуть, не заметив вас, из-за того, что ему показалось бездарной и пустой ваша духовная жизнь. Именно по этой причине, анкеты следует заполнять "до краев", а на ваших фото должна быть отображена индивидуальность. Желайте заглянуть внутрь своему новому знакомому, там настоящие богатства, при этом проявляйте вежливость. В общении с иностранцами важна каждая мелочь. Раскройте перед потенциальным спутником свои лучшие качества, проявите нежность и надежность, общайтесь откровенно, в этом кроется мудрость. Помните о том, что бокала вина, музыки и улыбки достаточно только для того, что бы "войти" в мужчину или женщину на ночь, для долгих отношений, следует раскрыться и обнажить свой духовный мир, проявить чары любви и добра, которым нет возможности противостоять. Предстаньте перед потенциальным мужем такой, которой вы являетесь именно сейчас.

Бесплатный международный сайт знакомств с иностранцами Portal Dating поможет завести хорошие знакомства с мужчинами из США или Европы. Для женщин, общение с иностранцами абсолютно бесплатно!

Бесплатный сервис

Бесплатные знакомства с комфортом!

У каждого зарегистрированного пользователя, в почте, установлен бесплатный онлайн переводчик для более удобного знакомства с иностранцами. Доброжелательные и компетентные менеджеры ответят на любые возникшие вопросы и дадут разъяснения через удобную систему сообщений. К услугам представительниц прекрасного пола имеются бесплатные функции, помогающие завести хорошие международные знакомства с иностранными мужчинами. Проявить внимание к мужчине иностранцу и поддерживать диалог помогут ПОДМИГИВАНИЕ, "ПОДАРОЧНАЯ КОШКА" (интерактивная открытка конструктор), КОРОТКИЕ ФРАЗЫ (помогают начать общение с иностранцами) и КАТАЛОГ ОТКРЫТОК (темы для разных дат).

Обеспеченные мужчины

Бесплатно зарегистрируйся на нашем официальном сайте иностранных знакомств.

Запиши данные о себе в анкете, а также о желаемом мужчине из Европы или Северной Америки.

Отправь в международное брачное агентство бесплатно лучшие свои фотки.

Заполни в анкете данные о хобби, одолей психологический тест, это позволит легко познакомиться с иностранными мужчинами.

Ты получишь весточку от брачного консультанта, когда анкета будет активна для поиска богатого мужа за границей.


Русские знакомства в Германии.

Наш сайт знакомств в Германии насчитывает уже более сотни тысяч анкет интересных людей, живущих в Германии, которые, также как и вы, хотят обрести новых знакомых, найти единственную любовь и верных друзей. Есть те, кто ищет простого общения, Кто-то из них жаждет серьезных отношений, а кто то - просто секса и интим знакомства. Знакомства с парнями, знакомства с девушками, живущими в Германии, разных возрастов, типажей, телосложения – где же ещё, как не на RuSSnet. de, искать новые знакомства и, возможно, свою вторую половинку.

"Russnet. de" - это не просто бесплатный сайт знакомств в Германии это место, где люди ищут друг друга и находят. Совершенно неважно, в поисках вы спутника жизни или это поиск партнера на вечер или выходные, вы нашли то, что вам нужно. Это ведь настоящий клуб знакомств в Берлине, Гамбурге, Аугсбурге и других городах Германии с огромной базой анкет, в которой реально найти того самого принца на белом коне или девушку о которой можно только мечтать.

Зарегистрировав анкету, загрузив фотографии, воспользуйтесь поиском, чтобы найти подходящих вам людей и начать с ними переписку. А тогда когда почувствуете, что нашли того человека, которого искали и то что вы хотите увидеть его в реальной жизни – смело назначайте ему встречу. Ведь это так легко!

Знакомиться в Германии с помощью нашего портала действительно просто. Попробуйте сами и вы не разочаруетесь!

Знакомства в Германии!

Внезапные знакомства, ожидаемые знакомства а так же непредвиденные знакомства, но во всяком случае такие замечательные знакомства! Как хорошо чувствовать себя желанным и интересным для кого то. Или найти родственного по духу человека, с которым непременно хочется начать общаться. А сколько адреналина, эмоций и ожиданий испытываешь, когда ждёшь первую личную встречу!

К тому же, если познакомится, с ним, вам помогли бескрайние просторы глобальной сети Интернет. Кем окажется он, ваш новый друг? Неинтересным собеседником на пятнадцать минут? Случайным партнёром на один только вечер? Или ваше новое знакомство — долгожданная половинка, которую вы всегда искали! Что подготовило для вас знакомство в Сети заранее узнать не реально. Только когда испытаете новые приключения в вашей жизни, возможно, вы поймёте, что за знакомство это было. Интернет — это лотерея с неиссякаемыми возможностями, ведь Глобальная сеть в действительности не имеет ни каких границ: ни социальных, ни государственных — ничто не препятствует для ваших новых знакомств.

Наш сайт, «RuSSnet. de», бесподобно подходит для знакомств в Германии, с нужным для вас человеком. Мы рады вас пригласить в большую дружелюбную компанию. Более девяноста пяти тысяч самых разнообразных личностей, живущих в Германии, ожидают знакомства с вами. Может быть, именно здесь вы ощутите много хороших впечатлений и, осуществить свою мечту завязав новые знакомства с понравившимися вам людьми. Топ 100, юмор, функция "С первого клика" и очень много фотографий! На нашем сайте знакомств в Германии предоставлен о всё для того, чтобы каждый желающий смог найти для себя идеального кандидата для знакомств, как можно лучше познать его, и, при появлении желания, назначить встречу для знакомства в "реале".

Десятки тысяч женщин и мужчин каждый день заходят на наш портал в поисках новых знакомств. Их всех объединяет только одно — душевное желание пообщаться, познакомится и повстречаться с новыми, по-своему интересными людьми.

Какими словами только не ищут нас: snakomstwa w germanii, знакомства в Германии, znakomstva v germanii, snakomstwa. de, znakomstva. de, знакомства. de, но всё же находят наш, всем уже полюбившийся сайт - "ЗНАКОМСТВА В ГЕРМАНИИ"

Зарегистрируйтесь на RuSSnet. de, и в вашей жизни обязательно будет незабываемое знакомство в вашей жизни. А какое оно будет — дружеское, романтическое, а может быть эротическое — это решать только вам. RuSSnet. de - знакомства в Германии — это настоящий шанс найти новых друзей, знакомых и конечно же настоящую любовь!

Раньше мы сотрудничали с сайтом gdate. ru, но теперь мы независимая платформа для знакомств в Германии.

знакомства в Германии 9.7 из 10. 326 голосов.

Можно ли влюбиться в иностранца за один месяц знакомства только по переписке. И можно ли доверять этому мужчине по фото.

Влюбиться то можно, если ты заранее уже настроена на то, что бы влюбиться в кого-попало.

Реальная любовь взращивается из длительных отношений с человеком в реале, а не в виртуале. Один месяц виртуальной жизни это очень очень мало!

В виртуале ты не знаешь не истинной фамилии, имени, как по настоящему выглядит человек (реально ли его фото?).

Путеводитель по Zoomby

Дело в том, что на Zoomby только лицензионное видео. На каждый фильм, сериал, мультфильм, передачу, представленные на портале, у нас есть права. К сожалению, эти права действуют не во всех странах. Но мы делаем все, чтобы вы смогли смотреть Zoomby в любой точке мира.

Права на контент действуют определенное время. Возможно, на тот фильм или сериал, который вы ищете, они закончились.

Возможные причины:

Возможно, скорость вашего интернет-соединения недостаточно быстрая. Рекомендуемая скорость для комфортного просмотра видео на сайте: 3 Мбит/с. Пожалуйста, проверьте скорость вашего интернет-соединения: http://www. zoomby. ru/speedtest

Не установлен Flash Player

Для просмотра видео на zoomby. ru необходимо установить Flash player последней версии. Скачать его можно здесь: http://www. adobe. com/ru/products/flashplayer. html

Нас посчитали:

Название: Величайшая свадьба [2014] / The Greatest Wedding / Choigoui Gyeolhon

Производство: Южная Корея, 2014 год

Тип: сериал, 16 серий (доб.5 серия)

Жанр: комедия, романтика, драма

Режиссер: О Чжон Рок

В ролях: Пэ Су Бин - Чо Ын Чха. Пак Ши Ён - Чха Ги Ён, Но Мин У - Пак Тэ Ён, Ом Хён Кён - Хён Мён И, Чжон Э Юн - На Юн Хи, Сон Ён Кю - Чхве Иль Чон (муж Юн Хи), Пак Хе Чжин - Чон Сун Ён, Чо Ын Чжи - Пак Сон Ньё, Чан Ки Ён - Пэ Ды Ро, Ли Чон Гил - Пак Кан Рок, Юн Ми Ра - Чжон Рё Чжа (мама Тэ Ёна), Хо Чжун Сок - Ким Чжун Ён, Пак Со Джин - Ли Ю Ри, Пак Чжи Иль, Ким Сын Хун - Ким Хо Нам, Ли Ён Ран, Чжон Сэ Хён, Ким Чжин Хо, Чхве Чжэ Соп и др.

Русские субтитры от "Shadows"

Русская озвучка от " GREEN TEA"

Описание: Дорама расскажет о жизни матери-одиночки на фоне взаимоотношений четырех женатых пар. Ги Ён и Тэ Ён встречались и каждый из них не был заинтересован в браке. Но когда девушка случайно беременеет и Тэ Ён отказывается брать на себя ответственность, она решает родить ребенка вне брака и вырастить его самостоятельно в качестве матери-одиночки. Это решение сбрасывает Ги Ён с вершины, на которой она находилась, сделав предметом скандала и насмешек.

Чо Ын Чха (Пэ Су Бин ) - талантливый, уравновешенный и рациональный человек, пользующийся уважением окружающих. После неудачной попытки избрания в законодательный орган, он возвращается к своей работе в качестве ведущего программы новостей.

Чха Ги Ён (Пак Ши Ён ) - популярная ведущая программы новостей. Она умна, способна, гламурная, "любимица нации", занимает верхнюю строчку в опросах молодых девушек "Женщина, на которую я хочу быть похожа". Амбициозна и ревностно относится к любому сопернику или сопернице, появляющейся на горизонте в качестве ее со-ведущего.

Пак Тэ Ён (Но Мин У ) - репортер в газете, единственный сын богатой семьи, владеющей крупнейшим конгломератом в стране, в состав которой входит и "News Corporation". Он учился за границей, но идет против воли отца - продолжать семейный бизнес. Бросает обучение в бизнес-школе, чтобы пойти в кулинарную школу. После ее окончания становится репортером в газете, ведущим собственную колонку.

Дорамы: Величайшая свадьба [2014] / The Greatest Wedding