Make meaningful connections with CHRISTIAN SINGLES
Christian Dating
As a single Christian, do you feel like God has someone special in mind for you but you just haven’t found them yet? Well that someone is out there looking for you too. And at eHarmony we can help you find each other.
Founded by a Christian psychologist, eHarmony is committed to helping Christian singles find love every day. And with over 20 million registered users, we are confident in our ability to help you, too. Our Compatibility Matching System® matches Christian single men and women based on 29 dimensions of compatibility, like core values and beliefs. This system is a key factor in eHarmony’s matching success and the main point of differentiation between our service and that of other traditional Christian dating services. eHarmony is not a dating site. It’s a relationship site for singles looking to find long-term, committed relationships.
“With eHarmony, you’re meeting somebody who’s truly right for you.”
Amy Long
“From our first date, I realized that this is somebody that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And because of that. it has been such a blessing for both of us.”
Bryan Long
Meet Local Christian Men and Women
We recognize that it can be challenging to meet other singles with whom you share common goals, interests, and backgrounds in your geographical area, and we can help. The eHarmony membership pool is a diverse group of individuals, hailing from all 50 states and more than 200 countries. Your someone special could be right around the corner.
About ChristianMingle. com
ChristianMingle. com Where We Bring Christian Singles Together. At ChristianMingle. com we're more than just a site for Christian dating, we're a Christian personals community where you can find singles that share your values and love for God in Christ. We are always working to help you build a strong relationship with other Christian singles.
Enjoy our Christian chat rooms, instant messenger, message boards, Bible verse of the day, searchable Bible, and many other great features. We even have Christian dating tips. Free Christian dating service added features like these are a unique part of the ChristianMingle. com member package and user experience. Use them to connect with Christian singles in new ways and learn about yourself, your goals, and your walk with Christ at the same time. Sign up today to start enjoying the Christian community at ChristianMingle. com.
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