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Опубликовано: 20 мая 2013 г.
If you received email with text saying the following:
"heyy i attached a pic of myself i will text you more pics i have pics on here too
and search for me my name is "sarahishot" :) talk to you soon! "
well this is just spam. You are NOT going to meet the hottest singles, blah, blah. blah. The email spam is designed to get you to click on the link in the spam email so you visit XMeeting. com. Don't fall for the spammers silly lies, they will say anything to get you to click on links in the emails they send you and me.
If you want to read the complete spam report/email review or file complaints go to my website (http://thedatingjudge. com/web-pazyon-. ) and you can find places to file complaints at the bottom of the report.
*** Please note that XMeeting. com is not responsible for this scam.
Comment resilier comment se desabonner de www. xmeeting. com xmeeting. com
Comment resilier comment se desabonner de www. xmeeting. com xmeeting. com
Vous souhaitez vous desabonner d’un site mais vous n’etes pas a l’aise sur Internet ou avec votre ordinateur. vous manquez de temps?,
ou le site n’est pas en Francais. notre assistance informatique fera le necessaire a votre place pour vous desabonner et vous enverra la preuve du desabonnement.
NB: Toutes les marques citees sur VigiNet. fr sont la propriete exclusive de leurs proprietaires. Les sites web mentionnes sur www. viginet. fr sont issus du signalement d'Internautes a travers a la page http://viginet. fr/signaler-un-site Credit photos: Fotolia.
We couldn’t have had a worse time on Xmeeting. com. This site was useless for online dating, and since that’s all we wanted it for, we decided that the whole site was worth nothing.
To be fair, some of the forums and chat rooms were decent. However, when we evaluate a naughty dating site, we evaluate it based on one thing and one thing alone: how many dates we got.
Find the ladies of your dreams with these naughty dating sites and don’t waste your time on the scammers.
If a site doesn’t get us naughty dates, then no matter what it is, we’re not going to wind up using it. What’s more, this is one of the more obvious scam sites we’ve used looking for dates.
The whole white background / nasty thumbnails thing is a clear indication.
The vast majority of the time, when you see a site that has a white background and a bunch of thumbnail pictures of girls doing naughty things, you’ve stumbled on a scam—and Xmeeting. com is no different.
How We Did Using Xmeeting. com For Naughty Dating
During our Xmeeting review, we sent out 200 emails to different women we thought were lovely and wanted to meet.
Unfortunately, these women were mostly scams. We tried, but no matter what emails we sent out, we got very few responses. In fact, during our entire Xmeeting comparison, we only got 37 emails back from all of those women put together.
We never got a single date. We never even met a woman in person, and we certainly didn’t get laid. This site was a total bust when it comes to meeting women.
We have to compare it to our number one site, FuckBookNet. and see how very lacking it is. This site is lacking in class and taste to that one, and given the name of it, that’s really saying something—and we wouldn’t recommend it if it didn’t work.
Why Xmeeting. com Is A Waste of Time: Is Xmeeting. com a Scam?
Xmeeting. com didn’t get us any dates, which you might think is the reason we rated it so low. However, we don’t want to stop there. There are several reasons we dislike this site, not just the most important one.
Xmeeting. com is full of bugs.
We hate finding bugs in our food, and we hate finding them in our websites, especially the ones we pay to use. This site is buggy as hell, every page takes forever to load, and we generally can’t stand using it. This site is absolutely crap for use, and we hope we never have to get on and use it again, for illustrative purposes or not.
We also hate the fact that all of the data Xmeeting. com presents is “for illustrative purposes only,” which means “it’s a lie.” There’s something so brazen about telling a bald-faced lie, then saying right on the front page that it’s a lie to sell you stuff.
Xmeeting. com In the News
Scambook has reported dozens of complaints against Xmeeting. com—and has tabulated that most of the people who file complaints are paid off by the website to some degree. http://www. scambook. com/company/view/126268/XMeetingcom
TheDatingJudge finds that Xmeeting. com is a scam—it redirects traffic from other bad sites. http://thedatingjudge. com/flirtdays-com-is-spam-that-redirects-to-xmeeting-com/
Xmeeting. com Review: Is It Worthless to Use Xmeeting. com For Naughty Dating?
If you’re looking for classier people than you’ll find on Xmeeting. com, try out EstablishedMen. This site is packed full of the kind of women you want to meet.
Tagged - 193 Reviews
63.5% aanbevolen, 193 Reviews
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Datum: 14 september 2014
Geschreven door: tuggyboy (man, 56)
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Datum: 31 mei 2014
Geschreven door: Pekalongan (man, 35)
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