суббота, 10 января 2015 г.

Dating икеа

Магазин IKEA – мебель и товары для дома

IKEA – шведский магазин, основной заявленной целью которого является производство и продажа функциональных и удобных товаров для дома по существенно низким ценам. Бизнес-идеей ИКЕЯ является максимально эффективное использование расходных материалов и продажа добротных и красивых товаров по низким ценам.

Магазины IKEA действуют в 24 странах мира. Общее число магазинов превышает 230. В России ИКЕЯ стала популярной в последнее десятилетие. Сейчас в нашей стране открыто производство мебели и товаров ИКЕЯ . в разных городах строятся новые магазины ИКЕА .

IKEA представляет мебель и различные товары для спальных комнат, для детских, столовых, гостиных, прихожих, ванных и коридоров. Еще одно важное преимущество мебели ИКЕЯ – возможность компактной транспортировки и хранения, а также возможность справиться со сборкой самостоятельно. Главный девиз компании «Эффективность использования ресурсов» проявляется не только в экономичном расходовании материалов, но и в производстве такой мебели, которая поможет эргономично организовать, возможно, небольшое пространство.

Основной девиз магазина: «Есть ИКЕЯ – есть идея» заключается в том, что главным его ресурсом является изворотливый ум проектировщиков и дизайнеров его товаров. Магазины ИКЕА славятся оригинальным дизайном и эргономичностью товаров.

Адреса магазинов ИКЕА :

ИКЕА Химки

141400, Московская область, Химки, микрорайон №8, строение 1

188680, Ленинградская область, Всеволожский район, Мурманское шоссе, 12-й км, микрорайон " ИКЕЯ ", строение 1

IKEA Kitchen Cabinets Deciphered

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White or Birch For AKURUM Cabinets Frame? Either Way, Particleboard.

Updated June 21, 2014.

The next big decision is whether you want the AKURUM cabinets to have a white or what IKEA calls a "birch-effect" frame.

A kitchen cabinet is composed of the box, front, shelf, and various hardware such as hinges and pulls. No matter how complicated a salesperson tries to represent this, it's a fairly simple thing (what does get complicated are various add-ins later on, such as sliders, carousels, waste-sorters, etc.).

The box is called the frame by IKEA. In terms of the materials, it really doesn't matter if you choose white or birch-effect. Both are made of particleboard covered in melamine foil. It's this particleboard structure that attracts the most attention from IKEA critics. Particleboard isn't regarded as the highest quality building material. Over time, it can warp, and more so if the melamine covering has delaminated.

A: It matters, but I think less than it may seem. Most ends of your cabinets will butt up to other ends or to appliances, so you will never see them. At the very most you will have two exposed ends; often, you will have none. In my opinion, frame color matters mostly on the inside. Do you want to continue the wood-look into the box? Or do you want a clean white interior?

Q: Can I get a solid wood kitchen cabinet frame/box?

Текст видео

Добавлено: 20 сент. 2010 г.

http://www. datingsecretsfordivorcedwo. Divorced and single women are asking, "Where I meet men, specifically single marriage minded men?" Well ladies these guys maybe closer that you think. There maybe a Hottie in isle # 3.

You have to be observant and aware in every place you go and today that includes meeting men at Whole Foods grocery store.

Today we are going to talk about how to meet men during your normal everyday activities.

You know one of the reasons divorced women find it difficult to meet men is because they are not noticing all the opportunities that show up everyday.

Well today, we are going to show you how to think outside of the box when shopping at an upscale grocery store such as Whole Foods.

Remember, we all have to eat right? And that includes men that are single and divorced.

Next time you go shopping for your favorite goodies to eat and drink, you will also be shopping to meet men in a natural and easy way.

You don't believe me?

Well just listen up to what I have to say.

What makes shopping at Whole Foods different is people love the experience.

Not only are the food items amazing, but the shoppers tend to be enthusiastic and upbeat about being there. And that creates a very friendly setting to strike up a conversation with another shopper.

In this case a male shopper tha could wind up as your date.

Now the first step when meeting a man while shopping is:

Do not be concerned if he is available or married.

It does not matter right now.

All that matters is you strike up a conversation with him.

Worst case is that you will have a great conversation with a really nice man who may be or may not be available.

Here is how it works.

Let's pretend you are standing at the cheese display.

Ask the guy next to you if he has tried a variety of cheese from here and what is his favorite. The conversation will take off from there.

Or if you are standing by the bread display ask the guy next to you what his favorite bread is. You could say you are overwhelmed with all the choices.

Again the conversation will easily take off from there.

You see whatever isle you are in it is simple to start a conversation.

Because that is exactly what shoppers do all the time at Whole Foods.

You can strike up a conversation with a female or male shopper. You want to practice and getting good at interacting with everyone you come in contact with. Others will see this and instantly know that you are friendly and approachable.

I want you to strike up a conversation with at least 3 men during your shopping adventure each and every time you go to Whole Foods.

Now if you are thinking this is crazy, this not going to work, this is not where I will meet an available guy then think again.

This exactly the way many men and women have met and begun dating.

But if you don't put out the effort to do this your right you won't ever meet a guy while shopping at Whole Foods.

And consider this it is the most natural way to meet a single man. I have no proof of this, but I would venture to guess that a higher percentage of men that shop at the grocery store are single compared to the general population. Here's why in most cases, men that are married are not the ones that do the grocery shopping. And pleeeze, you feminists out there don't send me angry hate mail. This is just a fact of life, based upon my experience most husbands do not shop at the grocery store.

So single ladies, the percentages are in you favor when shopping for love in all the right places. like the local upscale grocery store.

And the more times you do this the better the odds that you will meet an available guy.

Who knows he may end up being Mr. Right.

So, here's a tip: shop often and buy very little. Pretend that you don't even own a refrigerator. That means no full or over flowing carts. Buy enough for one or maybe two days max. When you shop, linger, browse and be relaxed. You are not there NOT to quickly buy your munchies and get out. Take your time and be sure to check out the 'man merchandise' over in the frozen foods. He might just melt your Haagen-Dazs!

The choice is yours.

Step outside of the herd mentality and discover a much more exciting and fulfilling dating life after divorce.

Or just keep doing what you are doing, staying single and lonely.

But ask yourself if it is working for you?

In a future episode, I'll share with you how to get the inside scoop on a man by doing what I call shopping cart anthropology. How you can tell what type of guy he is by checking out the contents of his cart.

Have you had any interesting romantic encounters in the grocery store?

Which section of the store have you had the best success?

If so, tell me more by commenting below.

IKEA Monkey


IKEA Monkey is the nickname given to a Japanese snow macaque named Darwin that was found loose wearing a coat at a Canadian IKEA store in December of 2012.


Twitter user Bronwyn Iler Page tweeted a photograph of a Japanese snow macaque monkey wearing a shearling coat at an IKEA store in Toronto, Canada on December 9th, 2012. Within three days, the tweet received over 415 retweets and 158 favorites.


The same day, Twitter user Lisa Lin tweeted a new photograph of the same monkey standing in front of a window at IKEA. receiving over 120 retweets and 40 favorites within the next three days.

Anyone lose their monkey at Ikea? instagr. am/p/TByJK-SsJt/

— Lisa Lin (@dzd_lisa) December 9, 2012

As the photograph of the monkey began spreading online, the @Ikea_Monkey novelty Twitter account was created, which posted tweets from the perspective of the juvenile macaque.

What’s all the fuss about? #ikea

— Ikea Monkey (@Ikea_Monkey) December 9, 2012

That same day, Gawker [1] published an article titled “Shearling Coat-Wearing Monkey Found Wandering Around Canadian Ikea,” which reported that the monkey was roaming the store for an hour before animal control arrived. The article was later updated to include tweets from Tom Podolec of CTV News, who reported that the six-month-old macaque would not be returned to its owners.

Owners of #IkeaMonkey came forward; charged with having a prohibited animal; $240 fine. Will not get monkey back.#Toronto #Ikea

— Tom Podolec CTV News (@TomPodolec) December 9, 2012

On December 10th, Redditor toucher submitted Bronwyn Page’s photograph of the monkey to the /r/ WTF [6] subreddit, where it received over 18,700 up votes and 440 comments within 24 hours.

The same day, Redditor go4 submitted a post titled “ IKEA Monkey Explanation” to the /r/funny [2] subreddit, which featured an I Should Buy a Boat Cat image macro with the caption “I was supposed to pick up Carl” above Lisa Lin’s photograph of the IKEA monkey (shown below). Within 24 hours, the post received over 30,400 up votes and 350 comments.

Also on December 10th, Redditor eppemsk submitted an image macro titled “ IKEA Monkey contemplates past life choices” [7] (shown below, left) and Gawker [3] published a follow-up article titled “The Best of IKEA Monkey, the Meme,” highlighting several image macros and photoshopped pictures of the IKEA Monkey (shown below, right).

On December 10th, CBS News [5] published an article titled “Twitter goes bananas for #IkeaMonkey,” reporting that the hashtag #IkeaMonkey accumulated over 2,300 tweets that day. As of December 11th, 2012, eight Facebook [8] pages with “Ikea monkey” in the title have been created.

IKEA Monkey the Video Game

Later that same month, a group of students led by Seneca College animation professor Barnabas Wornoff released a flash-based video game [9] inspired by Darwin. In the game, the player can control the monkey as it wanders through the IKEA parking lot to look for various tools and parts needed to assemble a wall shelf while dodging rogue shopping carts and hurling monkey feces at other customers to clear the way. Upon the completion of the bookshelf, the player wins the game.

Owner Speaks Out

On December 11th, ABC News [4] published an article titled “‘ IKEA Monkey’ Owner Vows to Fight for Primate’s Return,” reporting that the monkey’s owner Yasmin Nakhuda wants to reunite with the pet monkey and arrange its return from the Story Book Farm primate sanctuary where it had been taken into custody by Toronto Animal Services. In an interview with ABC News, Nakhuda stated:

“They’re showing that he’s really happy but I don’t think that’s the actual picture of what’s happening,” she said. “I don’t see him adjusting that easily and he’s very fragile in the sense that emotionally he needs someone he’s used to.”

Legal Battle

On December 16th, Nakhuda filed a lawsuit against the Story Book Farm claiming that animal control had no right to seize Darwin and that the sanctuary was trying to exploit her pet animal’s viral fame. In an interview with the local radio station 680 News, Nakhuda’s attorney stated:

“Now they’re prominently displaying Darwin on the front of their homepage … and they’re using [their] Facebook pages to raise donations,” said Nakhuda’s lawyer Ted Charney. “In the meantime, my client has not had any access to see her pet.”

In the following months, Nakhuda unsuccessfully filed for temporary ownership of Darwin on two separate hearings in court, during one of which the sanctuary fired back with an allegation that the plaintiff had physically abused the monkey by “strangling” him and striking his head with a wooden spoon.

On May 30th, 2013, the four-day trial of Nakhuda’s bid for permanent ownership of the monkey began in court, where the lawyer representing the sanctuary promptly withdrew the previous allegations of abuse against the plaintiff. Nakhuda was the first witness to testify at the outset of the trial, who alleged that the animal services tricked her into surrendering the monkey:

“I think when I had my two children I didn’t have time to mother them -- I was more focused on building my practice,” Nakhuda said through tears. “Having Darwin…was like the chance to experience motherhood again…I treated him like my son. It sounds bizarre to some people, but that’s how we treated him.”

On September 13th, 2013, The Globe and Mail [13] reported that Nakhuda’s suit against Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary was dimissed by Ontario Superior Court Judge Mary Vallee, who ruled that Darwin should remain in custody of the sanctuary since owning a pet monkey is illegal in Toronto.

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Dating гоогле

So. in an effort to figure out why I get an inordinate amount of Unread/Deleted or Read/Deleted messages on here. I decided to google my profile name. Or I should say what I had for a profile name until I googled.

To my shock and definite dismay, google turned up quite a few links to other sites that reference that profile name with posts that are definitely not mine, and I can see how they would cause a woman to not want to even think about talking to me.

So. Just wanted to throw this tip out there, it seems a little vain, but google your profile name, see if someone somewhere is using your profile name to post about things you'd not want associated with you.

I have no direct proof that this is the cause for the messages being deleted, but I'm about 100% sure that if I was in those women's shoes and I saw that crap, I'd not want to respond just in the off chance that the two people were one.

Dating Google Earth Imagery

[Edit 03/25/2009: The current version of GE simplifies the task of dating images. When you zoom into an area, the photograph date is displayed at the bottom of the window. In addition, there is a "Historical Imagery" feature for going back in time to load earlier hi-res images (if available). But, this blog post describes how much more difficult this was when I began this research.]

After figuring out what you are looking at, the next question is: when. Google Earth stitches together multiple photographs from several vendors taken on different dates. This gives a rather patchwork appearance to most areas of the world:

Dating a particular place you are looking at consists of 1) identifying the vendor, and 2) identifying the image by that vendor currently used by Google Earth. The first step is easy, as the copyright notices displayed over the lower part of the image window indicate which vendors contributed to the current view. If more than one is visible, zoom in until only one vendor is displayed.

Step two takes a bit more effort. First, if the imagery is from TerraMetrics (low resolution), stop. I don't know how to determing when that image was taken. Erstwhile, open up the lower left panel in Google Earth (Layers), and expand the (as of this writing) last item (More). By checking the last two items, available images from those two vendors are indicated in the view area. Those from DigitalGlobe can be narrowed down further by date and quality. You can usually assume that the imagery if from DigitalGlobe, unless none of the choices seem to fit. Start with the most recent images of good quality and work your way down.

By comparing the overlayed boundaries of where an image is located with the patchwork boundaries on the underlying image, a quick identification can often be made. If not obvious, the next step is to preview the image in question (at low resolution) and compare with what you see at high resolution. Note that the preview images have not been corrected for skew (perspective of the satellite camera) .

Example: Dating Ghawar Images

Show below (left) is the Google Earth image covering the Ghawar oil field, the world's largest. The field and subfield boundaries are shown below. There are two broad areas of low-resolution coverage: in the north covering the center of Shedgum and a corner of Uthmaniyah, and in the south covering the SE corner of Hawiyah and the northern half of Haradh.

Shown above to the right are the dates corresponding to the various DigitalGlobe images identified as indicated by polygon overlays in the appropriate locations. Note that a huge swath of Ghawar was photographed on a single day (this was not by accident, of course), but that the high-resolution coverage of Haradh (except for a small sliver) dates to 2004.

The area indicated in purple and dating to August 2006 is rather interesting. When the screenshot corresponding to the above-left image was made, the purple area was only covered at low resolution. However, in August 2007, the image set was updated to include the new photograph taken a year earlier. There are only two DigitalGlobe images taken on that date in the vicinity, corresponding to the area in purple and an area immediately below. This latter one had some cloud cover, and so for this or some other reason, the "deciders" at Google Earth have not included it in what is visible.

Well, DigitalGlobe didn't take those images just for fun: somebody paid for it. My guess is a contractor to Saudi Aramco. It costs a few thousand dollars if the image has already been taken, perhaps quite a bit more for a new shoot, but it might prove rather valuable. For me, the interest is due to the fact that those areas cover regions of the Uthmaniyah part of Ghawar that have been rather problematic, with uneven waterflooding, a high degree of fracturing, and the presence of a tar mat near the original oil-water contact (see Simmons pp. 173-175). I will cover this in an upcoming section on recent activity in Uthmaniyah.

Besides that, it also provides a fortuitous opportunity to observe a small area at high resolution on two dates separated by three months and a somewhat larger area by 3 years. In the former, a well being (re)drilled in May 2006 was still being worked on in August. It the latter, I was lucky enough to have captured the "before".

So. in an effort to figure out why I get an inordinate amount of Unread/Deleted or Read/Deleted messages on here. I decided to google my profile name. Or I should say what I had for a profile name until I googled.

To my shock and definite dismay, google turned up quite a few links to other sites that reference that profile name with posts that are definitely not mine, and I can see how they would cause a woman to not want to even think about talking to me.

So. Just wanted to throw this tip out there, it seems a little vain, but google your profile name, see if someone somewhere is using your profile name to post about things you'd not want associated with you.

I have no direct proof that this is the cause for the messages being deleted, but I'm about 100% sure that if I was in those women's shoes and I saw that crap, I'd not want to respond just in the off chance that the two people were one.

Beat the odds,

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Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.

Sophia Bush Dating Google Program Manager Dan Fredinburg, Says She's Not "Getting Married" Yet

John Sciulli/Getty Images for Harper's BAZAAR

Sophia Bush has scored herself a Google guy!

The 30-year-old actress recently began dating beau Dan Fredinburg . a 31-year-old program manager for Google, Us Weekly confirms.

While the mag says the lovebirds, who met a few months ago, are on the fast-track to getting engaged and married, Bush is setting the record straight about their budding romance.

NEWS: Sophia wears eco-friendly fashions

"Oh C'mon @USWeekly. First story about my dating life in a year and half and I'm ‘getting married?'" she tweeted earlier today with a link to the Us story about them. "Y'all. Slow your roll."

Bush's pal Kristen Bell also got in on the romance rumor fun, tweeting. "@SophiaBush soph, they are a TRUSTED news source! you should check because maybe you ARE getting married! thank god they told you!"

While Fredinburg wasn't on Bush's arm at this past weekend's White House Correspondents' Dinner, he has posted pics of them on his Instagram.

"Celebrating #ZandWedding with @sophiabush," he wrote on March 31 with a shot of them at the celebration.


PHOTOS: See Sophia and all the stars at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

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С какими брокерами я зарабатываю на Форекс?

Я давно уже торгую на Форекс и за 6 лет работы на рынке сменил 9 брокеров по разным причинам. Случалось у меня и у моих знакомых разное, бывало, что

- стопы мои сбивали не рыночными ценами в WHC ,

- не отдавали выигрыш — 1000 $ в FXstart. До сих пор, кстати, они работают… Чтобы вы подавились моей тыщей.

- все деньги моих друзей исчезали в никуда вместе с компанией Броко

Сейчас для себя оставил только 3 ДЦ, в которых мне больше всего нравится работать. Это:

Инстафорекс – хорошие торговые условия и безпроблемная работа уже 2 года. Мне тут нравится больше всего, что дают плечо 1 к 1000 и бонус 30% от счёта при пополнении.

Альпари – контора хороша тем, что она очень крупная и старая, я у них держу основные деньги, часть из которых вкладываю в ПАММы. Вы и сами в курсе, что у них самый крупный сервис ПАММ счетов в СНГ,

Forex4you – тут мне нравится торговать на миросчетах маленькими суммами, я тут тестирую свои новые идеи и наработки.

Кстати, и ещё! Двое знакомых работают в EXNESS . очень хвалят, тоже, вроде не плохая компания. Основное преимущество в ней в том, что там дают плечо до 1:2000 и спреды очень низкие. Проскальзывания минимальные. Сам я там деньги не держу, но о компании наслышан.

Online dating service

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online dating ( OD ) or Internet dating is a personal introductory system whereby individuals can find and contact each other over the Internet to arrange a date. usually with the objective of developing a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship. Online dating services usually provide unmoderated matchmaking over the Internet. through the use of personal computers or cell phones. Users of an online dating service would usually provide personal information, to enable them to search the service provider's database for other individuals. Members use criteria other members set, such as age range, gender and location.

Online dating sites use market metaphors to match people. Match Metaphors are conceptual frameworks that allow individuals to make sense of new concepts by drawing upon familiar experiences and frame-works. This metaphor of the marketplace – a place where people go to “shop” for potential romantic partners and to “sell” themselves in hopes of creating a successful romantic relationship – is highlighted by the layout and functionality of online dating websites. The marketplace metaphor may also resonate with participants’ conceptual orientation towards the process of? nding a romantic partner. [ 1 ] Most sites allow members to upload photos or videos of themselves and browse the photos and videos of others. Sites may offer additional services, such as webcasts. online chat. telephone chat (VOIP ), and message boards. Some sites provide free registration, but may offer services which require a monthly fee. Other sites depend on advertising for their revenue. Some sites such as OKCupid, Plenty of Fish and Badoo are free and offer additional paid services in a freemium revenue model. [ 2 ]

Some sites are broad-based, with members coming from a variety of backgrounds looking for different types of relationships. Other sites are more specific, based on the type of members, interests, location, or relationship desired. A 2005 study of data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that individuals are more likely to use an online dating service if they use the internet for a greater amount of tasks and less likely to use such a service if they are trusting of others. [ 3 ]

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Radiocarbon dating

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Radiocarbon dating is a method of determining the age of an object by using the properties of radiocarbon. a radioactive isotope of carbon. The method was invented by Willard Libby in the late 1940s and soon became a standard tool for archaeologists. It depends on the fact that radiocarbon, often abbreviated as 14

C. is constantly being created in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with atmospheric nitrogen. The resulting radiocarbon combines with atmospheric oxygen to form radioactive carbon dioxide. This is then incorporated into plants by photosynthesis. and animals acquire 14

C by eating the plants. When the animal or plant dies, it stops exchanging carbon with its environment, and from that point the amount of 14

C it contains begins to reduce as the 14

C undergoes radioactive decay. Measuring the amount of 14

C in a sample from a dead plant or animal such as piece of old wood or a fragment of bone provides information that can be used to calculate when the animal or plant died. The oldest dates that can be reliably measured by radiocarbon dating are around 50,000 years ago, though special preparation methods occasionally permit dating of older samples.

While the idea behind radiocarbon dating is straightforward, years of additional work were required to develop the technique to the point where accurate dates could be obtained. Research has been going on since the 1960s to determine what the proportion of 14

C in the atmosphere has been over the past fifty thousand years. The resulting data, in the form of a calibration curve, is now used to convert a given measurement of radiocarbon in a sample into an estimate of the sample's actual calendar age. In addition to this curve, other corrections must be made to account for different proportions of 14

C in different types of organism (fractionation) and different 14

C levels in different parts of the biosphere (reservoir effects).

Measurement of radiocarbon was originally done by beta-counting devices, so called because they counted the amount of beta radiation emitted by decaying 14

C atoms in a sample. More recently, accelerator mass spectrometry has become the method of choice; it can be used with much smaller samples (as small as individual plant seeds), and gives results much more quickly.

The development of radiocarbon dating has had a profound impact on archaeology. In addition to permitting more accurate dating within archaeological sites than did methods previously in use, it also allows comparison of dates of events across great distances. Histories of archaeology often refer to the early impact of the new method as the “radiocarbon revolution”. Occasionally, the method is used for items of popular interest such as the Shroud of Turin. which is claimed to show an image of the body of Jesus Christ. A sample of linen from the shroud was tested in 1988 and found to date from the 1200s or 1300s, casting doubt on its authenticity.


Background [ edit ]

History [ edit ]

In the early 1930s Willard Libby was a chemistry student at the University of Berkeley. receiving his Ph. D. in 1933. He remained there as an instructor until the end of the decade. In 1939 the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley began experiments to determine if any of the elements common in organic matter had isotopes with half-lives long enough to be of value in biomedical research. It was soon discovered that 14

C 's half-life was far longer than had been previously thought, and in 1940 this was followed by proof that the interaction of slow neutrons with 14

N was the main pathway by which 14

C was created. It had previously been thought 14

C would be more likely to be created by deuterons interacting with 13

C. At about this time Libby read a paper by W. E. Danforth and S. A. Korff, published in 1939, which predicted the creation of 14

C in the atmosphere by neutrons from cosmic rays which had been slowed down by collisions with molecules of atmospheric gas. It was this paper that first gave Libby the idea that radiocarbon dating might be possible. [ 1 ]

In 1945, Libby moved to the University of Chicago. He published a paper in 1946 in which he proposed that the carbon in living matter might include 14

C as well as non-radioactive carbon. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Libby and several collaborators proceeded to experiment with methane collected from sewage works in Baltimore, and after isotopically enriching their samples they were able to demonstrate that they contained radioactive 14

C. By contrast, methane created from petroleum had no radiocarbon activity. The results were summarized in a paper in Science in 1947, and the authors commented that their results implied it would be possible to date materials containing carbon of organic origin. [ 2 ] [ 4 ]

Libby and James Arnold proceeded to experiment with samples of wood of known age. For example, two wood samples taken from the tombs of two Egyptian kings, Zoser and Sneferu. independently dated to 2625 BC plus or minus 75 years, were dated by radiocarbon measurement to an average of 2800 BC plus or minus 250 years. These results were published in Science in 1949. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] In 1960, Libby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this work. [ 2 ]

Physical and chemical details [ edit ]

In nature, carbon exists as two stable, nonradioactive isotopes. carbon-12 ( 12

C ), and a radioactive isotope, carbon-14 ( 14

C ), also known as "radiocarbon". The half-life of 14

C (the time it takes for half of a given amount of 14

C to decay ) is about 5,730 years, so its concentration in the atmosphere might be expected to reduce over thousands of years. However, 14

C is constantly being produced in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere by cosmic rays. which generate neutrons that in turn create 14

C when they strike nitrogen-14 ( 14

N ) atoms. [ 2 ] The 14

C creation process is described by the following nuclear reaction :

Once produced, the 14

C quickly combines with the oxygen in the atmosphere to form carbon dioxide ( CO

2 ). Carbon dioxide produced in this way diffuses in the atmosphere, is dissolved in the ocean, and is taken up by plants via photosynthesis. Animals eat the plants, and ultimately the radiocarbon is distributed throughout the biosphere. The ratio of 14

Principles [ edit ]

During its life, a plant or animal is exchanging carbon with its surroundings, so the carbon it contains will have the same proportion of 14

C as the biosphere and the carbon exchange reservoir. Once it dies, it ceases to acquire 14

C. but the 14

C within its biological material at that time will continue to decay, and so the ratio of 14

C to 12

C in its remains will gradually reduce. Because 14

C decays at a known rate, the proportion of radiocarbon can be used to determine how long it has been since a given sample stopped exchanging carbon—the older the sample, the less 14

C will be left. [ 8 ]

The equation governing the decay of a radioactive isotope is: [ 2 ]

where N 0 is the number of atoms of the isotope in the original sample (at time t = 0, when the organism from which the sample was taken died), and N is the number of atoms left after time t . [ 2 ] ? is a constant that depends on the particular isotope; for a given isotope it is equal to the reciprocal of the mean-life — i. e. the average or expected time a given atom will survive before undergoing radioactive decay. [ 2 ] The mean-life, denoted by ? . of 14

C is 8,267 years, so the equation above can be rewritten as: [ 11 ]

The sample is assumed to have originally had the same 14

C / 12

C ratio as the ratio in the biosphere, and since the size of the sample is known, the total number of atoms in the sample can be calculated, yielding N 0 . the number of 14

C atoms in the original sample. Measurement of N . the number of 14

C atoms currently in the sample, allows the calculation of t . the age of the sample, using the equation above. [ 8 ]

The half-life of a radioactive isotope (the time it takes for half of the sample to decay, usually denoted by t 1/2 ) is a more familiar concept than the mean-life, so although the equations above are expressed in terms of the mean-life, it is more usual to quote the value of 14

C 's half-life than its mean-life. [ note 1 ] The currently accepted value for the half-life of 14

C is 5,730 years. [ 2 ] This means that after 5,730 years, only half of the initial 14

C will have remained; a quarter will have remained after 11,460 years; an eighth after 17,190 years; and so on.

The above calculations make several assumptions, such as that the level of 14

C in the biosphere has remained constant over time. [ 2 ] In fact, the level of 14

C in the biosphere has varied significantly and as a result the values provided by the equation above have to be corrected by using data from other sources in the form of a calibration curve, which is described in more detail below. [ 12 ] For over a decade after Libby's initial work, the accepted value of the half-life for 14

C was 5,568 years; this was improved in the early 1960s to 5,730 years, which meant that many calculated dates in published papers were now incorrect (the error is about 3%). However, it is possible to incorporate a correction for the half-life value into the calibration curve, and so it has become standard practice to quote measured radiocarbon dates in "radiocarbon years", meaning that the dates are calculated using Libby's half-life value and have not been calibrated. [ 13 ] [ note 2 ] This approach has the advantage of maintaining consistency with the early papers, and also avoids the risk of a double correction for the Libby half-life value. [ 15 ]

Carbon exchange reservoir [ edit ]

Simplified version of the carbon exchange reservoir, showing proportions of carbon and relative activity of the 14

The different elements of the carbon exchange reservoir vary in how much carbon they store, and in how long it takes for the 14

C generated by cosmic rays to fully mix with them. [ 2 ] The atmosphere, which is where 14

C is generated, contains about 1.9% of the total carbon in the reservoirs, and the 14

C it contains mixes in less than seven years. [ 16 ] [ 17 ] The ratio of 14

C to 12

C in the atmosphere is taken as the baseline for the other reservoirs: if another reservoir has a lower ratio of 14

C to 12

C. it indicates that the carbon is older and hence that some of the 14

C has decayed. [ 12 ] The ocean surface is an example: it contains 2.4% of the carbon in the exchange reservoir, [ 16 ] but there is only about 95% as much 14

C as would be expected if the ratio were the same as in the atmosphere. [ 2 ] The time it takes for carbon from the atmosphere to mix with the surface ocean is only a few years, [ 18 ] but the surface waters also receive water from the deep ocean, which has over 90% of the carbon in the reservoir. [ 12 ] Water in the deep ocean takes about 1,000 years to circulate back through surface waters, and so the surface waters contain a combination of older water, with depleted 14

C. and water recently at the surface, with 14

C in equilibrium with the atmosphere. [ 12 ]

Creatures living at the ocean surface have the same 14

C ratios as the water they live in, and as a result of the reduced 14

C / 12

C ratio, the radiocarbon age of marine life is typically about 400 years. [ 19 ] [ note 4 ] Organisms on land, however, are in closer equilibrium with the atmosphere and have the same 14

C / 12

C ratio as the atmosphere. [ 2 ] These organisms contain about 1.3% of the carbon in the reservoir; sea organisms have a mass of less than 1% of those on land and are not shown on the diagram. [ 16 ] Accumulated dead organic matter, of both plants and animals, exceeds the mass of the biosphere by a factor of nearly 3, and since this matter is no longer exchanging carbon with its environment, it has a 14

C / 12

Dating considerations [ edit ]

The variation in the 14

C / 12

C ratio in different parts of the carbon exchange reservoir means that a straightforward calculation of the age of a sample based on the amount of 14

C it contains will often give an incorrect result. There are several other possible sources of error that need to be considered. The errors are of four general types:

variations in the 14

C / 12

C ratio in the atmosphere, both geographically and over time;

isotopic fractionation;

variations in the 14

C / 12

C ratio in different parts of the reservoir;


Atmospheric variation [ edit ]

In the early years of using the technique, it was understood that it depended on the atmospheric 14

C / 12

C ratio having remained the same over the preceding few thousand years. To verify the accuracy of the method, several artefacts that were datable by other techniques were tested; the results of the testing were in reasonable agreement with the true ages of the objects. However, in 1958, Hessel de Vries was able to demonstrate that the 14

C / 12

C ratio had changed over time by testing wood samples of known ages and showing there was a significant deviation from the expected ratio. This discrepancy, often called the de Vries effect, was resolved by the study of tree rings. [ 20 ] [ 21 ] Comparison of overlapping series of tree rings allowed the construction of a continuous sequence of tree-ring data that spanned 8,000 years. [ 20 ] (Since that time the tree-ring data series has been extended to 13,900 years.) [ 22 ] Carbon-dating the wood from the tree rings themselves provided the check needed on the atmospheric 14

C / 12

C ratio: with a sample of known date, and a measurement of the value of N (the number of atoms of 14

C remaining in the sample), the carbon-dating equation allows the calculation of N 0 – the number of atoms of 14

C in the sample at the time the tree ring was formed – and hence the 14

C / 12

C ratio in the atmosphere at that time. [ 20 ] Armed with the results of carbon-dating the tree rings, it became possible to construct calibration curves designed to correct the errors caused by the variation over time in the 14

C / 12

C ratio. [ 23 ] These curves are described in more detail below .

Atmospheric 14

C. New Zealand [ 24 ] and Austria. [ 25 ] The New Zealand curve is representative of the Southern Hemisphere; the Austrian curve is representative of the Northern Hemisphere. Atmospheric nuclear weapon tests almost doubled the concentration of 14

C in the Northern Hemisphere. [ 9 ] The date that the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) went into effect is marked on the graph.

Coal and oil began to be burned in large quantities during the 1800s. Both coal and oil are sufficiently old that they contain little detectable 14

C and, as a result, the CO

2 released substantially diluted the atmospheric 14

C / 12

C ratio. Dating an object from the early 20th century hence gives an apparent date older than the true date. For the same reason, 14

C concentrations in the neighbourhood of large cities are lower than the atmospheric average. This fossil fuel effect (also known as the Suess effect, after Hans Suess. who first reported it in 1955) would only amount to a reduction of 0.2% in 14

C activity if the additional carbon from fossil fuels were distributed throughout the carbon exchange reservoir, but because of the long delay in mixing with the deep ocean, the actual effect is a 3% reduction. [ 20 ] [ 26 ]

A much larger effect comes from above-ground nuclear testing, which released large numbers of neutrons and created 14

C. From about 1950 until 1963, when atmospheric nuclear testing was banned, it is estimated that several tonnes of 14

C were created. If all this extra 14

C had immediately been spread across the entire carbon exchange reservoir, it would have led to an increase in the 14

C / 12

C ratio of only a few per cent, but the immediate effect was to almost double the amount of 14

C in the atmosphere, with the peak level occurring in about 1965. The level has since dropped, as the "bomb carbon" (as it is sometimes called) percolates into the rest of the reservoir. [ 20 ] [ 26 ] [ 27 ]

Isotopic fractionation [ edit ]

Photosynthesis is the primary process by which carbon moves from the atmosphere into living things. In both photosynthetic pathways (C3 and C4 ) 12

C is absorbed slightly more easily than 13

C. which in turn is more easily absorbed than 14

C ratios in plants that differ from the ratios in the atmosphere. This effect is known as isotopic fractionation. [ 28 ] [ 29 ]

To determine the degree of fractionation that takes place in a given plant, the amounts of both 12

C and 13

C isotopes are measured, and the resulting 13

C / 12

C ratio is then compared to a standard ratio known as PDB. [ note 5 ] The 13

C / 12

C ratio is used instead of 14

C / 12

C because the former is much easier to measure, and the latter can be easily derived: the depletion of 13

C relative to 12

C is proportional to the difference in the atomic masses of the two isotopes, so the depletion for 14

C is twice the depletion of 13

C. [ 12 ] The fractionation of 13

C. known as ? 13 C. is calculated as follows: [ 28 ]

where the ‰ sign indicates parts per thousand. [ 28 ] Because the PDB standard contains an unusually high proportion of 13

C. [ note 6 ] most measured ? 13 C values are negative.

10 year old Nigerian girl cannot do without sex everyday

A 10-year old girl who was a victim of sexual abuse has made a shocking confession, saying that she cannot do without having sex with men daily.

She narrated how an old man, who was their neighbour at Mile 12, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria, lured her into sex at seven and since then she cannot resist having sex everyday.

The primary two pupil said if she did not see any man to have sex with her in her area, she would go to a popular under bridge at Mile 12 Lagos and beg for sex from touts.

She said she came from Enugu state to Lagos to live with her aunt after the death of her father. Her case has become so serious that she had to be referred to an NGO, Community Health Support and Empowerment Initiative, COHSAEI, which has taken up the challenge to rehabilitate her.

The little girl said she was lured into sex by a man she called Baba who lived with her aunt in the same compound.

She said the man (Baba) usually called her to his apartment whenever his wife and her aunt were not around and will put his finger inside her private part.

“He will tell me to come back home immediately our school closes and when I reach home he will be waiting for me to finger my vagina,” she narrated. She said with time he started having real sex with her.

She said when the man that initiated her into it moved out of their area, she resorted to meeting other men in the area without her aunt knowing.

She said she has become addicted to sex and cannot do without it.

“When I desire sex and I do not see anybody to do it in my area, I will go under the bridge and beg the touts to do it for me,” he said.

Her predicament came when she confessed to her teacher what she was going through after the teacher noticed some abnormal behaviour in her.

The teacher contacted her aunt who contacted an NGO for assistance.

The programme coordinator of the NGO, Mrs. Priscilla Ingbia, noted that her case was very pathetic because of her age. She said her group took up the challenge to rehabilitate her because it was clear if nothing was done urgently her future was in danger.

She said her organisation has started the process of rehabilitating her by carrying out series of tests on her to ascertain her health conditions.

Ingbia stressed the urgent need to relocate her from her present environment and start a new life for her.

She said her organisation has not been able to do so because of the financial cost of doing so.

—Cyriacus Izuekwe

source: pmnewsnigeria. com

четверг, 8 января 2015 г.

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This is the only way I'm dating from now on.

While Americans wait patiently each week for a quick shot of ass on the latest episode of True Blood . the Netherlands are running wild with a slew of NSFW programming including "Adam Zoekt Eva ," a Bachelor meets Paradise Island dating show. Each week, contestant Kathy selects one of two men to leave the island where they're casually gallivanting around with their coconuts hanging out. The next day, a new nude dude arrives and the games begin again.

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Dating agency cyrano



Title: ?????; ??? / Yeonaejojakdan; Sirano

Genre: Romance, comedy

Episodes: 16

Broadcast network: tvN and OnStyle

Broadcast period: 2013-May-27 to 2013-Jul-16

Air time: Monday & Tuesday 23:00

Original Soundtrack: Dating Agency; Cyrano OST


This drama is about a dating agency that orchestrates romantic scenarios for paying clients, all in an effort to raise enough money to save an old theater.


Detalles Editar seccion

Dating Agency; Cyrano

Titulo: ?????; ??? / Yeonaejojakdan; Shirano

Anteriormente conocido como: ??? ????? / Flower Boy Dating Agency / Love Manipulation: Cyrano

Genero: Comedia Romantica

Episodios: 16

Cadena: tvN

Periodo de emision: 27-Mayo-2013 al 16-Julio-2013

Horario: Lunes y Martes 23:10

Banda Sonora Original: Dating Agency; Cyrano OST

Ver Online: Dramas Coreanos Online

Reparto Editar seccion

Cuadro de relaciones

Agencia Cyrano

Restaurante Seung Pyo

User Rating


Drama: Dating Agency: Cyrano

Revised romanization: Yeonaejojakdan: Shirano

Hangul: ?????: ???

Director: Kang Kyung-Hoon

Writer: Shin Jae-Won

Network: tvN

Episodes: 16

Release Date: May 27 - July 16, 2013

Runtime: Mondays & Tuesdays 23:00

Language: Korean

Country: South Korea


A team for hire helps those who are having troubles in their love lives. The team employs elaborate stagings to help their clients snag the ones they love.

Seo Byung-Hoon (Lee Jong-Hyuk ) who is the leader of Cyrano Agency. Seo Byung-Hoon was regarded as a genius like theatrical director. He then lost his best friend in an accident and suffered from heavy guilty. Seo Byung-Hoon then decides to save his late friend's theatre troupe and forms "Cyrano Agency".

Kong Min-Young (Sooyoung ) is a romanticist. She is a member of Cyrano Agency. She has conflicts with Seo Byung-Hoon due to their opposite personalities.

Cha Seung-Pyo (Lee Chun-Hee ) is a mysterious man. He is the chef for his own modest restaurant, which resides next to the office for the Cyrano Agency.


"Dating Agency: Cyrano" takes over the tvN Mondays & Tuesdays 23:00 time slot previously occupied by "Nine: Nine Times Time Travel " and will be followed by "Who Are You " in July, 2013.

Drama series "Flower Dating Agency: Cyrano" is a prequel to 2010 film "Cyrano Agency ".

Filming begins middle of April, 2013.

First script reading took place April 11, 2013 at CJ E&M CENTER in Sangamdong, Seoul.

Early Korean working title was "Ggotminam, Yeonaejojakdan" (literally "Flower Boy Dating Agency").

Related titles:

Cyrano Agency | Shirano; Yeonaejojakdan (2010)

Dating Agency: Cyrano | Yeonaejojakdan: Shirano (tvN / 2013)

Агентство знакомств Сирано / Dating Agency: Cyrano [2013]


От создателей "Заткнись и. "Красавчики из лапшичной" и "Мой сосед-красавчик". Дорама "Брачное агентство" основана на популярном фильме Агентство знакомств "Сирано" / Cyrano Agency [2010].

Блин почему Тэмин только в 3-х эпизодах снялся Хочу с ним дорамку

А так в целом дорама суперская А Ран тож симпотяжка

Любимые дорамы: Цветочки после ягодок, Озорной поцелуй, город влюбленных или хочу замуж, Тысяча поцелуев, Ты прекрасен, Городской охотник, Струны души, Наследники, Для тебя во всем цвету, Мой сосед красавчик, Одержимый мечтой, Солнце в объятиях луны))

Любимые актеры: Ким Сан Бом, Ли Мин Хо, Ким Хен Чжун, Ким Со Ын, Чон Ён Хва, Пак Шин Хе, Чхве Мин хо, Сон Наын, До Кенсу, Ким Су Хен))

Текст видео

Опубликовано: 26 июня 2013 г.

Nuevo drama del 2013 donde Sooyoung interpreta un protagonico

Derechos reservados a sus respectivos propietarios y a tvN

Este drama es acerca de una agencia de citas que ofrece escenarios romanticos a sus clientes, todo en un esfuerzo por recaudar dinero suficiente para salvar un viejo teatro.

среда, 7 января 2015 г.

Dating эльдорадо

Eldorado Canyon State Park


History [ edit ]

Ute Indians were the first inhabitants into this area that is nestled against the foothills near Boulder. The Indians lived within the walls of the canyon because they provided protection from the harsh Colorado winters. Settlers soon followed in search of gold and agriculture. [ 2 ] Eldorado Canyon is famous for its spectacular geologic history dating back billions of years ago. Near the park’s entrance at the visitors center, there are rocks calculated to be over 1.5 billion years old. [ 2 ]

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the town of Eldorado Springs was established and was known as a resort for the elite. The town offered visitors warm artesian springs and lush hotels including the Crags Hotel, the Eldorado and the Grand View. Numerous celebrities and Denver residents enjoyed the beautiful getaway until a fire burned all these hotels in 1912. [ 2 ]

The town also received considerable attention between 1906–1949 when Ivy Baldwin performed tight rope acts across the canyon 580 feet (180 m) in mid-air. Like Ivy Baldwin, many visitors enjoy the spectacular views of the park from a higher perspective, but these visitors prefer rockclimbing to a tight rope. [ 2 ]

Recreation [ edit ]

The biggest draw to Eldorado Canyon State Park is rock climbing. [ 3 ] Eldorado Canyon offers over 1000 technical rock climbing routes. The beauty of this canyon also engages the non-climber. Hike or mountain bike some of 11 miles (18 km) of picturesque trails that vary from easy to difficult and reach out to adjoining public lands outside the park. Enjoy a picnic by or fish in scenic South Boulder Creek. In the winter, Eldorado offers hiking and cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. [ 4 ]

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Интернет магазин торговый дом «Браво» работает на рынке стройматериалов с 2006 года и занимает лидирующие позиции в своем секторе бизнеса. Стеновые панели МДФ. ламинат. подвесные потолки. сайдинг. паркетная доска. линолеум. керамогранит, стеклообои – у нас есть всё, чтоб сделать ваш дом настоящим шедевром дизайнерской мысли. Мы реализуем только новейшие современные материалы.

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Качество, гарантию, долговечность. Поэтому мы поставляем надежные строительные и отделочные материалы от ведущих зарубежных и российских производителей стройиндустрии. Это крупнейшие холдинги, которые используют высококачественное экологичное сырье для производства продукции, соответствующей всем международным стандартам менеджмента качества. Торговый дом «Браво» – безупречность в каждой детали.

Предлагаем то, что ищете вы

Торговый дом «Браво» располагает богатым ассортиментом строительного и отделочного материала проверенных брендов, который можно приобрести оптом и в розницу. Обширная коллекция способна удовлетворить вкус даже самого искушенного, взыскательного покупателя. На наших страницах собрана максимально полная и исчерпывающая информация о видах товара с фотоизображением всех возможных вариаций конкретной продукции. Выбирайте комфортно!

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Затрудняетесь с выбором стройматериалов? Свяжитесь с нашими консультантами по многоканальному телефону. Они сориентируют вас в выборе желаемого товара и окажут консультационную поддержку по интересующим вопросам ремонта и отделки помещений. И все это совершенно бесплатно!

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С Торговым домом «Браво» ремонт превратится только в приятный творческий процесс.

You don't have to be a cowboy to enjoy our Horseback Riding tours. Experience the Eldorado Canyon on horseback and head back into time where life was easy and adventure was common.

This horseback ride offers views of the Colorado River, where you will explore gold and silver mines dating back to the 19th century. Miners, Cowboys and Indians were the primary residents of this lawless land, on this tour you will have the opportunity to visit some of their original homes sites and experience a re-creation of an “Old West Mining Town”.

You'll ride along paths that were originally used for mule driven ore carts which carried precious minerals to the river. Mountain terrain is surrounded by forests of cholla cactus, with towering, multicolored rock formations as the backdrop for this incredibly scenic tour.

Step right into the pages of history, with a walking tour of the Techaticcup mine. Venture deep into this rumored haunted gold mine and visit 3 different shafts, one of which descends over 900 feet. Learn how the hardiest of men labored feverishly looking for GOLD! Men chiseled their way through the mountainside inch by inch, with the most primitive of tools and working only by candlelight.

Enjoy lunch at our Old West Town featuring foundations from one of the original Mining Camps of the 1800’s.

No matter the season, this breathtaking canyon will amaze you. So, hit the trail for a taste of cowboy life in the West. fresh air, good horses, and scenic trails.

Downtown Reno Becomes Little Italy

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Street performers at the Eldorado Great Italian Festival in Reno, Nevada. Photo © Stan White

About the Eldorado Great Italian Festival

The 2014 Eldorado Great Italian Festival will be on Saturday and Sunday, October 11 and 12. Join the festivities in downtown Reno on Saturday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. and on Sunday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.

The Eldorado Great Italian Festival is a fun, family friendly affair. Just strolling Virginia Street during the festival is entertaining, with street performers, free music from two stages, and good food and drink readily available. People really get into the Italian spirit for this festival, giving it a boisterous yet friendly atmosphere. At past festivals, I've found that folks just like being there to enjoy themselves and have a great time.

Eldorado Great Italian Festival Activities

2014 is the 33rd Annual Eldorado Great Italian Festival. Here are some of the activities you can enjoy. If you really get into it, you can become a participant and play bocce ball, stomp grapes, and let the kids get involved in activities designed just for them.

Free musical entertainment on two stages.

Wine Walk - Sample 20 California and Italian wines for $25. The walk is from 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. both days.

Grape Stomping Contest - The public can sign up on Saturday after 10 a. m. for an available stomp time. Sunday stomping times start at 11 a. m. and will be reserved for members of the media, politicians, and local celebrities. The grape stomping stage is in the train trench plaza on the south side of the Eldorado.

Sauce Cook Off Pasta Bowls - For sampling the sauces in the sauce cookers competition and voting (ballots given with each pasta bowl purchase). Bowls are $3 and available daily starting at 2 p. m. Get yours at the pasta booth at the corner of 4th and Virginia Streets.

Italian Farmers Market - Fresh fruits and vegetables on Saturday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. and Sunday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Eldorado's Famous Italian Dinner Buffet - Served in the Eldorado Convention Center on Saturday and in The Buffet on Sunday, both starting at 4 p. m. The cost is $26.99 for adults, $13.99 for children 10 and under. Eldorado Gold Card members pay $21.99. Check the Eldorado website for more Italian food specials.

Kids' Gelato Eating Contest - At 3 p. m. on Sunday only at the grape stomp stage.

Entertainment at the Eldorado Great Italian Festival

Lively music is a big part of the Eldorado Great Italian Festival. Two outdoor stages provide a steady stream of tunes from a variety of bands, singers, and Eldorado Hotel Casino show performers. It's free to enjoy the stage entertainment - just show up and swing to the Italian music. The Rome Stage is located at 4th and Virginia Steets, and the Venice Stage is located at 3rd and Virginia Streets.

Eldorado Great Italian Festival Street Closures and Parking

The Eldorado Great Italian Festival results in numerous street closures in downtown Reno. To save yourself some time and hassle, refer to the downtown Reno road closures and restrictions map before driving to the city center during the festival. This map is also good for showing traffic restrictions during other special events held in downtown Reno.

More Italian Festivals in the United States

While Reno's Great Italian Festival is among the nation's largest and most famous, it is far from the only one. The About. com guide to Italy Travel has compiled a good list of "Italian Festivals in the United States" for your enjoyment should you be in any of these areas at the right time.

Sources: Eldorado Hotel Casino, Reno Tahoe USA.

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Нажимая кнопку «Зарегистрироваться», я подтверждаю свою дееспособность, согласие на получение информации об оформлении и получении заказа, согласие на обработку персональных данных в соответствии с указанным здесь текстом.

Своей волей и в своем интересе даю согласие на обработку, в т. ч. на сбор, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, (уточнение, обновление, изменение), использование, передачу третьим лицам (со списком третьих лиц можно ознакомиться на сайте www. club. eldorado. ru), обезличивание, блокирование, уничтожение, моих персональных данных, которые в зависимости от документа (анкета, заявление и т. п.) включают, но не ограничиваются следующими ПДн: ФИО, дата рождения, пол, паспортные данные (серия, номер, кем и когда выдан), адрес регистрации или пребывания (фактический адрес проживания), номер контактного телефона, адрес электронной почты, Обществу с ограниченной ответственностью «ЭЛЬДОРАДО», ОГРН 5077746354450 (125493, г. Москва, ул. Смольная, д. 14), с целью предоставления мне своих товаров и услуг (продуктов), включая, но не ограничиваясь: идентификацией участника в программе лояльности, обеспечения процедуры учета накопления и использования бонусов, осуществление доставки, предоставление сервисных услуг, распространения рекламных сообщений (в т. ч. о проводимых акциях и специальных предложениях через любые каналы коммуникации, в том числе по почте, SMS, электронной почте, телефону, иным средствам связи), сбора мнения о работе магазинов ООО «ЭЛЬДОРАДО».

Я согласен(на), что мои персональные данные будут обрабатываться способами, соответствующими целям обработки персональных данных, без возможности принятия решения на основании исключительно автоматизированной обработки моих персональных данных.

Согласие дается мной на 5 лет и до меня доведено, что в том случае если я являюсь участником Программы лояльности, мое согласие автоматически продлевается на срок моего участия в программе или на срок действия программы.

Настоящее согласие может быть отозванной мной в любой момент путем направления соответствующего письменного обращения по адресу 125493, г. Москва, ул. Смольная, д. 14 с пометкой «Отзыв персональных данных».

При этом я проинформирован (-а) и согласен (-а) с тем, что отзыв настоящего согласия будет автоматически прекращать мое участие в Программе лояльности, моя карта (Сберегательная) участника Программы лояльности будет заблокирована и ее блокировка будет означать невозможность использования карты, в том числе аннулирование всех Бонусов, имеющихся на карте, а так же мне придется повторно давать согласие на обработку ПДн в случае, если я снова решу воспользоваться услугами или продуктами ООО «ЭЛЬДОРАДО», требующими заполнения анкет, заявлений и т. п. содержащих мои ПДн.

Recommended Reviews

Very impressed, stayed 1 night after Changing from another hotel. Front desk staff was very courtiers and helpful and lobby looked nice. The room was spacious and very clean.

We had a problem with the refrigerator in the room, maintenance person arrived quickly and replaced the fridge in a very timely manner.

Comment from Whitney G. of Eldorado Resort Casino

Business Owner

9/26/2014 Dear Eva C,

Thank you for your recent stay with us at Eldorado Resort Casino. We appreciate your… Dear Eva C,

Thank you for your recent stay with us at Eldorado Resort Casino. We appreciate your business as well as taking your time to provide us with valuable information about your stay.

We are truly sorry that you experienced multiple issues while our guest including being disappointed with the room you were assigned, Room Service not fulfilling the surprise for your husband's birthday and the confusion regarding your spa appointment.

Most definitely we do appreciate you letting us know of these challenge so that we can address it for all guests moving forward.

We sincerely appreciate you - a valued customer and we hope to have another opportunity to serve you when your travels bring you back to Shreveport.


Eldorado Resort Casino Shreveport Read more

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Online dating service

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online dating ( OD ) or Internet dating is a personal introductory system whereby individuals can find and contact each other over the Internet to arrange a date. usually with the objective of developing a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship. Online dating services usually provide unmoderated matchmaking over the Internet. through the use of personal computers or cell phones. Users of an online dating service would usually provide personal information, to enable them to search the service provider's database for other individuals. Members use criteria other members set, such as age range, gender and location.

Online dating sites use market metaphors to match people. Match Metaphors are conceptual frameworks that allow individuals to make sense of new concepts by drawing upon familiar experiences and frame-works. This metaphor of the marketplace – a place where people go to “shop” for potential romantic partners and to “sell” themselves in hopes of creating a successful romantic relationship – is highlighted by the layout and functionality of online dating websites. The marketplace metaphor may also resonate with participants’ conceptual orientation towards the process of? nding a romantic partner. [ 1 ] Most sites allow members to upload photos or videos of themselves and browse the photos and videos of others. Sites may offer additional services, such as webcasts. online chat. telephone chat (VOIP ), and message boards. Some sites provide free registration, but may offer services which require a monthly fee. Other sites depend on advertising for their revenue. Some sites such as OKCupid, Plenty of Fish and Badoo are free and offer additional paid services in a freemium revenue model. [ 2 ]

Some sites are broad-based, with members coming from a variety of backgrounds looking for different types of relationships. Other sites are more specific, based on the type of members, interests, location, or relationship desired. A 2005 study of data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that individuals are more likely to use an online dating service if they use the internet for a greater amount of tasks and less likely to use such a service if they are trusting of others. [ 3 ]

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