Biographie [ modifier | modifier le code ]
Elle est la fille du realisateur Raoul Andre et de l'actrice Louise Carletti. Apres son BAC A2 au lycee Janson-de-Sailly elle suit des etudes simultanees a l'Universite Paris Descartes ou elle obtient en 1977 un DEUG de psychologie, et d'art dramatique au Cours Florent .
Parallelement au theatre, elle fait ses debuts a la television en 1980 sur la demande de Jacqueline Joubert alors Directrice des programmes jeunesse de la seconde chaine, qui cherche quelqu'un pour remplacer un mercredi apres-midi Dorothee dans Recre A2 . bloquee sur le tournage du film Pile ou face de Robert Enrico. C'est ainsi qu'Ariane integre l'equipe de la celebre emission jeunesse d'Antenne 2 dont elle devient une animatrice recurrente tout au long des annees 1980. Elle participe egalement a l'emission musicale Discopuce dans laquelle elle chante avec Dorothee et les animateurs de l'emission, toutes les chansons traditionnelles francaises, reunies sur les nombreux albums du Jardin des Chansons .
A partir de 1987. sa carriere prend de l'ampleur grace a la presentation du Club Dorothee sur TF1. dont elle deviendra une figure emblematique.
Durant dix ans, Ariane sera la comparse de Dorothee. Dynamique, elle excelle dans son role de « bras droit » de Dorothee qu'elle seconde en imposant sa personnalite detonante, tout en sachant s'effacer quand il le faut.
Elle participe a toutes les emissions de Dorothee, notamment les nombreux prime time de l'animatrice ainsi qu'a l'emission caritative Le Noel de l'amitie .
Ariane presentera egalement sa propre emission, en duo avec Jacky. Il s'agit du Club mini . un rendez-vous matinal pour les tout-petits diffuse sur TF1 entre 1990 et 1996.
Au debut des annees 1990. elle se produit sur scene a Paris, pendant les fetes de Noel, entouree de ses camarades du Club Dorothee (Jacky, Corbier, Patrick et Helene) pour jouer dans plusieurs comedies musicales : Les Bisounours . Retour a Diguedondaine et Rock'n'Twist .
A partir de 1993. Ariane devient auteur de chansons et participe a l'ecriture des deux albums de son poulain : Anthony Dupray. publies en 1994 et 1996.
A la fin du Club Dorothee . en 1997. elle cree Trinore, une societe de production, avec son mari Remy Sarrazin. ex-bassiste des Muscles. Elle est egalement directrice de collection chez JLA Holding .
Pendant ses dix annees sans animation, elle devient Directrice litteraire et Productrice Artistique chez JLA et s'occupe de nombreuses fictions ( L'Instit . Le Groupe . SOS 18 . Baie des flamboyants ).
En 2002. Elle tourne pour la television avec Roger Hanin dans Ne meurs pas . une fiction de 90 minutes realisee par Jose Pinheiro et diffusee sur France 2 .
Ariane fait son retour a la television en compagnie de Dorothee. Jacky et Patrick sur la chaine IDF1 (creee par Jean-Luc Azoulay ) a partir du 20 mars 2008. Elle y anime plusieurs programmes avec ses partenaires, notamment Choisissez vos animateurs dont elle est la conceptrice, ainsi que Pas de pitie pour le net une emission presentee par Dorothee et dans laquelle elle est chroniqueuse avec Jacky et Patrick Puydebat entre autres.
En decembre 2008, Ariane participe egalement a la presentation de l'emission caritative Le Noel de l'amitie .
En 2008 et 2009, elle anime, seule, une emission de dating intitulee Le Grand Amour .
Elle quitte la chaine IDF1 en janvier 2010 mais y apparait episodiquement lors d'evenement speciaux ou de simples clins d'?il amicaux.
Le 18 decembre 2010 elle a interprete son tube Dragon Ball Z sur la scene de Bercy lors de la premiere partie du concert de Dorothee .
Ariane apparait dans le film Je m'appelle Bernadette . sorti le 30 novembre 2011. realise par Jean Sagols et dans lequel elle donne la replique a Francis Huster .
Discographie [ modifier | modifier le code ]
Firefox - The game works fine offline with the latest version of Firefox, in fact that is what I was using to create and test the game.
Internet Explorer - When you start the game you will get a popup mesage, click on "Allow Blocked Content" and it will work fine.
Google Chrome - You need to add a command line flag "--allow-file-access-from-file" Here's how in Windows and Linux and Mac .
Apple Safari - I don't have a Mac, but a possible fix can be found here.
Opera - Type the following in the command bar: opera:config#UserPrefs|AllowFileXMLHttpRequest
There are many other fixes for all browsers found here .
Japanese Dating Sims
When I originally created my Dating Sim, I thought I was being original. I knew about games like The Sims that had dating scenarios in them, and I knew about interactive stories, adventure games, and the “choose your own adventure” books, but I figured that my combining all these elements together was an original concept.
It wasn’t too long after releasing the first version that I discovered I was wrong. A whole genre of “Dating Sims” had risen and declined in the decade before my game. My ignorance can be forgiven since all of this happened in Japan, and nowhere else.
Before I go on about the Japanese Dating Sims, I should point out that the Japanese never called them “Dating Sims”. They have Bishoujo games (beautiful girls), and Ren’ai (romance) games, both categories do not necessarily mean “dating” as literally as I took it.
The term caught on, because the Ren’ai games released in the early 90’s like Tokimeki Memorial . True Love 95 . and a bunch more relationship games seem sto have “getting a date” as a major objective . These are just some of the ones known here in the US. In Japan there have been hundreds of these titles.
A well known sub genre of the Dating Sim is “Eroge ” (Erotic game, aka hentai game. or H-game), and Dating Sims themselves are part of a broader genre known as Visual Novels, which I’ll discuss in a future post.
I do not know what is considered to be the first “dating sim”, the early H-game Dokyusei (1992) seems as good a candidate as any. Games with sex and nudity existed before, but it was just straight porn or “strip poker” type games. Dokyusei actually had plot and a gaming objective before the sex and nudity came into play. Like many early titles, eventually non-H versions would appear on consoles, and even Anime based on the game would be made.
I do know that Tokimeki Memorial is the first real breakout title, released in 1994. It was an all ages program from the beginning, and its gaming style influence many titles to come. It and numerous sequels, have been released onto many consoles and even on cell phones. Another breakout was True Love (1995) another “eroge” title. An MS-DOS version in English was released in the US with nudity intact in 1999.
Before you go track these down, most all the characters in these games are “manga” style drawn characters. This convention has largely remained throughout the visual novel genre, which is probably why the genre has never caught on outside Japan.
The general settings of these games are also very Japanese. The most common setting is Japanese prep school, and all the girls are in school uniforms. The games start out letting you pick what kind of character you are RPG style where you distribute points between, looks, charm and intelligence. As you move through the school, you meet many girls, and the object is to find girls that your style allows you to “score” with which you must do by the end of a set time period, usually a semester or school year.
It is not always a school setting, but there is always some arbitrary time limit involved. The games usually also involve many different possible endings making the games re-playable. Even though the settings often differed, the formula did not.
After about a decade, the formula got tired, and the popularity declined except for small cult followings. Recently a resurgence has been happening as video game makers have been interested in games for pre-teen and teen girls they have dusted off the old formula, removed the eroge stuff, and reversed the genders making games where girls have to get boys. These are called “Otome ” or GxB Dating Sims. Gay themed dating games exist as well, but only from indie sources.
College Romance – A simple flash romance virtual novel, PG-13 contains adult situations but not nudity.
Sim Girl – A flash game that pretty much includes all the stereotypical Japanese dating scenarios, including the H ending.
True Love 95 – The ms-dos game in english, in all of its 256 color glory, downloadable for free. Contains a reg file to allow it to run in windows. In vista or 7 see this note .
Dating Sims at NewGrounds – A big collection of flash H-dating sims, most are probably crap.
Wonderland Days – A PG rated Otome dating sim for girls.
Similarities and Differences with Ariane’s Dating Simulator
While mine is made up of rendered 3D while most of these are hand/computer drawn, the idea that live photos would be way too creepy is a shared idea. Like mine, most all of these Date Sims adhere to the first person perspective (I thought I was being very original here, but I was just like everybody else). All dating sims, including mine, occasionally pause the plot for some mini game or puzzle you have to solve to go on. Mostly still images mixed with occasional animation, is also a shared trait. The biggest alike quality is of course the multiple possible ending scenarios.
The key differences: Most dating sims allow you to pursue multiple girls, while mine is limited to one. The advantages of the first is you can construct multiple personality types, mine is stuck with one type. Other dating sims go on for pages before you have to make a branching decision, while mine has multiple branching decisions every other page. The advantage of the first method is that you can actually tell a story, mine has to be designed with small story elements that can be told out of order thus sacrificing any semblance of plot. Another key difference, all other dating sims are made up of “sprite” images overlapped on still backgrounds, while mine are all fully rendered stills. Their method is a lot less work, believe me.
The biggest original concept on my part (and I wouldn’t recommend it to others) is to code the whole thing in html/javascript. There are free programs out there that automate the whole process for people interested in making your own.
The Dating Sim Formula in Other Game Genres
As games have gotten more complex over the years, the Dating Sim seems to have gotten demoted from genre to story element. One cannot play these Japanese Dating Sims without being reminded of Leisure Suit Larry games for example, though that series was more arcade skill oriented and linear stories. While The Sims added Hot Date in 2001, it was The Sims 2 expansion pack Night Life that included simulated dates where you had a certain amount of time to impress your date or lose a bunch of friendship points.
But the most complete inclusion of the Dating Sim element into a larger game I have seen is Dragon Age: Origins . where an optional sub plot of the game involves getting friendly, or better yet romantically involved, with your party NPCs. Like the above Dating Sims, this usually involves chatting them up, and responding in ways that gets them to approve, as well as buying them gifts and doing special personal favors for them. No doubt these formulas show up in other RPG games, but DA:O is the most obvious example.
If Ariane asks for comfortable, fashionable, and sexy,
choose a straplesss bra and thong.
If Ariane asks for inexpensive, comfortable, and sexy,
choose braless and classic style.
If Ariane asks for comfortable, fashionable, and inexpensive,
choose sports bra and boyshorts.
If Ariane asks for inexpensive, fashionable, and sexy,
choose wonderbra and bottomless.
Ariane said "I'm here with a date. I'll let him decide
what we should do."
54. (click on Rebecca) Agree to drinks at the club
with Ariane and Rebecca.
At the nightclub, Rebecca says "Wow, Ariane! You look
fabulous! We should get together sometime!"
Ariane said "That might be fun. I'll have to check my
schedule and e-mail you."
55. (click on Ariane) Ask Ariane to dance,
56. (click) Go back to the bar,
57. (click on the bar) Buy the next round of drinks,
Rebecca says "Ariane, would you like to dance?
Maybe we can show these boys how its done !"
Ariane said "Okay, I think I'll give it a shot!
62. (click to drive the girls home)
Back at Ariane's home,
Ariane said "Want to come in for a nightcap?"
Rebecca says "Sure lets keep the party going"
63. (click) Stay for a drink,
Rebecca says "So this is your house? Seems a bit small."
Ariane said "It's big enough for me, and
it has a large backyard, which I love."
64. (click) Have a drink,
Rebecca says "I'm feeling really tired, may not make it home.
Dating Ariane Game Solution
Do you need help with the Dating Ariane Game . Have you arrived further enough?
An anonymous (thx Nacho, hehe) has just sent me the clues/steps for the Dating Ariane Game Solution:
Poem, compliment, cheeck kiss.
Mouth Kiss, Touch Hair
Music:soft rock, Mouth Kiss, Neck Dip
Go to Kitchen, Fridge, Wine
Drink Wine, Click on chairs to see stars
Get right the questions: google copernicus (center, left), aries (left, middle-top), tri? ngulus (center, middle-left) and sea of tranquillity (center, middle-right)
Flash boobies, Click on terrace table, talk, compliment, eat, drink
Swimming pool, go out from pool (not repeat swimming)
Hot Tub, Mouth Kiss, Wine, Play Truth or Dare
First Truth (you have never f**k on a hot tub), Second (she) Truth (ask whatever you want), Third (you) Dare, Fourth (she) Dare: Undress Top
Here you have two different ends:
Dare (you) and Dare (she), undress bottom
Drink wine, french kiss, massage shoulders, grab bubs, lick nipples, massage low back (tummy), massage thights (legs), brab ass, finger
Dare (you) and Dare (she), go to a shop dressed only with a towel
You are on the car, click on the towel (she will enter on the shop withou for $20)
Buy snacks, come back to car, beer
Here you are. The “Prized Solution” for the Dating Ariane Game by arianeb. com