пятница, 17 октября 2014 г.

Dating your best friend

Casual sexual relationship

A casual sexual relationship . casual relationship . or casual dating . is a physical and emotional relationship between two people who may have casual sex or a near-sexual relationship without necessarily demanding or expecting the extra commitments of a more formal romantic relationship. Motives for casual relationships vary. [ 1 ] There are significant gender and cultural differences in acceptance of and breadth of casual relationships, [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] as well as in regrets about action/inaction in those relationships. [ 6 ]

A casual relationship may be part-time, or for a limited time. It may or may not entail partner-exclusivity. In each case, the relationship's dominance in the lives of those involved is being voluntarily limited, and there is usually a sense that the relationship is intended to endure only so long as both parties wish it to. Casual relationships sometimes include mutual support, affection and enjoyment, which underpin other forms of loving relationship. [ citation needed ]

People in a casual sexual relationship are sometimes referred to as "friends with benefits", but the terms may differ in that the latter term carries less of the implication of relations beyond sexual activity. A one-night stand is also different, as a casual sexual relationship extends beyond a single sexual encounter. Nonetheless, these concepts are similar to a casual sexual relationship in that the sex is generally focused on fulfilling sexual desires rather than romantic/emotional needs. [ citation needed ]

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Success Stories - Telegraph Dating members share their experiences

Cherry, 2014-06-03

Thank you, I met a lovely gent on this site.

Rosemary, 2014-04-20

Thanks to your help, I have someone I am compatible with and wish to get to know better on a one to one basis. I have been 5 years on my own and did not think that I would ever find someone to share my life with again. Thank you and I will be recommending your site and service.

This site is a great way to meet up with interesting, like-minded people and eventually, with luck. The "one"!


Интернет магазин X-STEEL. RU предлагает широкий ассортимент оригинальных кулонов и подвесок из ювелирной стали, отличающиеся высоким качеством и уникальным дизайном.

Мужские подвески и кулоны из стали.

Мужские кулоны и подвески очень популярны, благодаря своей универсальности. Их можно носить людям всех возрастов, вне зависимости от статуса, стиля в одежде и положения в обществе. Оригинальные кулоны и подвески подчеркивают индивидуальность мужчины. Мужские кулоны могут поведать о чертах характера человека, а также о его профессии и интересах. Мужские подвески отлично подходят для любого случая жизни, будь то домашняя вечеринка, деловая встреча или поход в кино. Мужские кулоны могут быть талисманами и оберегами, которые привлекают удачу, и отталкивают неприятности.

Для тех, кто хочет подчеркнуть свою целеустремленность, деловой настрой и современность отличным вариантом станет кулон из ювелирной стали. Украшения из этого материала – это истинно мужские предметы, они говорят о решительности и твердости своего хозяина.

Наш интернет-магазин компании «Стильные украшения "X-steel» предлагает широкий ассортимент оригинальных мужских подвесок и кулонов из стали. Украшения из нержавеющей стали по внешнему виду ничем не уступают золотым или серебряным. Этот материал объединяет в себе стильность и простоту, а также отличается высокой прочностью, благодаря этому изделия очень долгое время сохраняют свой первоначальный нарядный вид. Наша коллекция подвесок и кулонов просто поражает воображение своим разнообразием. Здесь вы сможете найти то, что нужно именно вам. Профессиональный дизайн наших украшений выделит вас из толпы, а также подчеркнет ваш отличный вкус и стиль.

В интернет магазине X-STEEL. RU вы можете приобрести модные, качественные кулоны и подвески как для себя, так и в качестве подарка. Выбирая кулон для любимого мужчины, руководствуйтесь его характером и темпераментом. Если ваш избранник по своей натуре хищник, то ему подойдет подвеска Волк или подвеска Охотничий нож, а если он любит погонять на мотоцикле, то подарите ему подвеску BMX. Для любителя футбола подойдет подвеска с эмблемой любимой команды. Правильно подобранный подарок в виде стального кулона будет радовать своего владельца долгие годы, оберегать и приносить удачу.

Мужские подвески и кулоны из стали.

Кулоны и подвески очень популярны среди мужчин, благодаря своей универсальности. Их можно носить людям всех возрастов, вне зависимости от статуса, стиля в одежде и положения в обществе. Оригинальные кулоны и подвески подчеркивают индивидуальность мужчины. Они многое могут поведать о чертах характера человека, а также о его профессии и интересах. Эти украшения отлично подходят для любого случая жизни, будь то домашняя вечеринка, деловая встреча или поход в кино. Мужские кулоны могут быть талисманами и оберегами, которые привлекают удачу, и отталкивают неприятности.

Для тех, кто хочет подчеркнуть свою целеустремленность, деловой настрой и современность отличным вариантом станет кулон из ювелирной стали. Украшения из этого материала – это истинно мужские предметы, они говорят о решительности и твердости своего хозяина.

Наш интернет-магазин компании «Стильные украшения "X-steel» предлагает широкий ассортимент оригинальных мужских подвесок и кулонов из стали. Украшения из нержавеющей стали по внешнему виду ничем не уступают золотым или серебряным. Этот материал объединяет в себе стильность и простоту, а также отличается высокой прочностью, благодаря этому изделия очень долгое время сохраняют свой первоначальный нарядный вид. Наша коллекция подвесок и кулонов просто поражает воображение своим разнообразием. Здесь вы сможете найти то, что нужно именно вам. Профессиональный дизайн наших украшений выделит вас из толпы, а также подчеркнет ваш отличный вкус и стиль.

В интернет магазине X-STEEL. RU вы можете приобрести модные, качественные кулоны и подвески как для себя, так и в качестве подарка. Выбирая кулон для любимого мужчины, руководствуйтесь его характером и темпераментом. Если ваш избранник по своей натуре хищник, то ему подойдет подвеска Волк или подвеска Охотничий нож, а если он любит погонять на мотоцикле, то подарите ему подвеску BMX. Для любителя футбола подойдет подвеска с эмблемой любимой команды. Правильно подобранный подарок в виде стального кулона будет радовать своего владельца долгие годы, оберегать и приносить удачу.

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Best Christian Dating Sites in 2014. How to Pick the Right One for You

There’s a lot of information on the web about the best Christian dating sites . but as Christian singles ourselves, we haven’t found much of it to be truly helpful in our decision-making process. So we figured instead of complaining about it, we’d try to help solve that problem.

Best Christian Dating Sites

We’ve created a comparison chart and detailed resource of the best Christian dating sites. We update it regularly as we get feedback from readers and do further research. Hey, we’re just trying to help a brother or sister out and keep it real. Just doing our part…

But here you are…

So before we go any further, let’s agree that we’re going to accept online dating for what it is: a tool that aids us in the search for Mr. or Miss Right. There’s no shame in using tools.

We’ve searched high and low for reliable information that would guide us to make an informed decision when choosing the best Christian dating sites . and there really aren’t many places that offer information from actual Christians.

We’ve done our fair share of online dating, and we just thought we’d offer our experience and research to those of you who want it. A piggyback ride, perhaps? After all, if we’re still single, we’d at least like to think our money went to something more useful than some awkward first dates.

We plan to update this page as new information arises, so check back often as our reviews of Christian dating sites grow. And if you have anything to contribute to the discussion, we’d love to hear it. Use a pseudonym if you don’t want to use your real name. There’s no shame in that either. We just want to hear your take on any site you’ve had experience with.


Everyone wants to talk about money first. This is evident from our own lives, our conversations with friends, and from the surveys we’ve conducted among online Christian daters.

If you show them the money, will they show you the love?

Money is a big issue.

So let’s talk scratch: Just because a site costs less doesn’t mean you’re necessarily getting a good deal. That being said, just because it costs more doesn’t mean you get a better site either.

Many of the seven sites we’ve reviewed offer a free trial membership. While you’re probably not going to fall in love in ten days or less, miracles can happen. And if you want to test-drive a site, a free trial is a good way to go.

But if you’re ready to go all in, you should know that many factors can change the price of subscription to a Christian dating site. Depending on how long you commit, you can easily make the price per month decrease. The average price for a one-month membership on Match, Chemistry. com and Christian Cafe runs close to $35, Christian Mingle is priced for about $30 for a month, and eHarmony will cost you around $60/month.

Suffice it to say: If you’re choosing strictly based on price, then Marry Well is the front-runner at $12 for a one-month subscription. You can get three months for $25 on Marry Well (less than one month on Christian Mingle). They even have an $8 monthly plan for “cash-strapped” college and graduate students and a scholarship program for people involved in ministry.

Christian Cafe

It’s hard to figure out what kind of numbers these sites are pulling in. They’re not too keen on publishing exactly how many active members you’ll have access to.

A recent Christian Mingle’s commercial states that they have gained 2 million members in the past year alone. What does that mean for your search? Well, anyone can create a free profile on the site (or most sites). Just because there are a ton of profiles does not mean that there are that many actively paying members in which to communicate with.

Marry Well is still a new site, and a quick search from a metropolitan area such as Dallas/Fort Worth showed a much smaller selection of profiles than the sites that have been around for years such as eHarmony, Match, Christian Cafe, Chemistry. com, and Christian Mingle.

Here’s what you need to consider: If you live in a small town or rural area and you’re not into long-distance relationships, the number of online dating profiles within your geographical region is already slim. You’ll need to either expand your driving distance or choose one of the sites that boast millions of profiles to choose from.

With the exception of Marry Well, all 5 of the other sites generally include hundreds to thousands of profiles for Christians to choose from that are within a reasonable driving distance (under 2-3 hours). Marry Well has potential, but it might be a bit longer before we can wholeheartedly recommend it for its large membership.

Membership Numbers. SingleRoots Recommends

Best Christian Dating Sites in 2014. How to Pick the Right One for You

There’s a lot of information on the web about the best Christian dating sites . but as Christian singles ourselves, we haven’t found much of it to be truly helpful in our decision-making process. So we figured instead of complaining about it, we’d try to help solve that problem.

Best Christian Dating Sites

We’ve created a comparison chart and detailed resource of the best Christian dating sites. We update it regularly as we get feedback from readers and do further research. Hey, we’re just trying to help a brother or sister out and keep it real. Just doing our part…

But here you are…

So before we go any further, let’s agree that we’re going to accept online dating for what it is: a tool that aids us in the search for Mr. or Miss Right. There’s no shame in using tools.

We’ve searched high and low for reliable information that would guide us to make an informed decision when choosing the best Christian dating sites . and there really aren’t many places that offer information from actual Christians.

We’ve done our fair share of online dating, and we just thought we’d offer our experience and research to those of you who want it. A piggyback ride, perhaps? After all, if we’re still single, we’d at least like to think our money went to something more useful than some awkward first dates.

We plan to update this page as new information arises, so check back often as our reviews of Christian dating sites grow. And if you have anything to contribute to the discussion, we’d love to hear it. Use a pseudonym if you don’t want to use your real name. There’s no shame in that either. We just want to hear your take on any site you’ve had experience with.


Everyone wants to talk about money first. This is evident from our own lives, our conversations with friends, and from the surveys we’ve conducted among online Christian daters.

If you show them the money, will they show you the love?

Money is a big issue.

So let’s talk scratch: Just because a site costs less doesn’t mean you’re necessarily getting a good deal. That being said, just because it costs more doesn’t mean you get a better site either.

Many of the seven sites we’ve reviewed offer a free trial membership. While you’re probably not going to fall in love in ten days or less, miracles can happen. And if you want to test-drive a site, a free trial is a good way to go.

But if you’re ready to go all in, you should know that many factors can change the price of subscription to a Christian dating site. Depending on how long you commit, you can easily make the price per month decrease. The average price for a one-month membership on Match, Chemistry. com and Christian Cafe runs close to $35, Christian Mingle is priced for about $30 for a month, and eHarmony will cost you around $60/month.

Suffice it to say: If you’re choosing strictly based on price, then Marry Well is the front-runner at $12 for a one-month subscription. You can get three months for $25 on Marry Well (less than one month on Christian Mingle). They even have an $8 monthly plan for “cash-strapped” college and graduate students and a scholarship program for people involved in ministry.

Christian Cafe

It’s hard to figure out what kind of numbers these sites are pulling in. They’re not too keen on publishing exactly how many active members you’ll have access to.

A recent Christian Mingle’s commercial states that they have gained 2 million members in the past year alone. What does that mean for your search? Well, anyone can create a free profile on the site (or most sites). Just because there are a ton of profiles does not mean that there are that many actively paying members in which to communicate with.

Marry Well is still a new site, and a quick search from a metropolitan area such as Dallas/Fort Worth showed a much smaller selection of profiles than the sites that have been around for years such as eHarmony, Match, Christian Cafe, Chemistry. com, and Christian Mingle.

Here’s what you need to consider: If you live in a small town or rural area and you’re not into long-distance relationships, the number of online dating profiles within your geographical region is already slim. You’ll need to either expand your driving distance or choose one of the sites that boast millions of profiles to choose from.

With the exception of Marry Well, all 5 of the other sites generally include hundreds to thousands of profiles for Christians to choose from that are within a reasonable driving distance (under 2-3 hours). Marry Well has potential, but it might be a bit longer before we can wholeheartedly recommend it for its large membership.

Membership Numbers. SingleRoots Recommends

The Private Man

Helpful Hint For A Woman’s Online Dating Profile

Since this page is proving so popular I urge you readers to learn about the one-on-one, phone-based dating and attraction advice I offer.

[This post has persistence. With that in mind, here are three other posts that directly addresses some of the dating challenges that women face: A Dating Exercise For Women. the Amazing Follow-up , and A Huge Dating Secret For Women. Enjoy]

I read so many online dating profiles that I get dizzy. The vast majority of women’s online dating profiles are completely and utterly generic: Walks on the beach, shopping, I’m fabulous, I love my dog, no games, family and friends are important. This goes on ad infinitum and ad nauseam. Such generic text does not speak well of a woman’s sense of honest introspection.

Worse, the photos are simply awful. Bad photos tell men that the woman really isn’t making much of an effort. Advice? Professional photographs. I mean that. Who is telling women that men are not visual? Is Oprah or Dr. Phil telling those lies? Someone needs a clue-by-four upside the head.

It’s been said over and over again: Women must bring something to the dating and relationship table if they want something more than just a short-term fling. Women are the gatekeepers of sexuality. The flip side of that is that men are the gatekeepers of commitment. In the long run, men hold the relationship power (most of them just don’t know it).

With this in mind, a good online dating profile must clearly spell out what a woman offers to her potential paramour and candidate for a committed relationship. Here’s another huge mistake that a woman makes – she describes herself in terms of what she wants in a man. This is where the strong and independent fallacy takes shape. A woman wants a strong and independent man so she incorrectly believes that a man wants a strong and independent woman. That is completely wrong. Men want a feminine women but one who is resilient and self-reliant. The feminine attracts the masculine.

As men are rational and logical creatures regarding dating, a woman should specifically state what she offers in terms of what a man actually wants. A list is not the stuff of romance unicorns and rainbows. But a woman must consider her audience. Logic and reason are masculine qualities and a woman must communicate to such an audience with her profile.

I’ll make it easy for the women with an example and format to use. My comments are in brackets. These are only examples. If a woman wants to use this example, she best do a serious inventory of what she offers a man.

Top 10 Reasons Why I Would Be Your Best Girlfriend Ever:

10. You will see me wearing sexy lingerie more than “comfortable” undies. [I think this is fairly obvious.]

9. You won’t hear me nag and complain because I don’t sweat the small stuff. [Men loathe nagging and complaining. It's sandpaper on our eardrums and on our brains.]

8. You will be proud to have me on your arm when we go out in public and your friends will probably be envious. [Dresses, skirts, high heels makeup, and good hair. A man wants to take pride in the woman on his arm.]

7. You will never, ever compete with me. [Men compete with each other, not the woman in his life. competitiveness is a masculine trait.]

6. You will be nicely surprised when I kiss you passionately at unexpected times and in unexpected places. [Affection helps to bond a man to you.]

5. You will never see me roll my eyes at you when you say something because I will respect you. [Men want respect and even small signs of disrespect will drive a man away from you. Try that shit in public and I advise the man to walk away immediately without regret.]

4. You will see my smile far more often than my frown. [Negative feelings are mostly unnecessary drama for men. As the Swedes say about a good woman - she should be happy, horny, and grateful]

3. You will find yourself thinking seriously about my observations on life and current events. [Many men won't well tolerate a woman who only knows shopping and reality TV.]

2. You won’t be holding my purse at the shoe store. You won’t even BE at the shoe store with me. [Do you see that bored chump in the shoe store holding his girl's purse? 'Nuff said.]

1. You rarely, if ever, hear these awful words: “I’m not in the mood”. [Deny sex too often and he will deny or break his commitment. Go ahead ladies, try it. If he still sticks around anyway then you will quickly learn to loathe him.]

Notice how these statements are structured with the personal pronoun “you” leading each one. The emphasis is on the guy, not the gal. An entitlement princess would never write such things. This kind of list should lead the profile to show what the woman offers in the context of dating and relationships.

As for the rest of the profile, that advice will come later. Let’s just say it isn’t a list of demands but a more creative way of expressing a woman’s preferences in a man.

Final Note – Consider the services of a professional dating coach. Seriously, I mean that.

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