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Добавлено: 23 февр. 2011 г.
У каждого в жизни всегда есть место сказке!
Начинающий певец из провинциального городка Андрей мечтает о славе, большой сцене, миллионах долларов. И однажды известный продюсер предлагает ему заключить выгодный контракт. Андрей без колебаний соглашается, оставляет любимую девушку Наташу и едет в Москву. Спустя некоторое время девушка узнает из светской хроники, что Андрей помолвлен с "нефтяной принцессой" Еленой.
Расстроенной Наташе советуют обратиться в брачное агентство ""Золушка"", устраивающее браки с миллионерами. Она соглашается и приезжает в Москву для встречи с потенциальными женихами. Но агентство оказывается подставным, Наташу жестоко обманывают и она остается в столице без жениха и без денег. Вернуться в родной город девушка не может, поэтому устраивается на работу официанткой.
Но судьба преподносит Наташе подарок. И вскоре ее жизнь меняется - она встречает свою новую любовь.
Andrey has always dreamt of becoming a pop star, so when a well-known record producer offers him a contract in Moscow, he jumps at the opportunity, leaving his girlfriend, Natasha behind without a second thought. Andrey’s success quickly attracts many rich and beautiful women, and Natasha is left to read about his engagement to oil princess, Yelena, in the newspaper.
Miserable and alone, Natasha’s friend Dasha suggests she tries a new dating agency called Cinderella, which specializes in introducing girls to millionaires. Madlen, the agency’s owner invites Natasha to Moscow, but when she arrives, it transpires that the agency is a fake, and Madlen and her husband Ivan disappear with Natasha’s luggage and money.
Natasha is ashamed to return home penniless and without a fiancee, so she gets a job as a waitress in a pizzeria where she meets Alex, a fellow waiter. Alex tracks down Madlen and retrieves Natasha’s money and possessions enabling her to return home. However, it is not until she has gone that he realises he has fallen in love with her.
Формат/Type: фильм / film
Жанр/Genre: лирическая комедия / lyrical comedy
Год производства / Year of production: 2007
Хронометраж / Duration: 100 минут / minutes
Режиссер / Directed by: Александр Замятин / Aleksandr Zamyatin
Сценарий / Written by: Наталья Марфина / Natalia Marfina
Оператор-постановщик / Director of photography: Андрей Самарец / Andrey Samarets
Композиторы / Composers: Виталий Окороков / Vitaliy Okorokov
Продюсеры/Producers: Виталий Бордачов. Влад Ряшин / Vlad Ryashin
В ролях / Cast: Женя Лоза, Иван Николаев, Ники Илиев, Юнона Дорошева, Олег Шкловский, Ия Нинидзе, Егор Рыбаков, Владимир Стержаков, Александр Карпов, Анна Данькова, Михаил Богдасаров, Оксана Кутузова / Zhenya Loza, Ivan Nikolaev, Niki Iliev, Yunona Dorosheva, Oleg Shklovskiy, Iya Ninidze, Egor Rybakov, Vladimir Sterzhakov, Aleksandr Karpov, Anna Dan'kova, Mikhail Bogdasarov, Oksana Kutuzova
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно "Золушка. ru / Cinderella. ru"
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Star Media в социальных сетях:
Russian girls - living and travel images
Dear Sirs! Thank you for your visit to our site. There's been a lot of discussion about girls from Russia on the Internet, and other media, within the past years. The result became a fancy and weird fusion of some valid information, some half-truth, rumors, dispute, guesswork, guesstimate and divination, misleadings and deliberate lies.
This is why we re-create from the scratch this site. We have a lot of firsthand information to share with you ;) We will try to tell you about who they are and who they are not; about their achievements in sports, business, art, literature, politics and history. and even wars ; we will show you beautiful girls photos and we will tell you about "ordinary" women living out there with their views and customs. hobbies activities. and Sense of Humor. We'll show you pictures of Russia - those places where Russian girls born, grow and live - or travel:
Please be advised that this is not "dating site" nor "dating personals site" nor "Russian mail order brides sites" in any way. This is not "date single person" nor "free dating online" nor "friendfinder" nor any other sort of "matrimonial" or "marriage" sites either. We don't offer any matchmaking services. We only offer information as we know it and show you some pictures. It's all free - no fees, no charges.
It is no use to distinguish Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus women as they themselves (most of them) do not feel a lot of difference from each other. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians have all very similar origin and social background, ways of life, traditions, and superstitions since they were the same country not so long ago (USSR aka SU, Soviet Union ; later - CIS, "Commonwealth of Independent States").
It's these traditions and upbringing that make a Russian woman so different from European or American or any other country's one. Russian fairy tales are the huge part of these traditions. They depict a main protagonist (or heroine) not only to be a kind-hearted, hard-working and beautiful woman who is like Cinderella granted for her moral virtues with the prince and the fortune. The fairy tale heroine is a strong partner that supports and often saves the life of the prince.
Our fairy tales encourage patient, courageous, wise, inventive characters that show sacrificial love, lack of materialism, keep faith, have respect to the seniors, have compassion to the weak person and care for animals. Russian girl from fairy tales is loyal, wise, knowing, brave, compassionate, self-giving, shows unquestionable love. She possesses the secret bonds to nature and she's protected by Supreme Energy.
Russian classical literature and cinema has similar characters. A woman is described in novels as feminine, intelligent, sacrificing, yet strong and courageous heroine having heart of hearts, inborn integrity, justice and stamina. Woman of Russia is shown in Russian literature as vulnerable and submissive, but also flavored with stubbornness and irrational sometimes and able to show patience that permits ultimate survival in most harsh circumstances.
A unique character of Russian women is also influenced by the Orthodox Christian traditions and values like mercy, generosity, self-neglect. Even though a great many of Russian women are not true believers, they demonstrate the internal need for agape and charity molded by cultural background and the society.
Most Russian women take it for granted to combine their own career with taking care of family and the household. Most Russian clerks, teachers, doctors, accountants, as well as lawyers, designers, travel or real estate agents are educated women. working full day, yet they rarely hire baby sitters or housemaids to help around. If a couple gets a divorce and the family splits, it is almost always a Russian woman who takes full care of children. Russian women mainly cook at home, be it a regular supper, a quick lunch for a school child or a 2-meal snack for a husband leaving for work. Take away meals are not mass popular and expensive and premade food is considered low quality and unhealthy. Thus Russian cuisine and eating habits mainly include cooking at home and using fresh products.
This is quite habitual due to financial reasons and mentality when grown up children keep on living with their parents in the same apartment or house even after they get married and have own children. Most Russian women help raise their grandchildren and support new family of their own children financially.
Not only fairy tales, religion and literature characters inspire today's Russian women. To a greater extent it's life and heroic deeds of our great ancestors - real women that survived revolution, collectivization, industrialization. emigration. World War II and tough after war times and famine - to teach our compatriots what a Russian woman should be. We intend to write about these heroic women that were soldiers, partisans. pilots. snipers, nurses - those who contributed to the great victory of Soviet Union over the Nazis. Their unselfish courage and commitment to the Motherland played a historic role during the siege of Leningrad and Sevastopol. defense of Brest Fortress, battle of Smolensk and Moscow and other Russian hero-cities. One of Vermacht generals said that while preparing to the war against the USSR the fascists took into account all the details except Russian women. These words add to the portrait of a Russian woman and her historical mission.
At this "home" page we provide you with just a brief summary of our study; we'll elaborate it further at other pages: how to write letters to women of Russia or how to deal with Russians and much more.
The legendary pages of Russian history from the ancient times to the modern period present extraordinary characters of famous Russian women - rulers and political leaders. The "Enlightened despot" Catherine the Great is still a target of criticism and admiration, yet one of the most important leaders of the Russian Empire, whose achievements played a key role in political and cultural development of Russia .
Russian women - movie stars. musicians, Russian ballet dancers, athletes, female-politicians and writers greatly contributed to the list of achievements of their country. Many of them are world famous.
We don't aim to idealize a Russian woman though, thus we would be posting information about disturbing tendencies and dangerous practices a foreigner can come across looking for a Russian bride as well as notorious stereotypes about Russian women.
The major idea is that Russian women are not much different from all other women throughout the globe. They have the much similar concerns and tasks, fears and aspirations. They date, laugh, study, walk the career ladder, become mothers and take care of parents, like to get gifts. have hobbies. bring up children. have friends. travel. balance family budget. drive cars and use computers. dig at dachas. grow older. are affected by the stress and harmful habits and care about their health and beauty .
We go beyond the topic and also offer the visitor information about politics, economics, international and domestic news. opinion, living and useful information for visitors to Russia and some post Soviet countries and major events that are taking place there.
We hope that you could not only pick some cross-country knowledge here, like read about the Golden ring of Russian cities and Russian national emblems. natural and man-made wonders, but also entertain, laugh, amuse and admire the country's true treasure - the Russian women.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this site is for informational purposes only. The author provides no warranty about the content or accuracy of content enclosed.
Anatoly Karpov
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Fecha de nacimiento: 23 de mayo de 1951 en Zlatoust, USSR (ahora Rusia)
Logros notables:
Ganó el Campeonato Mundial Juvenil de Ajedrez en 1969
Ganó tres campeonatos soviéticos de ajedrez
Ganó nueve veces consecutivas torneos importantes durante su etapa como campeón del mundo
Estilo de juego y legado:
Karpov es conocido por ser un jugador posicional que buscaba exprimir cualquier pequeña ventaja de una posición y torturar a su oponente al ejercer presión. Este estilo lógico y estratégico hizo que Karpov fuera muy difícil de vencer, ya que muy raras veces recurría a líneas tácticas complejas o cometía errores mayores; prefería obtener ligeras ventajas, pero sin oportunidad de una derrota.
1999: Rechazó defender el título de la FIDE, como campeón mundial ya no sería posicionado en las finales de los torneos de formato de eliminación directa.
Encuentros del Campeonato Mundial:
1975: Ganó el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez por no presentación de Bobby Fischer, quien se rehusó a defender su título
1978: Derrotó a Viktor Korchnoi 16.5-15.5 (+6 -5 =21) para mantener el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez
1981: Derrotó a Korchnoi 11-7 (+6 -2 =10) para mantener el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez
1984: El duelo con Garry Kasparov fue detenido después de 48 juegos con Karpov liderando 25-23 (+5 -3 =40); ninguno tenía las seis victorias requeridas para el triunfo, según las reglas del duelo
1985: Perdió contra Kasparov 13-11 (+3 -5 =16); Kasparov se convierte en el Campeón Mundial de Ajedrez
1986: Pierde ante Kasparov 12.5-11.5 (+4 -5 =15); Kasparov se queda con el Campeonato mundial de ajedrez
1987: Empata Kasparov 12-12 (+4 -4 =16); Kasparov se queda con el Campeonato mundial de ajedrez
1990: Pierde ante Kasparov 12.5-11.5 (+3 -4 =17); Kasparov se queda con el Campeonato mundial de ajedrez
1993: Le gana a Jan Timman 12.5-8.5 (+6 -2 =13) en el partido del Campeonato FIDE para convertirse en el Campeón mundial de ajedrez FIDE
1996: Le gana a Gata Kamsky 10.5-7.5 (+6 -3 =9) para conservar el Campeonato mundial FIDE
1998: Le gana a Viswanathan Anand 5-3 (+2 -2 =2 en un partido regular; +2 en un juego rápido de empate) por nocaut en el torneo final para conservar el Campeonato mundial FIDE
Logros notables:
Ganó el Campeonato Mundial Juvenil de Ajedrez en 1969
Ganó tres campeonatos soviéticos de ajedrez
Ganó nueve veces consecutivas torneos importantes durante su etapa como campeón del mundo
1999: Rechazó defender el título de la FIDE, como campeón mundial ya no sería posicionado en las finales de los torneos de formato de eliminación directa.
1986: Pierde ante Kasparov 12.5-11.5 (+4 -5 =15); Kasparov se queda con el Campeonato mundial de ajedrez
1987: Empata Kasparov 12-12 (+4 -4 =16); Kasparov se queda con el Campeonato mundial de ajedrez
1990: Pierde ante Kasparov 12.5-11.5 (+3 -4 =17); Kasparov se queda con el Campeonato mundial de ajedrez
1993: Le gana a Jan Timman 12.5-8.5 (+6 -2 =13) en el partido del Campeonato FIDE para convertirse en el Campeón mundial de ajedrez FIDE
1996: Le gana a Gata Kamsky 10.5-7.5 (+6 -3 =9) para conservar el Campeonato mundial FIDE
1998: Le gana a Viswanathan Anand 5-3 (+2 -2 =2 en un partido regular; +2 en un juego rápido de empate) por nocaut en el torneo final para conservar el Campeonato mundial FIDE
Encuentros del Campeonato Mundial:
1975: Ganó el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez por no presentación de Bobby Fischer, quien se rehusó a defender su título
1978: Derrotó a Viktor Korchnoi 16.5-15.5 (+6 -5 =21) para mantener el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez
1981: Derrotó a Korchnoi 11-7 (+6 -2 =10) para mantener el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez
1984: El duelo con Garry Kasparov fue detenido después de 48 juegos con Karpov liderando 25-23 (+5 -3 =40); ninguno tenía las seis victorias requeridas para el triunfo, según las reglas del duelo
1985: Perdió contra Kasparov 13-11 (+3 -5 =16); Kasparov se convierte en el Campeón Mundial de Ajedrez
Estilo de juego y legado:
Karpov es conocido por ser un jugador posicional que buscaba exprimir cualquier pequeña ventaja de una posición y torturar a su oponente al ejercer presión. Este estilo lógico y estratégico hizo que Karpov fuera muy difícil de vencer, ya que muy raras veces recurría a líneas tácticas complejas o cometía errores mayores; prefería obtener ligeras ventajas, pero sin oportunidad de una derrota.
Fecha de nacimiento: 23 de mayo de 1951 en Zlatoust, USSR (ahora Rusia)
Anatoly Karpov
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World Championship Matches:
1975: Won World Chess Championship by default from Bobby Fischer, who refused to defend his title
1978: Defeated Viktor Korchnoi 16.5-15.5 (+6 -5 =21) to retain World Chess Championship
1981: Defeated Korchnoi 11-7 (+6 -2 =10) to retain World Chess Championship
1984: Match with Garry Kasparov halted after 48 games with Karpov leading 25-23 (+5 -3 =40); neither player had the six wins required for victory under the match rules
1985: Lost to Kasparov 13-11 (+3 -5 =16); Kasparov becomes World Chess Champion
1986: Lost to Kasparov 12.5-11.5 (+4 -5 =15); Kasparov retains World Chess Championship
1987: Drew Kasparov 12-12 (+4 -4 =16); Kasparov retains World Chess Championship
1990: Lost to Kasparov 12.5-11.5 (+3 -4 =17); Kasparov retains World Chess Championship
1993: Defeated Jan Timman 12.5-8.5 (+6 -2 =13) in FIDE World Championship Match to become FIDE World Chess Champion
1996: Defeated Gata Kamsky 10.5-7.5 (+6 -3 =9) to retain FIDE World Championship
1998: Defeated Viswanathan Anand 5-3 (+2 -2 =2 in regular match; +2 in rapid tiebreaks) in knockout tournament final to retain FIDE World Championship
1999: Refused to defend FIDE title, as World Champion would no longer be seeded into the finals of the knockout tournament format
Notable Achievements:
Won World Junior Chess Championship in 1969
Won three USSR Chess Championships
Won nine consecutive major tournaments during his time as World Champion
Kasparov proves he really IS the best chess player in history as he trounces Karpov in titanic rematch
Garry Kasparov has trounced his long-time rival Anatoly Karpov in an exhibition chess match marking the 25th anniversary of their legendary rivalry.
On the last of three days of play, Kasparov won five games of speed chess, while Karpov took one game and two others ended in a draw.
That made a final score of 9-3 for Kasparov in the 12-game match in the eastern Spanish city of Valencia.
Rematch: Russian chess legend Garry Kasparov (left) trounces his rival Anatoly Karpov (R) at the Arts Palau in Valencia yesterday, 25 years after their legendary duel
Stalemate: Kasparov (right) and Karpov concentrate during the 1984 world title match. A draw was called after five months of play
Yesterday the two grandmasters played eight blitz games in which each started with five minutes on the clock, with two seconds added after each move.
Karpov won the first game even though he was playing with the black pieces. But it was to be his only triumph of the evening.
The second game ended in a draw, then Kasparov won five in a row to clinch the win over his former archrival. The last game was also a draw.
Good luck: The pair shake hands before one of their games in Valencia yesterday
The first four games Tuesday and Wednesday were played in the semi-rapid format, with each player starting with 25 minutes on the clock and adding five seconds after each move.
The two men waged one of the sporting world's greatest rivalries when between 1984 and 1990 they met five times for the world championship and pretty much drew even: Kasparov won 21 games, Karpov took 19 and they drew 104 times.
But their epic contests in the last years of the Soviet Union were always about more than just chess.
In what seemed to be a battle for their country's soul, Garry Kasparov stood for youth and progress, Anatoly Karpov for tradition and authority.