пятница, 27 марта 2015 г.

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Опубликовано: 27 марта 2012 г.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (Sanskrit: ????????? ???? ?????; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama) was a spiritual teacher from the Indian subcontinent, Lumbini (today in Nepal), on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.[1] The word Buddha is a title for the first awakened being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautam is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (P. sammasambuddha, S. samyaksa? buddha) of our age, "Buddha" meaning "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." [note 1] Siddhartha Gautama may also be referred to as Gautama Buddha or as Sakyamuni ("Sage of the Sakyas"). The Buddha found a Middle Way that ameliorated the extreme asceticism found in the Sramana religions.[2]

The time of Gautama's birth and death are uncertain: most early 20th-century historians dated his lifetime as c. 563 BCE to 483 BCE,[3] but more recent opinion dates his death to between 486 and 483 BCE or, according to some, between 411 and 400 BCE.[4][5] UNESCO lists Lumbini, Nepal, as a world heritage site and birthplace of Gautama Buddha.[6][7] There are also claims about birth place of Gautama Buddha to be Kapilavastu at Piprahwa, Uttar Pradesh, or Kapileswara, Orissa, modern India.[8][9][10][11][12] He later taught throughout regions of eastern India such as Magadha and Kosala.[13][14]

Gautama is the primary figure in Buddhism, and accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been summarized after his death and memorized by his followers. Various collections of teachings attributed to him were passed down by oral tradition, and first committed to writing about 400 years later.

The primary sources for the life of Siddhartha Gautama are in a variety of different and sometimes conflicting traditional biographies. These include the Buddhacarita, Lalitavistara Sutra, Mahavastu, and the Nidanakatha.[15] Of these, the Buddhacarita is the earliest full biography, an epic poem written by the poet Asvagho? a, and dating around the beginning of the 2nd century CE.[15] The Lalitavistara Sutra is the next oldest biography, a Mahayana/Sarvastivada biography dating to the 3rd century CE.[16] The Mahavastu from the Mahasa? ghika Lokottaravada sect is another major biography, composed incrementally until perhaps the 4th century CE.[16] The Dharmaguptaka biography of the Buddha is the most exhaustive, and is entitled the Abhini? krama? a Sutra, and various Chinese translations of this date between the 3rd and 6th century CE. Lastly, the Nidanakatha is from the Theravada sect in Sri Lanka, composed in the 5th century CE by Buddhagho? a.[17]

From canonical sources, the Jataka tales, Mahapadana Sutta (DN 14), and the Achariyabhuta Sutta (MN 123) include selective accounts that may be older, but are not full biographies. The Jataka tales retell previous lives of Gautama as a bodhisattva, and the first collection of these can be dated among the earliest Buddhist texts.[18] The Mahapadana Sutta and Acchariyaabbhuta Sutta both recount miraculous events surrounding Gautama's birth, such as the bodhisattva's descent from Tu? ita Heaven into his mother's womb.

Traditional biographies of Gautama generally include numerous miracles, omens, and supernatural events. The character of the Buddha in these traditional biographies is often that of a fully transcendent (Skt. lokottara) and perfected being who is unencumbered by the mundane world. In the Mahavastu, over the course of many lives, Gautama is said to have developed supramundane abilities including: a painless birth conceived without intercourse; no need for sleep, food, medicine, or bathing, although engaging in such "in conformity with the world"; omniscience, and the ability to "suppress karma".[19] Nevertheless, some of the more ordinary details of his life have been gathered from these traditional sources. In modern times there has been an attempt to form a secular understanding of Siddhartha Gautama's life by omitting the traditional supernatural elements of his early biographies.


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eBay: Do's and Don'ts for Beginning eBayers, 2014

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eBay Do #1: Ask Questions.

(February, 2014: special thanks to guest eBay author, Joanna Gil, for this list. This is part of the Become a Confident eBayer reference series.)

Never place a bid, or “Buy it now”, without a careful examination of the auction first.

Make sure that you know exactly what it is that you’re bidding on at eBay. This may sound like common sense, but it's amazing how many new eBayers lose themselves in the excitement, they forget to pay attention to the details.

Be aware of any conditions the eBay seller might have placed in the ad.

These could include: method of payment, shipping and handling cost, amount of time before item will be mailed out, or any extra costs such as taxes or duties, etc. Also, when it comes to an article of clothing, or shoes, make sure to note the size, color, fabric, finishing, any possible flaws, wear and tear, or damage. This is especially important if the item is “used”, “pre-loved”, or “vintage”.

If there is anything you are not quite sure of, get more information from the eBay seller before you bid. You can do it by clicking “Ask seller a question”, either on the right-hand side or near the bottom of the listing.

The vast majority of sellers encourage potential buyers to ask as many questions as necessary to help them make an educated buying decision.

Since you cannot examine the item in person, you have to rely on the information provided by the seller. After all, once you place a winning bid, you are obligated to complete the transaction.

10 Surprising Facts About the "New" Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Updated July 17, 2014.

In May, 2013, the American Psychiatric Association published the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Version Five, better known as the DSM-5. The new DSM, like all its predecessors, adds new disorders; eliminates others; and makes changes to criteria determining diagnoses.

As with the last two versions of the DSM, this version makes significant changes to autism. The new version eliminates the four prior autism spectrum diagnoses. Asperger syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Autistic Disorder), and shifts Rett syndrome, a genetic disorder, into a different category. Instead of five diagnostic categories, therefore, we have just one: Autism Spectrum Disorder.

What does all this mean to people with autism and those who love, support, teach, or treat them? To find out, I interviewed several major people involved with its creation and/or interpretation; here are ten of the most surprising, significant, and/or useful answers I received.

2. Do Top Mental Health Experts Agree that the New DSM-5 Represents the Best Thinking of the Day?


If the patriarchs are taken to be historical figures, during which archaeological period can their lives and journeys most aptly be placed? Until recently, scholars assuming the basic historicity of the patriarchal narratives have favoured either Middle Bronze I[1 ] or Middle Bronze II as the most likely background for the movements of Abraham. A later date, in the Late Bronze Age, has also been defended, but has never had the same support. More recently, a much earlier date, in the Early Bronze Age, has been suggested. This paper will consider all four of these datings, but particular attention will be given to the MB (Middle Bronze) I and MB II periods and their problems. These problems arise from the apparent non-occupation of sites which feature in the patriarchal narratives.

In 1949, Albright was able to write that only 'a few diehards among older scholars' had not accepted the essential historicity of the patriarchal traditions in the light of archaeological data, and that it was no longer fashionable to view those traditions as artificial creations by the scribes of the monarchic period.[2 ] He was able to repeat this statement fourteen years later.[3 ] Since then, however, there has been a strong reaction against the use of archaeological evidence in support of the biblical traditions,[4 ] and Albright's comment could not be repeated with any truth today.

Scholars who prefer to see the patriarchal narratives as unhistorical products of the first millennium BC have justified their view in part by referring to the difficulty of locating the patriarchs in an early archaeological period.[5 ] In response, N. M. Sarna has rightly


pointed out that an inability to place the patriarchs in a historical framework according to the present state of our knowledge does not necessarily invalidate the historicity of the narratives.[6 ] Our knowledge of the centuries around 2000 BC is very small, and our ignorance very great. Nevertheless, some specific suggestions can be made towards resolving the difficulties and answering the critics of historicity.

The aim of the present paper is therefore twofold: to examine the appropriateness of various archaeological periods as backgrounds to the patriarchal narratives, and to assess the arguments put forward on archaeological grounds for rejecting the view that the narratives reflect real conditions in an early period.


1.1. The MB I background and its problems

The view relating the patriarchs to the MB I period has been described as 'the classic formulation'.[7 ] It took shape in the 1930s, chiefly at the hands of W. F. Albright and N. Glueck.

In the l920s Albright argued that the finds on the plain of Bab edh-Dhrâ, to the east of the Dead Sea, were archaeological proof for the existence of a sedentary population in that area between the middle of the third millennium and the nineteenth century BC. He believed that occupation in the region ended abruptly 'not later than 1800 BC at the outside', and linked this with the cataclysm described in Genesis 18 - 19.[8 ] This link suggested to Albright that 'the date of Abraham cannot be placed earlier than the nineteenth century BC'.[9 ] This fell within the dates then assigned to MB I (2000 - 1800 BC).[10 ]

In 1929 Albright discovered a line of Early and Middle Bronze Age mounds 'running down along the eastern edge of Gilead, between the desert and the forests of Gilead'.[11 ] This confirmed for him the essential historicity of the campaign waged by the eastern kings in Genesis 14, an event which he had previously considered legendary. Albright's explorations in Transjordan were continued in the 1930s by Glueck, who traced a line of MB I settlements reaching most of the length of Transjordan. From 1932 onwards, Glueck's explorations revealed that most of these sites were deserted by the end of MB I, many of them never to be reoccupied. Both Glueck and Albright linked the termination of these sites


with the campaign of the eastern kings.[12 ]

From 1952 onwards, Glueck conducted an archaeological survey of the Negeb, and again found many MB I settlements. Arguing that the time of Abraham's journeys through the Negeb (Gn. 12:9; 13:1) must have been a period when permanent or temporary settlements and camping places flourished in the region, Glueck confidently identified MB I as the 'Age of Abraham', and coined the term 'the Abrahamitic period' as a synonym for it.[13 ]

Subsequently, Albright developed the theory that Abraham had been a donkey-caravaneer, trading originally between Ur and Haran, later between Damascus and Egypt. This view was first presented by Albright in 1961,[14 ] by which time the terminal date MB I had been raised from c. 1800 BC to c. 1900 BC.[15 ] In presenting his caravaneer hypothesis, Albright had to re-argue a date of c. 1800 BC for the end of MB I, because the documentary evidence which he assembled for early donkey-caravan trading belonged to the nineteenth century BC.[16 ] Although this date was cited by a few scholars for a time, it was soon universally rejected. Replying to Albright, W. G. Dever and T. L. Thompson have both noted the evidence in favour of MB II beginning earlier than 1800 BC. In 1970, Dever argued that IIA could not begin earlier than c. 1875 - 1850 BC,[17 ] but he subsequently described this estimate as 'probably too conservative', and raised the date for the transition to c. 1950 - 1900 BC,[18 ] and later to 2000 - 1950 BC.[19 ] Thompson has also shown that the low dates for MB I must be rejected, and has dismantled in detail Albright's argument that the first four royal tombs at Byblos (containing MB IIA pottery) postdate the end of the nineteenth century BC.[20 ] A date for the end of MB I in the twentieth century BC is now the general consensus among archaeologists.[21 ] The reasons for this dating need not be examined here, and can be found in the sources cited. The point to be noted is the implication of this date for Albright's hypothesis. Thompson has rightly pointed out that the low chronology for MB I is the central key to Albright's thesis. 'Once this is seen as untenable, the rise of the caravan trade under the Twelfth Dynasty pharaohs can no longer be associated with the 22 settlements of MB I either in Palestine or the Negev'.[22 ]

An attempt to retain Albright's thesis and his consequent dating of Abraham to the nineteenth century BC, while adopting the high chronology now required for MB I, would naturally place Abraham in MB II.[23 ] But, as will be noted below, there are problems for an MB II date for Abraham. The most reasonable course is actually to abandon the donkey-caravaneer hypothesis altogether. It


has been aptly criticized as going beyond the biblical evidence,[24 ] and few scholars have taken it seriously.[25 ]

The link between Abraham and MB I has also been bolstered by the so-called Amorite hypothesis. However, this hypothesis also features in the views of some scholars who place Abraham in MB II, and it will be discussed separately below.

Since an MB I dating of Abraham has been maintained independently of the donkey-caravaneer hypothesis, the justified criticisms of that hypothesis do not themselves refute the placement of Abraham in MB I. However, that dating has also been undermined in other ways, and these must be noted.

The end of occupation at Bab edh-Dhrâ can no longer be linked with the destruction of the 'cities of the plain' in Genesis 18 - 19 if Abraham is placed in MB I. Lapp's excavations in 1963-65 showed that the town site was abandoned at the close of EB III, c. 2400 - 2300 BC; remains from EB IV attest only squatter occupation, and a few scattered tombs are the only finds from MB I.[26 ]

Glueck's argument for associating the campaign of the eastern kings with the end of MB I occupation in Transjordan has been criticized by Dever. While Glueck wrote of all these sites being 'destroyed at the end of the Middle Bronze I period',[27 ] Dever notes: 'There is no evidence whatsoever for a "destruction" at the end of MB I, as claimed by Glueck.'[28 ] Thompson also notes the lack of evidence for destructions, 'let alone the abandonment of all of the sites at any single time'.[29 ]

But the most serious criticisms concern the non-occupation of certain sites which feature in the patriarchal narratives. Thompson points out that Beersheba did not exist before the Iron Age, that Succoth, if identified with Tell Deir 'Alla as Glueck suggested, was not occupied before the Late Bronze Age, and that Salem, if the same as Jerusalem, has yielded no evidence of MB I settlement; Ai (Et-Tell) was not occupied between c. 2500 BC and the Iron Age, while Shechem was not occupied before MB IIA.[30 ] J. Van Seters also stresses that Shechem and Beersheba have no MB I settlements,[31 ] and Dever elaborates concerning the latter: 'Extensive surveys and excavations by Aharoni, Kochavi, and other Israeli archaeologists in Beersheba and vicinity have in fact revealed a conspicuous lack of MB I sites through· out the northern Negeb.'[32 ] Dever describes Shechem as 'the parade example' of a site which Albright listed as having MB I occupation, but where the evidence had actually been misunderstood;[33 ] apart from a small settlement in the Chalcolithic period, occupation began in MB IIA.[34 ]


Dever also criticizes Albright's view[35 ] that Bethel was 'extensively peopled' in MB I; he has demonstrated that remains attributed to MB I in Kelso's report actually belong to the MB IIA city,[36 ] and that MB I occupation is 'supported by a mere handful of sherds'.[37 ] Dever also extends Thompson's list of problematical sites by the addition of Dothan and Hebron.[38 ] In his view, 'A date in MB I is ruled out for the patriarchs simply because the latest evidence shows that the main centres traditionally associated with their movements, pace Albright, are conspicuously lacking in MB I remains.'[39 ]

Whether MB I can be rejected as finally as such statements suggest will be discussed below.

1.2. The MB II background and its problems

Several scholars prefer to assign the patriarchs generally to the first half of the second millennium BC.[40 ] This places the patriarchal period within MB II.

The MB II period as a background to the patriarchal traditions avoids some of the difficulties we have noted concerning MB I. In MB II, Jerusalem, Shechem, Bethel, Hebron and Dothan were urban centres.[41 ] However, some difficulties remain. Beersheba, Succoth and Ai appear to be equally problematical in MB II. In addition, MB II raises difficulties of its own: 'To date, not a single MB IIA site has been found in all of southern Transjordan or the Negeb - one of the principal arenas of patriarchal activities in Genesis.'[42 ] On balance, then, MB II appears to be no more satisfactory than MB I.

1.3. The patriarchs and the Amorite hypothesis

The patriarchal period has been linked with both MB I and MB II on the basis of the Amorite hypothesis.

The end of EB III saw the disruption of urban life throughout Syria and Palestine. The EB III towns were destroyed, and the culture of the subsequent EB IV/MB I period was largely non-urban. This period is seen in terms of the slow sedentarization of nomadic or semi-nomadic newcomers, to whom the destruction of the EB III towns is generally attributed. A reversion to town life is attested at the beginning of MB IIA, and this has been ascribed to a further influx of newcomers. The newcomers in both periods are assumed to have been Amorites, the 'westerners' attested in Akkadian texts from the last quarter of the third millennium onwards. On the basis of a combination of textual and archaeological evidence, Amorite expansions have been posited in which these people moved from Mesopotamia, through Syria and Palestine and on into Egypt. It should be noted, however, that more than


the two major influxes mentioned above are envisaged, so that a number of migrations into Palestine, extending over several centuries, are in view.[43 ]

This picture of westward expansions by West Semitic peoples provides an attractive historical context for the migration of Abraham and his family from Ur to Haran and from there to Palestine and on into Egypt. This has been noted by Albright[44 ] and R. de Vaux,[45 ] but while Albright assumed an MB I setting for Abraham, de Vaux preferred to place his migration in MB IIA,[46 ] when urban society was being re-established. It must be stressed, however, that the term 'Amorite hypothesis' refers not to a possible link between Amorite movements and the migration of Abraham, but to the Amorite movements themselves.

This hypothesis, depending as it does on a large amount of interpretation of textual and archaeological evidence, has recently been heavily criticized by Thompson. Thompson shows that although early West Semites do appear in South Mesopotamia, including the region of Ur, there is no historical evidence for a migration from there to the north; the West Semites attested in North Mesopotamia seem to have settled there after a migration from the North Arabian desert.[47 ] The written materials currently available 'do not witness to a major West Semitic migration in Palestine in the early Second Millennium, and argue against any such migration from North Mesopotamia'.[48 ] Thompson further argues that the Amu ('3mu), or 'Asiatics' who entered Egypt during the First Intermediate Period and the XIth Dynasty, were not part of any widespread nomadic movement, but people living along Egypt's eastern border.[49 ] Discussing the Palestinian archaeological evidence for the nature of MB I, Thompson asserts that the Amorite hypothesis has influenced the interpretation of the finds, and argues strongly against the Amorite and nomadic character of the period, and against the view which attributes the disruption of urban civilization the end of EB III to an invasion from the north.[50 ] Thompson also draws attention to evidence of some continuity between MB I and MB IIA, rejecting any implication of a complete break between the two cultures.[51 ]

In spite of Thompson's very thorough critique, Dever has continued to hold to a version of the Amorite hypothesis on the basis of archaeological material, insisting that MB I and MB IIA saw new influxes of West Semitic peoples into Palestine from Syria.[52 ] Dever insists, however, that the problem of locating the biblical patriarchs historically 'is a separate question and one that is likely to prejudice the discussion of MB I'.[54 ]


Thompson has recently remarked that Dever 'seems unaware of how inseparable the migratory aspect of the old "Amorite hypothesis" is from the biblical story - indeed it is only in Genesis that any indication of a migration from the Euphrates region can be found'.[54 ] This deserves to be stressed. The framework into which widely scattered evidence has been drawn in the construction of the Amorite hypothesis is provided only by the biblical story of Abraham's movements, and without that framework the hypothesis is fundamentally without support. On the other hand, the migration spoken of in Genesis involves only a single family, and it is nowhere implied that that family's movements were part of a wider shift or expansion of population; therefore the movements attributed to Abraham and his family do not support the Amorite hypothesis in any case - and neither do they require the Amorite hypothesis to support their historicity.

On the basis of evidence currently available, the validity of the Amorite hypothesis remains extremely doubtful. For the reasons just stated, however, it should indeed be treated as a separate issue from discussions of the patriarchal age. As Sarna has remarked: 'If Abraham's migration can no longer be explained as part of a larger Amorite migratory stream from east to west, it should be noted that what has fallen by the wayside is a scholarly hypothesis, not the Biblical text. Genesis itself presents the movement from Haran to Canaan as an individual, unique act undertaken in response to a divine call, an event, not an incident, that inaugurates a new and decisive stage in God's plan of history. The factuality or otherwise of this Biblical evaluation lies beyond the scope of scholarly research.'[55 ]

1.4. The LBA background

The view propounded by C. H. Gordon places the lives of Abraham and Jacob in the fourteenth century BC (LB II).[56 ] This placement rests chiefly on the parallels which Gordon sees between patriarchal practices and the social customs reflected in the fifteenth - thirteenth century texts from Nuzi and Ugarit.

This view will not be discussed in detail here. The parallels on which rests have been criticized by a number of scholars.[57 ] Without these, such a dating has nothing to support it.

Further, it is impossible to reconcile such a late date with the internal biblical chronology. Even placing the Exodus in the thirteenth century BC does not allow a reduction of the patriarchal age to the fourteenth century, unless the entire framework of biblical history from


Abraham to the Exodus is assumed to be artificial - an assumption for which there is no real warrant.[58 ]

1.5. An EBA date for Abraham

D. N. Freedman has recently argued that the true historical setting of the Abraham narratives is the middle of the third millennium BC. or EB III (c. 2650 - 2350 BC) in archaeological terms.[59 ]

His arguments are based on literary and archaeological evidence, the literary material being from the recently discovered Ebla (Tell Mardikh) archives. Stating that one of the tablets from Ebla lists the five 'cities of the plain' in the same order in which they occur in Genesis 14, and that the name of one of the kings mentioned in Genesis 14 (Birsha) is preserved in almost the same form on the tablet, Freedman argues that the incidents of Genesis 14 belong in all probability to the same period as the Ebla tablet (dated in general terms to the period 2600-2300 BC).

Freedman's argument from archaeology concerns EBA remains in the region east of the Dead Sea. Bab edh-Dhrâ and four neighbouring sites provide evidence of settlements during the EBA, but not during the MBA. Freedman proposes identifying these settlements with the 'cities of the plain'. Discussing occupation at Bab edh-Dhrâ, Freedman notes that the last major phase of occupation is EB III, the site being finally abandoned about 2250 BC in EB IV. The role of all five sites as the 'cities of the plain' is confined, however, to EB III: 'All were occupied during the Early Bronze Age for varying periods of time) the only period common to all is EB III, which is also the period of the Ebla tablets.'[60 ]

While there is much that is superficially attractive about Freedman's hypothesis, both the literary and archaeological arguments face serious difficulties.

Reservations have recently been expressed concerning the readings of the names espoused by Freedman, and it seems that the claim that the names of all five cities occur on one tablet was in any case erroneous.[61 ]

Freedman himself does not insist that the king named on the tablet should be identified with Birsha, king of Gomorrah, in Genesis 14. Indeed, he admits that, although he was originally under the impression that the king named on the tablet was king of Gomorrah, he later learned that he was king of the city whose name was read as Admah. Freedman therefore suggests only that the two kings 'belong to the same era, quite possibly to the same dynasty or to related families'. The conclusion that they belong 'to the same chronological horizon'[62 ] is completely


invalidated by these qualifications. Several examples could be found of two kings reigning centuries apart, possessing the same or similar names. As one example, note Jabin, king of Hazor at the time of Joshua, and a similarly named king of Hazor attested in the Mari documents of the eighteenth-seventeenth centuries BC.[63 ] Even if Joshua is dated as early as 1400 BC, in line with a fifteenth century date for the exodus, we still have a gap of two or three centuries between these two kings; and note, too, that an even later king of Hazor also has the same name (Jdg. 4:2).

The archaeological argument also provides little evidence for Freedman's early date. His argument here largely depends on the fact that no MB I sites have been found which can be identified as the 'cities of the plain', thus restricting the choice to the EBA sites to which he refers. The common assumption that the cities of Genesis 14 now lie beneath the southern waters of the Dead Sea, which appear to have risen considerably in comparatively recent times,[64 ] is dismissed rather cavalierly: 'The underwater possibility has also been investigated. but. nothing determinative or even usable has turned up. If Sodom and Gomorrah are beneath the waters of the Dead Sea, they have not been found; the hypothesis itself seems more dubious all the time'.[65 ] This is an unfair statement of the situation. As Albright remarked, there is no way of knowing what depth of silt may now hide the ruins from view if they lie beneath the Dead Sea, and the chances of discovering traces are very remote indeed.[66 ]

Unless the EBA settlements can be identified with certainty as the 'cities of the plain' (which would require four of them being shown to have suffered a simultaneous fall in the EBA; Zoar was not destroyed according to Gn. 19), Freedman's case remains weak.

If the occupation of the central Negeb is held to be important for the historicity of the patriarchal narratives, Freedman's early date faces an additional difficulty; Thompson reports 'an almost total absence of evidence for any EB exploitation of this region' until the EB IV / MB I period.[67 ]

A final consideration is that the biblical chronology cannot be stretched sufficiently to place Abraham in the EB III period (i. e. before 2300 BC). This will be apparent from the discussion of biblical chronology below. Any attempt to take the old Testament's chronology seriously will therefore find Freedman's placement of Abraham unacceptable,[68 ] unless a down-dating of the EBA becomes necessary in the light of future discoveries.


Each period examined has been found to present difficulties. Two periods (LB II and EB III) are excluded by the internal biblical chronology, and in any case are weakly supported. The remaining two, MB I and MB II, face the difficulty of the non-occupation of important sites or areas. However, before the conclusion is reached that neither period provides an acceptable setting for the movements of the patriarchs, evidence for the location and occupational history of the relevant sites must be assessed in more detail.


What follows is a list of the Palestinian topographical references contained in the patriarchal narratives. For the convenience of a later part of the discussion, the list is divided chronologically into two parts: (i) corresponding to the life of Abraham after the departure from Haran, and (ii) corresponding to the lives of Isaac and Jacob, from Abraham's death to the entry into Egypt.

четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Dating justin biber игра

Игры для девочек - Игры Знаменитости - Джастин Бибер (Justin Bieber)

Комментарии к игре "Джастин Бибер (Justin Bieber)"

Юля: Дастин лучше всех я хочу с ним познокомится.

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9 июля 2010 года Google объявила о поддержке IMAX на YouTube [9] .

8 июля 2011 года YouTube полностью поменял дизайн сайта. В новом графическом интерфейсе «Cosmic Panda» применяется отличная от «старого» YouTube цветовая схема. Видеоролики воспроизводятся на темном фоне, а не на белом. Был незначительно изменен логотип: дизайнеры отказались от ярко-красного в пользу более темного оттенка. Изменения коснулись и элементов управления — кнопок и списков. «Превью» роликов из списка «Похожие видео» стали крупней. Видео из плей-листов отображаются в виде горизонтального списка. Владельцы личных каналов на YouTube получат больше инструментов для персонализации своей странички. Новый интерфейс будет сосуществовать со старым, указывает YouTube.

2 декабря 2011 года YouTube запустил новую версию интерфейса сайта, с видео каналов отображаются в центральной колонке на главной странице, похожие на ленты новостей на сайтах социальных сетей. В то же время, новая версия логотипа YouTube была введена в более темный оттенок красного, первое изменение в дизайне с октября 2006 года [10] .

8 декабря 2011 года YouTube отменил возможность добавления пользователей в друзья. Вместо этого в профиле появился список контактов.

В декабре 2012 года интерфейс был переработан ещё раз.

В феврале 2013 года был обновлён дизайн каналов.

В июле 2013 года интерфейс претерпел мелкие изменения. К ним относится изменение кнопки подписки.

В августе 2013 года появилась строка вверху страницы, которая показывала статус загрузки видео (https://securecdn. disqus. com/uploads/mediaembed/images/577/7310/original. jpg ).

В октябре 2013 года YouTube отменил возможность скачивания контента в 1080p качестве.

Примерно осенью того же года Google полностью изменила систему отправки комментариев к видео, введя обязательную регистрацию в Google+ .

В феврале 2014 года на YouTube изменён интерфейс.

27 июня 2014 года YouTube объявил о том, что вскоре он начнет поддерживать видео с частотой 48 и 60 кадров в секунду. Дата запуска новой функции не уточняется, но произойти это должно «скоро». Об этом заявила генеральный директор YouTube Сьюзен Войжитски на конференции VidCon в США [11] .

Особенности [ править | править вики-текст ]

На сайте YouTube. com: пользователи могут загружать видео в нескольких распространенных форматах, в том числе. mpeg и. avi. YouTube автоматически конвертирует их во Flash Video (.mp4 ) с использованием несвободного (патентованного ) кодека H.264 [ уточнить ]. а также кодеков для формата WebM. и делает их доступными для просмотра в онлайн .

За пределами YouTube. com: каждое видео сопровождает ряд специальных сайтов, которые могут загружать видео с YouTube. C января 2009 года Youtube предоставляет возможность скачивать некоторые видеоролики напрямую с сайта [12] .

Возможно сохранение без помощи сторонних приложений. Сохраненное видео размещается в кэше браузера (если ролик имеет большой размер, в кеше может оказаться только его часть, которая просматривалась последней, как правило этого не происходит с роликами длительностью менее 15 минут).

в Mozilla Firefox видео временно сохраняется в каталоге профиля. Кэш доступен по адресу about: cache.

в Internet Explorer видео временно сохраняется в папке Temporary Internet Files в профиле пользователя (например «%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\»).

в Opera видео временно сохраняется в кэше профиля в каталоге cache4.

в Google Chrome видео временно сохраняется в каталоге (пример для Windows XP и локального диска C:\"%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache").

Ролик будет иметь характерное имя (разное для разных браузеров). Найти этот файл проще всего, выполнив поиск в папке кеша со следующими параметрами: Размер — больше 100 Кб, время изменения — за последний час. Найденный файл можно сохранить (копировать) в нужное место. Если файл не имеет расширения, нужно приписать в конце расширение. flv и видео можно будет просматривать при помощи любого проигрывателя, поддерживающего FLV. например VLC .

Также согласно статистике на февраль 2012 года, в минуту на Youtube загружается 60 часов видео (март 2010 — 24ч. ноябрь 2010 — 35ч. май 2011 — 48ч. ), а в день — 86 400 часов [13]. Самый долгий ролик длился 596 часов [14]. но был удалён.

Существует приложение YouTube для Smart TV .

Локализация [ править | править вики-текст ]

Justin Bieber, Kylie Jenner Dating? Teen Stars Rumored To Have Secret Romance (PHOTO) (UPDATE)

We have to say we're a bit confused since the photo in question came from Jenner's new Instagram account.

PREVIOUSLY . Is Justin Bieber dating already?

The 18-year-old pop star finally ended things with Selena Gomez just before the new year. and now he's rumored to be dating Kylie Jenner. The pair have known each other for a while and Jenner's sister Kendall is also rumored to be dating Bieber's pal Lil Twist. but are they more than friends?

Rumors the two are dating started after the 15-year-old reality TV star posted a photo of herself and Bieber holding hands to her new Instagram account "Iputthedistrictonmyback ." The photo was later deleted, but conversation between Jenner and what appears to be Bieber's secret Instagram account suggests that the pair kiss.

It's still unclear if the Instagram accounts belong to both Bieber and Jenner, and requests for comment to both of their reps have not been returned at this time.


Биография и карьера

1994—2008: Детство и юность

Джастин Бибер родился в Лондоне канадской провинции Онтарио в госпитале святого Иосифа 1 марта 1994 года [9]. вырос в Стратфорде [10]. Матери Бибера, Патриции Линн «Петти» Маллетт, было 18 лет, когда она забеременела. Маллетт, родом из Стратфорда, помогали её родители, Брюс и Диана. Маллетт работала на нескольких работах, чтобы прокормить семью. Петти и Джастин поддерживали контакт с отцом, Джереми Джеком Бибером, который женился на другой женщине и имел двух детей. Прадед Бибер был из Германии. В детстве Бибер любил хоккей, футбол, шахматы, он увлекался музыкой. Когда он вырос, Бибер сам научился играть на пианино, барабанах, гитаре и трубе. В начале 2007 года, когда ему было двенадцать, Бибер спел Ne-Yo «So Sick» на местном конкурсе песни «Стратфордский Идол» [11] и занял второе место. Его мать разместила видеозапись выступления на YouTube, чтобы родственники и друзья смогли увидеть. Она продолжала загружать видео Бибера, поющего различные направления в музыке. Его популярность на сайте росла.

2008—2010: Начало творческой карьеры

Бибер в сентябре 2009 года в Nintendo World Store

Его дебютный сингл, «One Time», был выпущен в 2009 году, достиг первой десятки в Канаде [13] и попал в топ-30 в некоторых странах. My World . первый мини-альбом. был выпущен 17 ноября 2009 года и стал платиновым в Канаде и США и золотым в Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Джастин стал первым артистом, чьи семь песен из дебютного альбома попали в чарт Billboard Hot 100 [14] .

Первый релиз альбома под названием My World, был выпущен 17 ноября 2009 года. Второй сингл альбома, «One Less Lonely Girl», и два промо-сингла, «Love Me» и «Favourite Girl», были выпущены в ITunes и попали в топ-40 в Billboard Hot 100. «One Less Lonely Girl», впоследствии была выпущена на радио, достигла максимума в топ-15 в Канаде и США и стала золотой. My World стал платиновым в США, Канаде и Великобритании. В поддержку альбома Бибер выступал на VMA 2009, в программе Dome, The Today Show, Wendy Williams Show, Lopez Tonight, шоу Эллен ДеДженерес, Good Morning America.

Бибер выступал в Белом доме для президента США и первой леди Мишель Обама на Рождество с песней Стиви Уандера «Someday At Christmas». Эта церемония транслировалась 20 декабря 2009 года на американской телекомпании TNT. Бибер был ведущим на 52-й премии Грэмми 31 января 2010 года. Он был приглашен в качестве вокалиста в песне We Are World (песня, написанная Майклом Джексоном и Лайонелом Ричи) в поддержку Гаити после землетрясения. Бибер поет начало, которое пел Лайонел Ричи в оригинальной версии.

2010—2011: Дебютный альбом «My World 2.0» и фильм «Никогда не говори никогда»

«Baby», сингл из дебютного альбома My World 2.0, совместно с Ludacris. был выпущен в январе 2010 года и стал хитом. Сингл стал номером пять в США и попал в десятку лучших в семи других странах. Клип к нему длительное время являлся самым просматриваемым и самым обсуждаемым, пока не уступил лидерство клипу южнокорейского исполнителя PSY — «Gangnam Style » [15]. Тем не менее, «Baby» по-прежнему сохраняет рекорд как клип с наибольшим числом негативных отзывов на YouTube [16] .

Два промо-сингла «Never Let You Go» и «U Smile» были в первой тридцатке хитов в США Hot 100 и двадцатке лучших хитов в Канаде. По данным Metacritic, альбом получил «в целом положительные отзывы». Он дебютировал под номером один в американском чарте Billboard 200, что сделало Бибера самым молодым мужчиной на вершине этого чарта, также как Стиви Уандер в 1963 году.

Альбом My World 2.0 был выпущен 23 марта 2010 года [17] и также дебютировал под номером один в США [18]. канадском, ирландском, австралийском чартах и в чарте Новой Зеландии. В поддержку альбома Бибер появился на нескольких программах, включая The View, 2010 Kids Choice Awards, Nightline, Late Show Дэвида Леттермана и др. Бибер сотрудничал с Шоном Кингстоном в сингле «Eenie Meenie», который также появился в дебютном альбоме Бибера. Песня попала в десятку лучших в Великобритании и Австралии, и топ-двадцать нескольких других стран.

10 апреля 2010 года, Бибер был музыкальным гостем на Saturday Night Live. Второй сингл с My World 2.0 «Somebody To Love», был выпущен в апреле 2010 года, также был выпущен ремикс с участием наставника Бибера, Ашером. Сингл занял десятое место в Канаде, пятнадцатое в Соединенных Штатах и попал в двадцатку в некоторых других странах. 23 июня 2010 года, Бибер отправился в свой первый официальный тур (My World) в целях рекламы My World и My World 2.0. В июле 2010 года стало известно, что Бибер стал знаменитостью, которую чаще всего ищут в интернете. В том же месяце его клип «Baby», превзошел клип Леди Гаги «Bad Romance» и стал самым просматриваемым видео. В сентябре 2010 года стало известно, что Бибер составляет три процента от всего трафика на Twitter .

Бибер начал запись своего второго альбома в июле 2010 года в Нью-Йорке. Тогда его голос стал ниже, чем был раньше. В апреле 2010 года певец заметил: «Как и любой подросток, я имею дело с этим, но у меня есть лучший вокальный тренер в мире, все будет хорошо».

Бибер снялся в сериале C. S.I. Место преступления [19]. серия с его участием транслировалась 23 сентября 2010 года. Он играл неблагополучного подростка, который сталкивается с трудным решением в отношении своего единственного брата, который также является серийным убийцей. Бибер выступал с попурри из «U Smile», «Baby» и «Somebody To Love» и играл на барабанах в 2010 году на церемонии MTV Video Music Awards 12 сентября 2010 года. В октябре 2010 года Джастин объявил, что он выпустит акустический альбом под названием My Worlds Acoustic. Он был выпущен в день так называемой Чёрной пятницы в США и включал акустические версии песен из его предыдущих альбомов, и новую песню под названием «Pray».

Биографический документальный фильм-концерт в формате 3D «Никогда не говори никогда» вышел 11 февраля 2011 года. Он был снят режиссёром Шаг вперёд 3D Джоном Чу. Фильм возглавил кассы с $12,4 млн в первый день проката в 3105 кинотеатрах. Он собрал $30,3 млн за первые выходные и стал самым успешным концертным фильмом в США с точки зрения кассовых сборов [20] .

2011: Первый рождественский альбом «Under the Mistletoe»

23 февраля 2011 года в Brixton Academy прошла очередная церемония вручения наград NME Awards. Джастин Бибер получил две награды: как «Самый безвкусно одетый артист» и за «Худший альбом» ( My World ) [21] [22] .

27 февраля Бибер принял участвие в 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar Party вместе с американской актрисой и певицей Селеной Гомес, тем самым подтвердив слухи о романтических отношениях между парой.

В июне 2011 года Бибер занял второе место в списке Forbes «Самых высокооплачиваемых знаменитостей до 30 лет». Он является самой молодой звездой и одним из семи музыкантов, которые заработали $53 млн за 12 месяцев.

8 августа в Нью-Йорке состоялась церемония вручения популярной молодежной премии Teen Choice Awards. по результатам которой Джастин Бибер получил четыре награды в номинациях «лучший музыкант-мужчина», «самый красивый мужчина», «лучший актёр» и «ТВ-злодей» за эпизодическую роль в телесериале «C. S.I. Место преступления » [23] .

В конце октября 2011 года стало известно, что Бибер оказался первым, чьё видео набрало два миллиарда просмотров на YouTube [24] .

1 ноября вышел второй студийный альбом Джастина, под названием «Under the Mistletoe ». Часть песен альбома записана совместно с такими исполнителями и группами, как Ашер. Boyz II Men. Мэрайя Кэри. The Band Perry и Busta Rhymes. Он дебютировал под номером один в «Billboard 200 », продажи в первую неделю релиза составили 210 000 копий [25] .

2012 — настоящее время: Альбомы «Believe», «Journals» и сиквел «Никогда не говори никогда»

Джастин Бибер во время Believe Tour (октябрь 2012)

В конце 2011 года Бибер начал записывать свой третий студийный альбом под названием Believe. Kanye West и Дрейк подтвердили, что будут сотрудничать с Джастином в этом альбоме.

22 февраля 2012 года Бибер объявил в Твиттере, что первый сингл с альбома будет выпущен в марте 2012 года. На следующей неделе Бибер появился на шоу Эллен ДеДженерес, чтобы сообщить, что первый сингл будет называться «Boyfriend» и будет выпущен 26 марта 2012 года. Песня была написана в соавторстве с Mike Posner.

19 июня альбом «Believe » появился в продаже [26]. За первую неделю после выхода диска было продано свыше 370 тысяч копий, что позволило дебютировать альбому на первом месте в «Billboard 200 » [27] .

Осенью 2012 года начался тур в поддержку альбома «Believe», где первой датой был концерт в Глендейле. Турне продлилось до начала декабря 2013 года, завершившись 8-го в Перте. За столь долгое время певец успел дать концерты в Америке. Африке. Азии. Австралазии и Европе. Также, Бибер с европейской частью «Believe Tour» пожаловал в Россию, дав впервые два концерта — в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве [28]. Перед выходом на сцену Бибера, разогревал публику российский блогер и певец Рома Жёлудь. которого организаторы утвердили после трудных переговоров [29] .

Во время «Believe Tour» был выпущен акустический альбом «Believe Acoustic», состоящих из более легких версий песен из альбома «Believe », а также несколько новых композиций. Пластинка достигла 1-го места в Америке и 5-го в Великобритании [30] .

В октябре 2013 года, Бибер сообщил что намерен выпускать 10 новых песен каждый понедельник как промо для нового концертного фильма «Джастин Бибер. Believe». Первая из десяти песен, получила название «Heartbreaker» и вышла в первый понедельник октября в качестве сингла на «iTunes ». Далее последовали остальные композиции «All That Matters», «Hold Tight», «Recovery», «Bad Day», «All Bad», «PYD», «Roller Coaster», «Change Me» и «Confident». На второй по счету сингл — «All That Matters», был снят видеоклип режиссёром Колином Тилли. Все 10 треков из «музыкальных понедельников» в итоге вошли в сборник «Journals», который содержал дополнительные 5 неизданных песен, клип «All That Matters» и трейлер к фильму «Джастин Бибер. Believe». Так, под конец 2013 года фильм «Джастин Бибер. Believe» был выпущен на большие экраны. Он стал сиквелом фильма «Никогда не говори никогда », вышедший в 2011 [31] .

Личная жизнь

С 2010 года встречался с актрисой и певицей Селеной Гомес [32]. В 2012 году появилась информация, что они официально расстались [33]. однако эти сообщения были опровергнуты другими источниками [34] [35]. В январе 2013 года, после появления Селены в компании Джоша Хатчерсона на вечеринке «Золотого Глобуса» стало понятно об окончательном расставании [36] [37] .

Проблемы с законом

23 января 2014 года Джастин Бибер был арестован полицией Майами за гонку на спортивном автомобиле по городским улицам. От проверки на алкоголь он отказался. Позже Бибер признался, что прежде чем сесть за руль, он употреблял алкоголь, курил марихуану и принимал таблетки. Суд освободил его под залог в две с половиной тысячи долларов [38] [39] .

На сайте Белого Дома 23 января 2014 года появилась петиция с требованием к властям США отозвать вид на жительство у Джастина Бибера и депортировать его на родину в Канаду:

Мы хотели бы, чтобы опасный, безрассудный, деструктивный и злоупотребляющий наркотиками Джастин Бибер был депортирован, а его грин-карта — отозвана. Он не только угрожает безопасности нашего народа, но и оказывает дурное влияние на нашу молодежь. Мы, народ, хотели бы исключить Джастина Бибера из нашего общества [40] [41] .

Джастин Бибер подозревается в избиении водителя лимузина. Инцидент произошел 29 декабря 2013 года близ хоккейного стадиона Air Canada Center, куда певец приезжал вместе с друзьями и телохранителями посмотреть матч с участием клуба НХЛ. Из жалобы, поданной водителем, следует, что между ним и одним из пассажиров возник конфликт. В ходе ссоры тот несколько раз ударил шофера по голове и по спине. Полиция предъявила Биберу обвинение в нападении. Предварительное заседание суда назначено на 10 марта 2014 года. По предыдущему инциденту — вождению автомобиля в состоянии алкогольного и наркотического опьянения, а также в езде с просроченным водительским удостоверением, судебное заседание назначено на 16 февраля 2014 года [42] .

1 февраля 2014 года самолёт Джастина Бибера был задержан в аэропорту города Титерборо (штат Нью-Джерси ). Причиной задержания является запах марихуаны в салоне [43] .

вторник, 24 марта 2015 г.


Exemplos de uso para "dating" em portugues

Sugerir uma nova traducao Ingles-Portugues

Existem palavras que sao traduzidas de forma diferente dependendo se o idioma e portugues do Brasil ou portugues de Portugal? Ou talvez ingles americano ou ingles britanico? Se voce sabe algumas traducoes pode adiciona-las ao dicionario nos campos abaixo.


Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.


Mauricio (33 anos)

Gostei muito do evento, bem organizado e com mulheres interessantes! Estou recomendando aos meus amigos solteiros!

Thiago (28 anos)

Hoje dia 16/08/2014 vou no Speed Dating aqui no RJ. Acho que sera muito legal! Estou ansioso para viver esta experiencia :D

Bruna (27 anos)

vera lucia paulon (55 anos)

Participei pela primeira vez do evento que aconteceu na Vila Madalena, e achei interessante, muito bem organizado, seguro, passei horas agradaveis com pessoas simpaticas, alegres, bonitas, alto astral. Esse tipo de evento e uma forma inteligente e criativa para aproximar pessoas. Valeu!!

luis mania (44 anos)

Tive a primeira oportunidade de poder ir no evento do Speed Dating e achei bem legal.

Guilherme Dompieri (51 anos)

Foi meu primeiro Speed Dating e conheci muita gente interessante, das 15 pessoas 4 me escolheram e logo em seguida ja pudemos manter contato estou entusiasmado, ja tenho planejado mais duas datas vamos ver no que da.

Jozi (44 anos)

Valeu. Foi demais! Pela primeira vez participei de um evento assim e achei fantastico! Pude me divertir muito e conhecer pessoas importantes. Abraco equipe e participantes do dia 28/05.

Luiz Gomez (50 anos)

Fui no evento no dia 28/05 no Bar Brahma, e foi muito bom, o local alem de ser extremamente tradicional e muito bonito, e o evento estava em um lugar reservado e discreto, as pessoas que compareceram eram bonitas e foi tudo muito agradavel, o clima foi de bastante descontracao, e interacao entre os participantes, recomendo o Speed Dating e com certeza irei novamente em breve.

Caroline Capasso dos Anjos Afonso (30 anos)

Ontem estive no evento e gostei bastante. tinha prometido ir aqui dar minha opiniao. gostei bastante e recomendo!!

Natalia (25 anos)

Participei do evento de ontem e achei muito legal. divertido e muito interessante. Pessoas muito bem selecionadas. alegres e descontraidas. A conversa flui muito bem nos 4 minutos que sao dispostos a cada participante. Eu super indico o Speed Dantig Brasil !

Ana Stella (49 anos)

Achei divertido participar e conheci pessoas simpaticas. Foi muito bom!

Caroline Capasso dos Anjos Afonso (30 anos)

Hoje confirmei minha participacao no evento e confesso estar bem ansiosa. Queria que as pessoas que publicam as expectativas contassem depois como foi pra gente curtir junto. Espero no dia estar bem animada e conhecer pessoas de diferentes estilos, divertidas, responsaveis e que, no minimo, surjam belas amizades!

Bruna (23 anos)

Fiquei muito curiosa sobre estes eventos e adoraria de participar, pois e a minha primeira vez e espero conhecer alguem especial! Gostaria que os eventos fossem perto da estacao Metro ou CPTM, pois sera menos perigoso ao sair.

Christina (44 anos)

Adorei ler os depoimentos. Amanha estarei na Vila Madalena. Fiquei mais animada agora de saber que a maioria gostou dos eventos. Espero que eu tenha uma noite agradavel e va pessoas simpaticas e gentis. Bjs. Chris

Exemplos de uso para "dating" em portugues

Sugerir uma nova traducao Ingles-Portugues

Existem palavras que sao traduzidas de forma diferente dependendo se o idioma e portugues do Brasil ou portugues de Portugal? Ou talvez ingles americano ou ingles britanico? Se voce sabe algumas traducoes pode adiciona-las ao dicionario nos campos abaixo.


Dating is a part of human mating process whereby two people meet socially for companionship. beyond the level of friendship. or with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It can be a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by the couple. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

History [ edit ]

Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries. From the standpoint of anthropology and sociology. dating is linked with other institutions such as marriage and the family which have also been changing rapidly and which have been subject to many forces, including advances in technology and medicine. As humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers into civilized societies and more recently into modern societies, there have been substantial changes in the relationship between men and women, with perhaps the only biological constant being that both adult women and men must have sexual intercourse for human procreation to happen. [ 3 ]

Humans have been compared to other species in terms of sexual behavior. Neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky constructed a reproductive spectrum with opposite poles being tournament species. in which males compete fiercely for reproductive privileges with females, and pair bond arrangements, in which a male and female will bond for life. [ 4 ] According to Sapolsky, humans are somewhat in the middle of this spectrum, in the sense that humans form pair bonds, but there is the possibility of cheating or changing partners. [ 4 ] These species-particular behavior patterns provide a context for aspects of human reproduction. including dating. However, one particularity of the human species is that pair bonds are often formed without necessarily having the intention of reproduction. In modern times, emphasis on the institution of marriage, generally described as a male-female bond, has obscured pair bonds formed by same-sex and transsexual couples, and that many heterosexual couples also bond for life without offspring, or that often pairs that do have offspring separate. Thus, the concept of marriage is changing widely in many countries.

Historically, marriages in most societies were arranged by parents and older relatives with the goal not being love but legacy and "economic stability and political alliances", according to anthropologists. [ 5 ] Accordingly, there was little need for a temporary trial period such as dating before a permanent community-recognized union was formed between a man and a woman. While pair-bonds of varying forms were recognized by most societies as acceptable social arrangements, marriage was reserved for heterosexual pairings and had a transactional nature, where wives were in many cases a form of property being exchanged between father and husband, and who would have to serve the function of reproduction. Communities exerted pressure on people to form pair-bonds in places such as Europe ; in China. according to sociologist Tang Can, society "demanded people get married before having a sexual relationship" [ 6 ] and many societies found that some formally recognized bond between a man and a woman was the best way of rearing and educating children as well as helping to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings regarding competition for mates.

понедельник, 23 марта 2015 г.

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Политика конфиденциальности

Интернет-сайт http://proglive. ru (далее - Сайт) уважает ваше право и соблюдает конфиденциальность при заполнении, передачи и хранении ваших конфиденциальных сведений.

Размещение заявки на Сайте означает Ваше согласие на обработку данных и дальнейшей передачи ваших контактных данных НОЧУ ДО "Школа программирования".

Под персональными данными подразумевается информация, относящаяся к субъекту персональных данных, в частности фамилия и имя, телефон, адрес электронной почты и иные данные, относимые Федеральным законом от 27 июля 2006 года № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» (далее – «Закон») к категории персональных данных. Целью обработки персональных данных является оказание Сайтом информационно-справочных услуг, а также информирование о курсах НОЧУ ДО "Школа программирования".

В случае отзыва согласия на обработку своих персональных данных мы обязуемся удалить Ваши персональные данные в срок не позднее 3 рабочих дней. Отзыв согласия можно отправить в электронном виде по адресу: support@prog-school. ru.

Дорогие друзья, четыре года назад, летом 2010 в Школе Программирования прошел легендарный курс «Веб-Гуру». За три месяца мы провели несколько десятков учеников по шагам от азов до настоящих вершин профессии веб-разработчика.

Dating жж

Предлагаем ремонт квартир, строительство домов

Компания «Техстройкомплект» действует на российском рынке вот уже более пятнадцати лет. Мы работаем в сфере строительства и ремонта.

Главный принцип нашей работы - полное взаимопонимание с каждым заказчиком.

Мы оказываем следующие услуги:

• ремонт квартир: ( косметический, капитальный, евроремонт и элитный ремонт )

• отделка квартиры в новостройке

• капитальный ремонт квартир под ключ

• ремонт ресторанов

• ремонт магазинов

• ремонт офисов

• строительство дачных домов

• строительство коттеджей

• ремонт коттеджей

В ремонтно-строительной компании «Техстройкомплект» имеются свои подразделения, специализирующиеся на отдельных видах работ. Бригады строителей занимаются строительными работами - возведение стен, монтаж перекрытий и т. п. бригады отделочников - отделочными (штукатурными, малярными, плиточными и др.), бригады ремонтников - ремонтными: монтаж перегородок, прорезание проемов, укладка коммуникаций и т. д. Такая специализация дает возможность повысить и закрепить мастерство работников, их опыт, умения, квалификацию, что позволяет ускорить и удешевить работу фирмы в целом. Это выгодно отличает компанию «Техстройкомплект» от других ремонтно-строительных фирм.

Кроме того, у нас есть подразделения, решающие творческие задачи - архитектурное бюро и дизайнерская студия, а при необходимости или по желанию заказчика могут быть привлечены сторонние специалисты.

Наше основное правило - кто платит, тот заказывает музыку.

Мы помним, что клиент всегда прав. Наши работники проявляют максимум доброжелательности и корректности в процессе взаимоотношений на всех стадиях взаимоотношений – от предпроектной до заключительной. Начиная с формулирования технических и эстетических требований заказчика и кончая последними, завершающими штрихами после работы, наши сотрудники умеют не только слушать, но и слышать клиента. Это выгодно отличает компанию «Техстройкомплект» от других ремонтно-строительных фирм.

Главный принцип нашей работы - полное взаимопонимание с каждым заказчиком.

Наше основное правило - кто платит, тот заказывает музыку.

Ремонт квартир (Москва), капитальный ремонт квартир

Качество результата в строительстве и ремонте сильно зависит от точнейшего, скрупулезного соблюдения технологии производства работ. Особенно важно это при выполнении подготовительных и черновых операций. Их результаты не видны в самом процессе и сразу по его окончании, но очень важны при долговременной, в течение ряда лет эксплуатации. Полное соблюдение современных технологий и открытость инновациям позволяют нам существенно снижать расходы и сроки выполнения строительных и ремонтных работ.

Ремонтно-строительная компания «Техстройкомплект» во время проведения работ на объектах применяет сертифицированные строительные материалы (санитарные сертификаты, экологические сертификаты), которые полностью соответствуют нормам пожарной и санитарной безопасности. Длительное и постоянное сотрудничество с крупными и известными поставщиками строительно-отделочных материалов позволило нашей компании заслужить репутацию надежного и предсказуемого партнера. А это, в свою очередь, позволяет снижать расценки на ремонт и строительство за счет предоставления нашей компании скидок, как надежному оптовому покупателю.

Ремонт квартир под ключ наши специалисты выполняют точно в оговоренные сроки, причем отделка квартир производится с высоким уровне качества. А на все выполненные работы ремонтно-строительная компания «Техстройкомплект» предоставляет собственную гарантию. Ремонтируя квартиры в Москве . в ряде случаев наша компания допускает вариант работы без отселения заказчика. Это, конечно же, создает для него некоторые неудобства, но наши специалисты стараются вести себя с максимальным пониманием.


В центре Angiography. su прием ведут лучшие специалисты в области эндоваскулярной хирургии и кардиологии. В их арсенале - лебечная и научная практика на протяжении 20 лет. Это позволяет обеспечивать диагностику и лечение в оптимальном соотношении цены и качества.

Кардиологический центр Angiography. su предлагает:

диагностику и лечение высококвалифицированными специалистами;

полное обследование сердечнососудистой системы на оборудовании мирового уровня (ангиографические установки Phillips и General Electric); VIP-сервис;

кратковременное пребывание в стационаре (опреация с выпиской за один день);

позитивный настрой, ускоряющий процесс реабилитации в тихом историческом центре Москвы).

По данным статистики, в настоящее время более половины мужчин и женщин старше 40 лет страдают заболеваниями системы кровообращения. Одним из высокоэффективных мероприятий по профилактике данной группы заболеваний является своевременная и недорогая диагностика. А также лечение, внедрение в практику оперативных вмешательств на сердце, которые предалагют кардиологические центры в Москве.

Смело обращайтесь в наш центр, и мы с удовольствием поможем вам!

Консультация кардиолога в Москве

Наш центр Angiography. su с июля 2013 года запустил программу бесплатного приема пациентов у нашего профессорского состава, с целью консультации пациентов. Наш центр является федеральным медицинским учреждеием, что позволяет нам принимать пациентов со всего СНГ.

Так, для диагностики заболеваний сердца мы проводим следующие виды исследований:

Кардиография - запись электрической активности сердца

Ультразвуковое доплеровское сканирование - оценка кровотока и давления в сосудах

Sunday, October 12th, 2014

3:44 pm

получил подарок на старости лет

несколько лет искал стихотворение Ника Рок-н-ролла, слышанное мною только один раз в его исполнении. и вот -- добрый человек записал с какой-то аудиозаписи:

как жаль, что вас там не было, где был однажды я.

там небо звезды сеяло, смеялась там луна,

за замком тем чудесным - великолепный сад,

там фонари сребряные на всех цветах горят,

и привиденья добрые приходят в этот сад


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Isochron Dating

[Presented at Glacier View Conference in Colorado in 2003]

Paul Giem


The isochron method of dating is used in multiple radiometric dating systems. An explanation of the method and its rationale are given. Mixing lines, an alternative explanation for apparent isochron lines are explained. Mixing lines do not require significant amounts of time to form. Possible ways of distinguishing mixing lines from isochron lines are explored, including believability, concordance with the geological time scale or other radiometric dates, the presence or absence of mixing hyperbolae, and the believability of daughter and reference isotope homogenization. A model for flattening of "isochron" lines utilizing fractional separation and partial mixing is developed, and its application to the problem of reducing the slope of "isochron" lines without significant time is outlined. It is concluded that there is at present a potentially viable explanation for isochron "ages" that does not require significant amounts of time that may be superior to the standard long-age explanation, and that short-age creationists need not uncritically accept the standard long-age interpretation of radiometric dates.

Isochron Dating

Paul Giem

This paper attempts to accomplish two objectives: First, to explain what isochron dating is and how it is done, and second, to provide an analysis of how reliable it is. In this kind of evaluation, it is important to avoid both over - and underestimates of its reliability. While I will offer tentative conclusions, substantive challenges to those conclusions are welcomed.

Unfortunately, there is no way to deal with the subject without at least mentioning mathematics. This means that math phobics cannot be completely accommodated; they will at least have to see equations. It also means that those who are ignorant of mathematics will need to educate themselves regarding the equations, or else take them on faith.


We will begin with the concept of using radiometric dating to measure time. The underlying theory is that a given substance transforms into another, in a process called radioactive decay, at a rate which is proportional to the amount of the initial substance (sometimes called the parent substance). Writing this mathematically, we have

dP/dt = -λP,

where λ is known as the decay constant and dP/dt is the instantaneous change in P with respect to time. One can integrate this formula 1

1 By rearranging, - dP/P = λdt. One then integrates, -∫ P 0 dP/P = λ∫ t 0 dt.

ln (P 0 ) - ln (P) = ln (P 0 /P) = λ(t - t 0 ),

where ln is the natural logarithm, P 0 is the amount of parent substance at a starting time t 0 . and P is the amount of parent substance at any subsequent time t. By convention, we usually define time since t 0 as 0. This makes the equation ln (P 0 /P) = λt.

This equation can be transformed into P 0 /P = e λt. [3]

where e (= equals 2.718281. ) is the base for natural logarithms. We will see the last two equations and variations a few times in this discussion. The last two equations, which are equivalent to each other, allow us to date an object, provided that the decay constant λ has not changed and we can measure P and P 0 . The hypothesis that the decay constant has not changed is a reasonable first assumption. 2

2 There is some evidence being published that the decay constant may have changed in the past, at least for uranium and lead. However, it is not clear exactly when that happened. Whether it happened during a Flood can be reasonably questioned.

In order for a change in the decay constant to be helpful to a creationist arguing for a short age for fossiliferous strata, the decay constant would have to change during the Flood. However, this would mean that the radioactive elements inside the bodies of Noah, his family, the animals in the ark, and whatever animals survived outside the ark were spared from the otherwise general increase in radioactive decay, or that their bodies proved resistant to the effects of the increased radioactivity. This is not impossible, but does require extra intervention (or more change in the usual laws of physics).

At present, we will assume that the decay constants have not changed, recognizing that this assumption can be challenged.

Measuring P is usually relatively easy. One simply measures the parent element and finds the percentage of the parent element that is of the desired isotope. In practice it is even easier, as almost all the time the percentage of parent that is of the desired isotope is fixed in nature. Thus, for example, in the case of rubidium-strontium dating, rubidium (Rb) in nature consists of 72.15% 85 Rb (rubidium-85) and 27.85% 87 Rb (the radioactive isotope). This means that if one wants to determine the amount of 87 Rb in a given sample, one simply measures the total amount of Rb and multiplies by 0.2785.

Measuring the original amount of parent in the sample, P 0 . is much more complicated. In fact, it is technically impossible, as it would have to be done at the beginning of the time period in question, and obviously for the time periods we are considering that was never done. We can only infer it from other measurements.

The first approximation to P 0 is made by noting that the parent isotope decays to one (or occasionally more) daughter isotopes. If we define D* as the daughter produced by radioactivity, then

P 0 = P + D*.

The problem with this formula is the difficulty of measuring D*. The daughter product we measure now, D, may not be equal to D*. There may have been some D at time zero (D 0 ), there may have been some D added later (D A ), and there may have been some D lost later (D L ). So the correct formula is

In fact, there may have been some P added later (P A ) and some P lost later (P L . However, in this case, unless the P is lost or added according to a formula, one cannot even hope to make the necessary corrections, and samples in which loss or gain of parent is suspected are not dated radiometrically, at least when this fact is recognized.

In some cases the last formula is assumed to be enough. For example, in the case of potassium-argon dating, it is assumed that at a given time all the argon in a sample is driven off. One simply measures the daughter ( 40 Ar) isotope, subtracts out air argon, multiplies by a branching factor, and assumes that one then can calculate D* and therefore P 0 . (A critique of potassium-argon dating is beyond the scope of this paper.) However, in many other methods of radiometric dating the assumption that the daughter isotope is driven off is clearly invalid. For example, 87 Sr (strontium-87), the daughter product of 87 Rb, is not volatile, and is chemically incorporated into minerals when a melt [4] cools. So the fact that we measure a given amount of 87 Sr does not mean that it is a product of decay that accumulated since the rock hardened. It could just as easily have been left in the melt, possibly from previous decay. So we have to have another way to find D*.

Isochron Lines

The standard way for rubidium-strontium dating, samarium-neodymium dating, lutetium-hafnium dating, potassium-calcium dating, and uranium-lead dating, to name a few dating methods, is to assume isotopic homogenization, or complete mixing. It works something like this in the case of rubidium-strontium dating: At the time of the melt, all the isotopes are assumed to be homogenized. That is, one assumes that initially the isotopic strontium composition was the same throughout a (presumably melted) rock. For example, the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr isotopic ratio 3

3 Strontium has three stable isotopes, 84 Sr, 86 Sr, and 88 Sr, which are present in constant ratios relative to each other, so that 84 Sr/ 86 Sr = 0.056584 and 86 Sr/ 88 Sr = 0.1194, which gives percentages in usual rock of 82.52% 88 Sr, 7.00% 87Sr, 9.86% 86 Sr, and 0.56% 84 Sr. The percentage of 87 Sr varies between 6.9% and 7.4%+, depending apparently on the past and/or present rubidium content of the rock. One could use the 87 Sr/ 88 Sr ratio or the 87 Sr/ 84 Sr ratio for our purposes, but the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio is closer to 1, easier to work with, and the traditional one.

might be 7.10, or 71 atoms of 87 Sr for every 100 atome of 86 Sr. Then the rock crystallized so that the rubidium was partially separated from the strontium. One assumes that there has been no subsequent migration of either rubidium or strontium.

If there is strontium in some mineral without any rubidium, this makes the calculations easy, because this mineral should still have the original 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio. Supposing that this ratio was 0.710. That means that if a given rubidium-containing [5] mineral now has a 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio of 0.720, then for every 1000 atoms of 86 Sr, 10 atoms of 87 Sr has been produced by radioactivity. If in this mineral the 87 Rb/ 86 Sr ratio is 0.40, then for every 1000 atoms of 86Sr there would be 400 atoms of 87 Rb. Thus the original 87 Rb concentration would have been 400 + 10, or 410 / 1000 atoms of 86 Sr. The formula for the age of the mineral would be

t = [ln (P 0 /P)] / λ = [ln (410/400)] years/(1.42 x 1011) = 1.74 billion years.

If 87 Sr/ 86 Sr is the ratio in the rubidium-containing rock, and ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) 0 is the ratio of the rock with no rubidium and therefore the ratio at the time of homogenization, and 87 Rb/ 86 Sr is the ratio in the rubidium-containing rock, then the general formula for the age is

t = [ln ([ 87 Rb/ 86 Sr + 87 Sr/ 86 Sr - ( 87 Sr/86Sr) 0 ] / [ 87 Rb/ 86 Sr])] / λ

The problem with using this formula is that we rarely have a mineral with essentially no rubidium but enough strontium to determine the initial 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio. So what is usually done is to obtain several minerals with different degrees of rubidium enrichment so that they have different 87 Rb/ 86 Sr ratios. Then the 87 Rb/ 86 Sr ratios are plotted against the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios. 4

4 The calculations done above can be reversed. That is to say, if the production rate in the given time is one atom of strontium per 41 atoms of rubidium, then for 615 atoms of 87 Rb per 1000 86Sr atoms originally one should have 15 extra atoms of 87 Sr now, for a total of 725, and 600 atoms of 87 Rb now. This gives different ratios and a different data point, namely, 87 Rb/ 86 Sr = 0.60 and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr = 0.725

If one starts with more 86 Sr, and therefore more 87 Sr, one obtains a different ratio. Say that 4000 atoms of 86 Sr and therefore 2840 atoms of 87 Sr were in the original sample, with 615 87 Rb atoms. Then during this time period, there would still be 15 87 Rb atoms which decayed to 87 Sr, for a total of 2855, and 600 87 Rb atoms left. This leaves a 87 Rb/ 86 Sr ratio of 0.15 and a 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio of 0.71375. Both of these points, along with the point in the text, are shown on the graph.

If these assumptions are correct, we will find our plot giving a straight line: 5

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Текст видео

Опубликовано: 14 июня 2013 г.

Dating a Chinese girl can be dangerous and can lead to heartbreak. In this viewer submitted story, fresh out of college, this guy moves to Beijing, China to teach English after a Chinese girl he met on the online chat service QQ. They hit it off and begin dating. But eventually, things start to go wrong. with her parents. Her father is a Chinese official involved in China aerospace division. And that's when things start to get a bit weird.

Why Date a Chinese Woman?

Commitment to Honesty and Integrity

In an effort to try to bring honesty and integrity to the online dating industry at large, something that is sadly lacking to a large degree, ChinaLoveMatch. net has joined forces with two other sites that are also well respected for their open and transparent dealings with their members and together have founded the International Alliance for Honest Dating sites.

The goal of the Alliance is to educate the public on these fraudulent sites and their illegal activities, on how to avoid being sucked in by such sites and to bring together all honest sites under a standard code of behavior that will guarantee that all members of these sites are safe and secure in their search for a real and lasting long term relationship, partnership or marriage.

Cute Chinese Girls Online

I’m sure there have been a lot of times that I desired to hook up with cute Chinese girls but it is tough to get out there and travel looking for attractive Chinese ladies. Then I thought why not just go and attempt to meet cute Chinese girls on the web.

So I tried and guess what? I found a nice cute Chinese woman that I started to talk to. Now you are probably wondering how can I connect with Chinese women on the web? Well is pretty easy, the best places to go are the online dating sites where you’ll find thousands of cute Chinese girls simply waiting to connect with Western men like you.

The awesome thing regarding these sites is that they let you search by ethnicity and order your search very specifically. This is how I was able to connect with Chinese women online and this is how lots of fellows go about connecting with Chinese women every single day. They secret is to know exactly what traits to search for and you will locate exactly what you are looking for.

By taking it on the web it makes it incredibly easier to find a certain type of lady and it will help you when looking and allow you to meet cute Chinese girls on the web. The 1st step you have to take is go sign up if you haven’t already with AsianBeauties and start to look for ladies.

Remember the key to getting any girl on the web is your initial message and approach so be certain to be imaginative and humorous with your first message to generate a bit of interest from her in you and make her want to chat to you. Cute flirty lines when written with confidence and a sense of humor will help you look interesting in her eyes and possibly even squeeze a laugh from her. It’s a great method for breaking the ice.

1. Chinese Women Are Super Feminine and Sweet

They know that looking beautiful and being feminine is what gives them power and value in their culture (which I don’t personally agree with….I think people should be valued for their personalities and uniqueness). They leverage this as much as possible, which is necessary as typically girls can’t yet earn as much money as guys in Mainland China. Chinese girls have this particular thing they do called ?? (sa jiao is the pinyin for those of you awesome enough to be studying Chinese) which means to behave in a cutesy way, usually in a slightly immature way, to make the guy do what they want. Think of a girl trying to persuade a guy to go shopping with her but in a SUPER CUTE way using the way she speaks, expresses herself, flutters her eyes, etc.

In China, guys are more highly valued by their parents because when they get married they will stick around and look after their own parents. In old school China, the wife would join and look after the husbands family, as well. This is why, sadly, girls in China aren’t given enough credit for their awesomeness. Anyone who needs evidence of Chinese girls being awesome should go to Mix or San Li Tun village in Beijing, or just email me when you get to Shanghai. I’ll be around. and I’ll show you where we hide all the beautiful girls in Shanghai. You can get my email address from the footer of our home page.

In terms of being feminine and doing themselves up well, the Chinese certainly have competition – Hong Kong girls, Japanese girls, and, lastly, the Koreans are all vying for the top spot in Asia. But one thing Chinese girls excel at beyond all the others is sweetness. Chinese girls are really polite and sweet to those who treat them well – there isn’t much bitchiness or rudeness from them, though this can vary depending where you are in China… farmers are farmers, after all.

Also just for fun: Chinese girls usually have pretty decent bodies and faces, there are a large amount of average girls around….but this is pretty location dependent and also relates a bit to how rich the city is. The more money or prestige a city has the larger number of beautiful girls that will reside there. Girls from the north are tall and extremely delicate; their faces are rounder and slightly heart shaped. Girls from the south can be a little stockier but are still extremely good looking. While Every province in China says they have the most beautiful, I would say the best are in ChengDu simply because the girls there eat a lot of Chilli and that seems to do three very good things.

They have extremely beautiful soft skin.

The chilli comes through in their personalities and they are more playful than most other Chinese girls, reminding more of South American girls in some ways.

The girls in ChengDu have a fantastic body shape – in all the right spots – which again also reminds me a bit of South American girls.

Having said that though… I would say Chinese girls in general probably have the largest chest growth in Asia, which both them and I are happy about.

2. Chinese Women Are Characterized by Strong Gender Roles

Unlike the West, everyone has a pretty strongly defined sense of what men and what women should do. This is changing in the bigger cities, though, as more and more women are entering the work force and becoming more independent. But so far, the change is quite minuscule and usually women are only getting jobs to give their families face. Women’s roles in China typically are to rule over the household, spend/organize the husbands money (secret bank accounts are the norm), decide how and what the children study and to also keep herself beautiful. It’s a matriarchal set up and although it may seem that the men are in charge, by and large its actually the women who are in charge and they are just giving the men face.

As a Foreign guy you won’t usually have to deal with a lot of the drama or issues our Chinese counterparts do (I’d like to send my gratitude out to my Chinese boys), since typically girls who like foreigners also like to look after them as they’re in a foreign country and are usually lost and confused. I will say that Chinese girls from big cities are a bit different from girls from small cities. Right now, this very minute, my girlfriend (yes I have a girlfriend, who I am not currently fetishizing but may later, more than once, with the lights on) is cooking up some wonderful Chinese food for us, after which I will most certainly be expected to do the dishes. She is a big city girl and hates dishes… if she was from a smaller city then she would do all the domestic stuff and would consider me very weird or potentially sweet for helping her do it. So the further you get away from big cities the stronger the gender roles become. Deep in the wilds of China they would probably be equal to the gender roles of Thailand. Sometimes I get all warm inside when I’m allowed to be a man…

3. Chinese Women Are Excited about Western Culture

Chinese – Are – Excited. In the last decade or so China has gotten very excited about the West and that means that pretty much anything Western is cool, sort of. Western TV shows, English, every expensive brand of luxury item…the Chinese have it. A while back there were some big shifts in culture and that left a bit of a gap. Since then, a weird mixture of money culture and western culture has quickly swept in to fill that gap, especially with the ??? (90s ‘jiu ling hou’) generation. Many girls watch Vampire diaries and various other Western TV Shows with hunky Western guys (no homo) which in turn makes them curious about foreigners. So, being a foreigner (ie. Non Chinese person) in China gets you a huge lift in value, probably due to having native English skills and knowing about the outside world.

The luckiest foreigners are those with blonde hair, big blue eyes, and white skin, since those features are considered extremely attractive by the Chinese. The obvious result is that many guys who didn’t get much play at home suddenly get TONS of play in China. The girls they go for typically aren’t very beautiful by Chinese standards but, regardless of that, most Western guys find socializing here a lot easier simply because many people forgive the retarded mistakes they make. To top it off, a lot of girls want to get a Western boyfriend as he typically earns more than the average Chinese guy and is generally more fun due to having a lot more social experience.

Chinese people (guys especially) study and work extremely hard hence do not have the free time necessary to go chase girls all the the time. Want to know how bad it is? Think 8 year olds with 3 hours of homework each and every night. It really is great being a foreigner in China. The foreigner effect is still quite powerful in Shanghai and Beijing, but it seems to be 10x more powerful in smaller cities. Still, step out of the big cities and your mileage might not be as good – small town girls are a bit more traditional and things move a little more slowly in smaller cities.

4. Open Minded about Sex

China has gone through some changes and a while back sex was a bit of a no no. With the older generation it still kinda is. Even still, at 1.4 billion people they must have been busy. Luckily, because there are so many people here, it is relatively easy to find girls who are experienced or willing to learn. A lot of Asian girls don’t view themselves as very sexual and this is generally the case for most Chinese girls due to a lack of sexual education and the fact that sex is still a pretty taboo thing.

Thankfully with Chinese culture most of what you see on the outside is just a mask while inside is whats real. Those of you who have lived in China and embraced it will get what I mean. This means that behind closed doors Chinese girls are quite adventurous and interested in sex and all the dirty little things that can happen. They mostly know very little about it, though, as their only options for learning about sex are talking to friends or watching porn. This means if you are a Western guy then you probably have more sexual experience than a lot of Chinese girls.

Of course, differences based on the type of girl you go for can be fairly large. From my own personal experiences I’ve found that approximately 1 out of 10 Chinese girls is curious about girl on girl action and generally willing to go all the way with it. In terms of standard guy and girl sex, Chinese girls are curious and accommodating… leading us to the next part.

5. Eager to Please

Chinese girls treat their boyfriends very well, no matter where they come from, and are generally honest and considerate. There are always exceptions and a few speed bumps due to differences in culture and upbringing but, as a general rule, Chinese girls are kind, considerate and caring. The Chinese are told what to do throughout their life by their parents, teachers and then their bosses so they don’t usually get a lot of time for free thinking or making their own decisions. Social pressure is huge, so they feel a lot of pressure to conform to what society/their peers think are the correct things to do. An obvious consequence is that sometimes your girlfriend won’t understand what you want her to do. A lot of girls haven’t dated a foreigner before and readily accept stereotypes about foreigners and what foreigners want… In China, you have to be quite direct about what you expect from her and what you are going to give back. Point her in the right direct, give her a smile and a tickle and it will all work out.

Most girls from big cities, especially Shanghai, aren’t going to cook – they don’t know how to and overwhelmingly prefer having dinner at restaurants. It’s almost a sport here. Ask one to show you traditional food they can have a plate in front of you in a jiffy. Different locations bring different sorts of people. As China is a very big place, the experiences you can have can be quite different from person to person.

Here is a list of things girls have done for me over the years. This should give you a much better idea just how well Chinese girls can treat you:

cooking—always great;

making scarfs—pretty awesome to get as a gift, to be honest;

massaging me—in wonderful places;

Showing me around Shanghai: being shown around by a local can be one of the best ways to experience any city you’re in;

helping me find a vet for my dog—because who doesn’t love puppies?;

teaching me Chinese—Chinese language is invaluable for meeting women here;

introduced me to very Chinese experiences I otherwise wouldn’t have had (fried grasshoppers anyone?)—if you’re in an amazing country, really, what can be better than experiencing many aspects of it?

worked with me to pick up another girl for a threesome—nothing says love like loving two girls at once;

helping me save face in awkward situations—nothing brings out the awkward situations like living in another country; your girl can help you navigate the social world in intimate ways;

Taken me to hospital…don’t want to talk about it;

buying me medicine when I was sick—which made me feel a lot better!;

reminding me to eat more, wear more clothing and avoid getting cancer from various house hold electrical appliances—nothing will cut your dating life short like getting cancer.

There are a bunch more I could add to the list, sexual or otherwise, but I think you get the point. If you treat them right then they generally will treat you very right in return. Chinese girls are pretty easy to get along with, generally really good people and are my favorite girls out of all the different girls in Asia. At this point, it’s pretty obvious why. While Korean girls and Japanese girls are great, nothing tops women from China.


6. Chinese women cook great Chinese food!

Chinese food SUCKS….or is TOTALLY AWESOME depending on who you ask and who is cooking.

Now girls from Shanghai aren’t usually gonna win any awards for cooking…..but girls from other places, oh yeah!

Sichuan food is great, Dongbei food is great, and so are all the others – there’s like 8 different cuisines in China and when you get a talented Chinese girl cooking for you, you’re in for a treat.

Restaurant food usually sits somewhere between crap to average (in Shanghai) and average to good (in Beijing) to fantastic.

Home cooking though is by far the best and I’ve gotten my fair share of it, yes Chinese food can be oily and all that….but the taste is great, one of my favourites is this particular ginger steamed fish.

So if you want to enjoy the great cooking experience of a Chinese girl, find one who isn’t from Shanghai or Beijing, as restaurants in those cities can be great but the girls cooking usually isn’t (it’s because they’re too busy being taken out to the restaurants).

Also as an extension of your ‘Chinese girl’ cooking for you, if you end up going to her house for Chinese New years (Don’t do it unless u wanna get married) you will usually find that her parents are EVEN BETTER at cooking and I can tell you, I’ve gone to my gf’s house on CNY and it’s amazing, I end up leaving 3kgs heavier.

Well, I’m off to impregnate my girlfriend, until next time…

Awaken the Man Within .