четверг, 9 апреля 2015 г.

Dating vocabulary orthodox church

Easter Controversy

Ecclesiastical history preserves the memory of three distinct phases of the dispute regarding the proper time of observing Easter. It will add to clearness if we in the first place state what is certain regarding the date and the nature of these three categories .

First phase

The first was mainly concerned with the lawfulness of celebrating Easter on a weekday. We read in Eusebius ( Church History V.23 ): "A question of no small importance arose at that time [i. e. the time of Pope Victor. about A. D. 190]. The dioceses of all Asia. as from an older tradition. held that the fourteenth day of the moon, on which day the Jews were commanded to sacrifice the lamb. should always be observed as the feast of the life-giving pasch [ epi tes tou soteriou Pascha heortes ], contending that the fast ought to end on that day, whatever day of the week it might happen to be. However it was not the custom of the churches in the rest of the world to end it at this point, as they observed the practice, which from Apostolic tradition has prevailed to the present time, of terminating the fast on no other day than on that of the Resurrection of our Saviour. Synods and assemblies of bishops were held on this account, and all with one consent through mutual correspondence drew up an ecclesiastical decree that the mystery of the Resurrection of the Lord should be celebrated on no other day but the Sunday and that we should observe the close of the paschal fast on that day only." These words of the Father of Church History. followed by some extracts which he makes from the controversial letters of the time, tell us almost all that we know concerning the paschal controversy in its first stage. A letter of St. Irenæus is among the extracts just referred to, and this shows that the diversity of practice regarding Easter had existed at least from the time of Pope Sixtus (c. 120). Further, Irenaeus states that St. Polycarp. who like the other Asiatics. kept Easter on the fourteenth day of the moon, whatever day of the week that might be, following therein the tradition which he claimed to have derived from St. John the Apostle. came to Rome c. 150 about this very question, but could not be persuaded by Pope Anicetus to relinquish his Quartodeciman observance. Nevertheless he was not debarred from communion with the Roman Church. and St. Irenæus. while condemning the Quartodeciman practice, nevertheless reproaches Pope Victor (c. 189-99) with having excommunicated the Asiatics too precipitately and with not having followed the moderation of his predecessors. The question thus debated was therefore primarily whether Easter was to be kept on a Sunday. or whether Christians should observe the Holy Day of the Jews. the fourteenth of Nisan, which might occur on any day of the week. Those who kept Easter with the Jews were called Quartodecimans or terountes (observants); but even in the time of Pope Victor this usage hardly extended beyond the churches of Asia Minor. After the pope's strong measures the Quartodecimans seem to have gradually dwindled away. Origen in the "Philosophumena" (VIII, xviii) seems to regard them as a mere handful of wrong-headed nonconformists .

Second phase

The second stage in the Easter controversy centres round the Council of Nicaea (A. D. 325). Granted that the great Easter festival was always to be held on a Sunday. and was not to coincide with a particular phase of the moon, which might occur on any day of the week, a new dispute arose as to the determination of the Sunday itself. The text of the decree of the Council of Nicaea which settled, or at least indicated a final settlement of, the difficulty has not been preserved to us, but we have an important document inserted in Eusebius's "Life of Constantine" (III, xviii sq.). The emperor himself, writing to the Churches after the Council of Nicaea. exhorts them to adopt its conclusions and says among other things: "At this meeting the question concerning the most holy day of Easter was discussed, and it was resolved by the united judgment of all present that this feast ought to be kept by all and in every place on one and the same day. And first of all it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of the Jews. who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin. for we have received from our Saviour a different way. And I myself have undertaken that this decision should meet with the approval of your Sagacities in the hope that your Wisdoms will gladly admit that practice which is observed at once in the city of Rome and in Africa. throughout Italy and in Egypt. with entire unity of judgment ." From this and other indications which cannot be specified here ( see, e. g. Eusebius. "De Paschate" in Schmid. "Osterfestfrage", pp. 58-59) we learn that the dispute now lay between the Christians of Syria and Mesopotamia and the rest of the world. The important Church of Antioch was still dependent upon the Jewish calendar for its Easter. The Syrian Christians always held their Easter festival on the Sunday after the Jews kept their Pasch. On the other hand at Alexandria. and seemingly throughout the rest of the Roman Empire, the Christians calculated the time of Easter for themselves, paying no attention to the Jews. In this way the date of Easter as kept at Alexandria and Antioch did not always agree; for the Jews. upon whom Antioch depended, adopted very arbitrary methods of intercalating embolismic months (see CALENDAR. Bol. II, p. 158) before they celebrated Nisan, the first spring month, on the fourteenth day of which the paschal lamb was killed. In particular we learn that they had become neglectful (or at least the Christians of Rome and Alexandria declared they were neglectful) of the law that the fourteenth of Nisan must never precede the equinox (see Schwartz, Christliche und judische Ostertafeln, pp. 138 sqq.). Thus Constantine in the letter quoted above protests with horror that the Jews sometimes kept two Paschs in one year, meaning that two Paschs sometimes fell between one equinox and the next.

The Alexandrians. on the other hand, accepted it as a first principle that the Sunday to be kept as Easter Day must necessarily occur after the vernal equinox, then identified with 21 March of the Julian year. This was the main difficulty which was decided by the Council of Nicaea. Even among the Christians who calculated Easter for themselves there had been considerable variations (partly due to a divergent reckoning of the date of the equinox), and as recently as 314, in the Council of Arles. it had been laid down that in future Easter should be kept uno die et uno tempore per omnem orbem . and that to secure this uniformity the pope should send out letters to all the Churches. The Council of Nicaea seems to have extended further the principle here laid down. As already stated, we have not its exact words, but we may safely infer from scattered notices that the council ruled:

that Easter must be celebrated by all throughout the world on the same Sunday ;

that this Sunday must follow the fourteenth day of the paschal moon;

that that moon was to be accounted the paschal moon whose fourteenth day followed the spring equinox;

that some provision should be made, probably by the Church of Alexandria as best skilled in astronomical calculations, for determining the proper date of Easter and communicating it to the rest of the world (see St. Leo to the Emperor Marcian in Migne. P. L. LIV, 1055).

This ruling of the Council of Nicaea did not remove all difficulties nor at once win universal acceptance among the Syrians. But to judge from the strongly worded canon i of the Council of Antioch (A. D. 341; see Hefele-Leclereq, "Conciles", I, 714), as also from the language of the Apostolic Constitutions and Canons (see Schmid. Osterfestfrage, p. 63), the Syrian bishops loyally co-operated in carrying into effect the decision of the Council of Nicaea. In Rome and Alexandria the lunar cycles by which the occurrence of Easter was determined was not uniform. Rome. after the hundred-and-twelve year cycle of Hippolytus. adopted an eighty-four year cycle, but neither gave satisfactory results. Alexandria adhered to the more accurate nineteen-year cycle of Meton. But it seems to be clearly established by the most recent researches (see Schwartz, op. cit. pp. 28-29) that the lunar cycles were never understood to be more than aids towards ascertaining the correct date of Easter. also that where the calculations of Rome and Alexandria led to divergent results, compromises were made upon both sides and that the final decision always lay with accepted ecclesiastical authority.

Third phase

It was to the divergent cycles which Rome had successively adopted and rejected in its attempt to determine Easter more accurately that the third stage in the paschal controversy was mainly due. The Roman missionaries coming to England in the time of St. Gregory the Great found the British Christians. the representatives of that Christianity which had been introduced into Britain during the period of the Roman occupation, still adhering to an ancient system of Easter-computation which Rome itself had laid aside. The British and Irish Christians were not Quartodecimans. as some unwarrantably accused them of being, for they kept the Easter festival upon a Sunday. They are supposed (e. g. by Krusch) to have observed an eight-four year cycle and not the five-hundred and thirty two year cycle of Victorius which was adopted in Gaul. but the most recent investigator of the question (Schwartz, p. 103) declares it to be impossible to determine what system they followed and himself inclines to the opinion that they derived their rule for the determining of Easter direct from Asia Minor. ( See, however, the very opposite conclusions of Joseph Schmid. ("Die Osterfestberechnung auf den britischen Inseln", 1904.) The story of this controversy, which together with the difference in the shape of tonsure. seems to have prevented all fraternization between the British Christians and the Roman missionaries. is told at length in the pages of Bede. The British appealed to the tradition of St. John. the Romans to that of St. Peter. both sides with little reason. and neither without the suspicion of forgery. It was not until the Synod of Whitby in 664 that the Christians of Northern Britain. who had derived their instruction in the Faith from the Scottish (i. e. Irish ) missionaries. at last at the instance of Bishop Wilfrid and through the example of King Oswy accepted the Roman system and came into friendly relations with the bishops of the South. Even then in Ireland and in parts of the North some years passed before the adoption of the Roman Easter became general (Moran, Essays on the Origin, Doctrines and Discipline of the Early Irish Church. Dublin, 1864).

Points of obscurity

These are the facts regarding the Easter controversy which are now generally admitted. Many other subsidiary details have an important bearing on the case but are more matters of conjecture. There is, for example, the perplexing doubt whether the Crucifixion of Christ took place on the fourteenth or fifteenth of Nisan. The Synoptists seem to favour the latter, St. John the former date. Clearly we should expect to find that according to the answer given to this question, the position of the earliest possible Easter Sunday in the lunar month would also change. Again, there is the problem, much debated by modern scholars, whether the Pasch which the early Christians desired to commemorate was primarily the Passion or the Resurrection of Christ. Upon this point also our date do not admit of a very positive answer. It has been very strongly urged that the writers of the first two centuries who speak of the Pasch have always in view the pascha staurosimon . the Crucifixion Day, when Jesus Christ Himself was offered as the Victim, the antitype of the Jewish paschal lamb. Supporters of this opinion often contend that the Resurrection was held to be sufficiently commemorated by the weekly Sunday. on the vigil of which the night-watch was kept, the Liturgy being celebrated in the morning. In any case it must be admitted that while in the New Testament we have definite mention of the observance of the Sunday. or "Lord's Day", there is no conclusive evidence in the first century or more of the keeping of the Pasch as a festival. Some are inclined to think that the Christian Easter first appears as setting a term to the great paschal fast which, as we learn from Irenaeus. was very variously kept in the sub-Apostolic Age. Another class of obscure and rather intricate questions, about which it is difficult to speak positively, regards the limits of the paschal period as laid down by the computation of rome before the tables of Dionysius Exiguus and the Metonic cycle were finally adopted there in 525. According to one system Easter Day might fall between the fourteenth and twentieth day inclusive of the paschal moon; and although this implies that when Easter fell on the fourteenth it coincided with the Jewish Pasch. the Roman Church. observing its eighty-four-year cycle, at one time permitted this (so at least Krusch contends; see "Der 84-jahrige Ostercyclus und seine Quellen", pp. 20 and 65). Certain it is that the data of the supputatio Romana did not always agree with those of Alexandria. and in particular it seems that Rome. rejecting 22 March as the earliest possible date of Easter. only allowed the 23rd, while, on the other hand, the latest possible date according to the Roman system was 21 April. This sometimes brought about an impasse which was relieved only by accepting the Alexandrian solution. Other computations allowed Easter to fall between the fifteenth and twenty-first day of the paschal moon and others between the sixteenth and the twenty - second.

What is perhaps most important to remember. both in the solution adopted in 525 and in that officially put forward at the time of the reform of the Calendar by Gregory XIII. is this, that the Church throughout held that the determination of Easter was primarily a matter of ecclesiastical discipline and not of astronomical science. As Professor De Morgan long ago clearly recognized, the moon according to which Easter is calculated is not the moon in the heavens nor even the mean moon, i. e. a moon traveling with the average motion of the real moon, but simply the moon of the calendar. This calendar moon is admittedly a fiction, though it departs very little from the actual astronomical facts; but in following the simple rule given for the dependence of Easter upon the moon of the calendar. uniformity is secured for all countries of the world. According to this rule, Easter Sunday is the first Sunday which occurs after the first full moon (or more accurately after the first fourteenth day of the moon) following the 21st of March. As a result, the earliest possible date of Easter is 22 March, the latest 25 April.


The bibliography of this subject is vast, and most ecclesiastical encyclopedias devote more or less space to it. For practical purposes the text and notes of HEFELE-LECLERCQ, Conciles, I, 133-151 and 450-488, supply all that is necessary; though LECLERCQ refers to the article Comput paschal in the Dictionnaire d'Archéologie for fuller treatment.

Among the more important contributions to the subject the following may be named: KRUSCH, Studien zur christlichmittelalterlichen Chronologie (Leipzig, 1880); IDEM in Neues Archiv (1884), 101-169; RUHL, Chronologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (Berlin, 1897), 110-165; SCHMID, Die Osterfestfrage auf dem ersten allgemeinen Conzil von Nicaa (Vienna, 1905); IDEM, Die Osterfestberechnung auf den britischen Inseln (Ratisbon, 1904); HILGENFELD, Der Paschastreit der alten Kirche (1860); SCHWARTZ, Christliche und judische Ostertafeln (Berlin, 1905) in the Abhandlungen of the Gottingen academy: this is a work of the very highest importance; SCHURER, Die Passastreitigkeit en des 2. Jahrhunderts in Zeitschrift f. histor. Theol. (1870); DUCHESNE, Hist. Anc. de l'Église (Paris, 1906), I, 285-291; KELLNER, Heortologie (1906); DUCHESNE in Revue des Quest. Hist. (1880); ANSCOMBE and TURNER in Eng. Historical Review (1895), 515, 699; WICKLN in Journal of Philology (1901), 137-151. See also the bibliography given under CHRONOLOGY, GENERAL; and DOMINICAL LETTER.

About this page

APA citation. Thurston, H. (1909). Easter Controversy. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/05228a. htm

MLA citation. Thurston, Herbert. "Easter Controversy." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909. <http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/05228a. htm>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Michael T. Barrett.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. May 1, 1909. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Contact information. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address is webmaster at newadvent. org. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads.

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The Baptism Site (Arabic: el-Maghtas ) on the Jordan side of the Jordan River is one of the most important recent discoveries in biblical archaeology. Excavations only began here in 1996, following Jordan's peace treaty with Israel in 1994, but have already uncovered more than 20 churches, caves and baptismal pools dating from the Roman and Byzantine periods.

Although the identification is not absolutely certain, archaeology has shown that the area known as Wadi Kharrar has long been believed to be the biblical Bethany-beyond-the-Jordan . where John the Baptist lived and Jesus was baptized.

This area is also associated with the ascension of the Prophet Elijah into heaven, which is commemorated at a hill called Tell Mar Elias .

Note: This Bethany should not be confused with Bethany in Jerusalem. where Mary Magdalene lived and Lazarus was raised from the dead.

In the Bible

Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here; the Lord has sent me to the Jordan .". Fifty men of the company of the prophets went and stood at a distance, facing the place where Elijah and Elisha had stopped at the Jordan . Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground. As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw this and cried out, "My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!" And Elisha saw him no more. (2 Kings 2:6-12)

Now some Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, "Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?" "I baptize with water," John replied, "but among you stands one you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie." This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan . where John was baptizing. (John 1:25-28)

Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. Here he stayed and many people came to him. They said, "Though John never performed a miraculous sign, all that John said about this man was true." And in that place many believed in Jesus. (John 10:40-42)

In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.". People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River . (Luke 3:1, 5-6)

And so John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River . At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert. (Mark 1:4-5, 9-12)

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:13-17)

When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. (Luke 3:21-23)

History of Bethany-Beyond-The-Jordan

The first historical mention of this site is in the writings of the anonymous Pilgrim of Bordeaux in 333 AD, which say Jesus was baptized five Roman miles (7400m) north of the Dead Sea, which is where Wadi Kharrar enters the Jordan River.

The pilgrim Theodosius was the first to mention a church at the Jordan River, which was built at the end of the 5th century by the Emperor Anastasius (491-518) to commemorate St John the Baptist. Built on arcades and square in shape, the church had a marble column with an iron cross marking the spot where the people then thought that Jesus had been baptized.

Various other church writers and pilgrims in the 5th through 7th centuries mentioned churches in the lower Jordan River-Bethany region commemorating the baptism of Christ.

The 7th-century pilgrim Arculf mentioned seeing the ruins of the church at this spot on the east bank, a wooden cross in the river, and steps leading into the water from the west bank. Another nearby chapel was said to have marked the spot where Jesus' clothes were kept while he was being baptized.

In more recent times, the site was long off limits due to its position along a disputed border that was dotted with thousands of land mines. It was only in 1996 . following the peace treaty of 1994 and two years of clearing the mines, that archaeologists were able to excavate Wadi Kharrar.

Using some pre-1948 studies and the early pilgrim accounts as their guide, archaeologists quickly uncovered an astonishing 21 ancient sites . These include five baptismal pools (shallow pools lined with plaster) from the Roman and Byzantine periods; a Byzantine monastery; 11 Byzantine churches (many with mosaics and Greek inscriptions); caves of monks and hermits; and lodgings for pilgrims.

These findings have led most scholars to conclude that this is the biblical Bethany-beyond-the-Jordan . where John baptized Jesus Christ. This is not certain, however, as the ruins do not date to the time of Christ and there are some early sites across the river as well. Some still believe Jesus was baptized on the west bank in Israel, but the majority opinion firmly rests with this site in Jordan.

In January 2000 . on Epiphany, more than 40,000 people gathered at the Baptism Site along with church leaders from 15 world churches in a massive pilgrimage. Shortly after, the Armenian Church officially declared the site to be the location of the baptism fo Christ. And on March 20, Pope John Paul II held an outdoor Mass at the site with 25,000 worshippers in attendance.

What to See at Bethany-Beyond-The-Jordan

Since the excavations of the late 1990s, the site has been extensively developed by the Jordan Tourism Authority, but sensitively so - visitor numbers are controlled and the Visitors' Centre has been located at some distance from the site in an effort to preserve its sanctity. Other facilities include a restaurant, shops, and even a plush VIP Lounge.

The ticket office is at the Visitors' Centre, which has plenty of parking. All private cars are prohibited within the archaeological zone itself, so an electric minibus brings visitors to their choice of three different sites: Tell Mar Elias, the Baptism Pools and/or John the Baptist's Church.

Alternatively, you can walk the 2.5km from the Visitor Centre to Tell Mar Elias, then along the south bank of the Wadi Kharrar for another 2km to John the Baptist's Church and the Jordan River.

Would-be walkers should note that the Baptism Site is located in a desolate and difficult climate . It is nearly the lowest point on earth, at over 350m below sea level. The ground is dry and chalky and vegetaton is sparse except on the banks of the river. The air is thick and hot, with temperatures soaring to 45°C anytime but the winter.

The first stop on most tours of Bethany is Tell Mar Elias ("el-yass"), Elijah's Hill. The small hill has the ruins of three churches, three caves and three baptism pools, accessable by a wooden catwalk. Starting on the west side, a cave forms the apse of a small Byzantine church . with small south and east apses and a few fragments of a mosaic floor.

Northwest of this are the covered ruins of a larger Byzantine church. Built into the apse is a black stone, commemorating the fire that accompanied Elijah's ascent into heaven. The mosaic floor includes a cross made of diamond shapes and a Greek inscription dating it to the time of Rhotorious (which is the early 6th century).

Up a couple steps on the northeastern side of the tell are two pools from the Roman period . one cut later with the addition of a 14m-deep well. Further around the tell is a large rectagular pool, plastered on the bottom and with four steps leading into it. This is believed to have been used for group baptisms.

A few meters south of the tell are a number of other sites of interest. The major one is a large freestanding arch . which was constructed in 1999 out of 63 stones to commemorate the death of King Hussein, who was 63 years old. On March 21, 2000, Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass beneath this arch, and ever since it has been known as the Church of John Paul II.

A few meters from the arch are the foundations of a large rectangular building that has been called a prayer hall . with some fragments of a mosaic floor.

Also nearby is a system of water channels, pools, a well (pulled out of its original round shape by movements of the earth), and a large cistern with its original plastered interior. A smaller cistern was later built nearby. Water was channeled to these from several kilometers away in order to serve all the baptisms that took place here.

Paths lead down from from Tell Mar Elias to a path on the south side of Wadi Kharrar, which passes several Byzantine sites as it heads west towards the Jordan River. One of these, about 500m west of the tell, is a complex of hermits' cells .

Nearby is the Large Baptism Pool . fed by spring water. It is made of rough stone on the bottom section but finely dressed ashlars at the top. Directly above the pool is a promontory on which a building was excavated. Affording fine views of the valley, it may have been a pilgrims' hostel. Baptisms still take place here today.

Just west of the pool is the zor . a deep flood plain flanking the River Jordan on both sides. Steps provide access to two Byzantine hermits' caves with prayer niches. One of them also has three apses.

An 8th-century account records the sojourn here of a monk who fell ill on his way from Jerusalem to Mount Sinai. While recovering from fever in one of these caves, he had a vision of John the Baptist, who said to him, "This little cave is greater than Mount Sinai, for our Lord Jesus Christ himself visited me here."

As Wadi Kharrar approaches the Jordan River, the change in the environment is dramatic and it becomes clear why Prophet Jeremiah described "the jungle of the Jordan " (Jer. 49:19). The dry desert transforms into a tropical climate as the paths lead into a thicket of reeds and tamarisk bushes. The air here is filled with sounds: birdsongs, buzzing insects, and the sound of running water from the 14 springs that flow all around. The name "Kharrar" for this area may actually be an imitation of these sounds.

After five or ten minutes' walking, the path leads into a clearing marked by a modern pool and the ruins of the 7th-century Church of John the Baptist . Here you can see the original altar and mosaic floor, which was originally placed atop an arch to prevent flooding. The support pillars of the arch lie on the north side of the church, in the very spot they fell many centuries ago.

A marble fragment inscribed "IOY. BATT." was found in the church, confirming its dedication to John the Bapist. A Byzantine marble stairway leads from the apse of the church to the Spring of John the Baptist .

Next to this are two more churches . the lower one of which features marble tiles in geometrical shapes. Nearby are marble Corinthian capitals.

About 150m west of the Byzantine church, via a new path through the tamarisks, is the River Jordan itself. Today it is little more than a muddy stream, since much of it is removed upstream for use by Israel and Jordan.

The opposite bank is Israel . where a small 1950s chapel, "baptism site" (for which no archaeological evidence has been found), and copious fences can be seen.

A modern Orthodox church dedicated to St. John the Baptist has been built next to the Jordan River as part of the development of the site. The small church has a golden dome and is painted with Byzantine-style murals inside.


Pilgrims to the site can request a religious ceremony at either of the two new baptism pools that have been built along Tell Mar Elias, or at the ancient Large Baptism Pool midway along the wadi. You can bring your own priest or minister or ask (ahead of time) for a local Greek Orthodox priest.

Quick Facts on Bethany-Beyond-The-Jordan

Russian Orthodox Church


The Russian Orthodox Church ( ROC ; Russian. Русская Православная Церковь. tr. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov ), alternatively legally known as the Moscow Patriarchate (Russian. Московский Патриархат. Moskovskiy Patriarkhat [ 2 ] ), also known in English as the Orthodox Christian Church of Russia . is one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox churches, in communion with other Eastern Orthodox churches. The Primate of the ROC is the Patriarch of Moscow. The ROC officially ranks fifth - right under the ancient Greek Patriarchates of: Constantinople. Alexandria. Antioch. and Jerusalem. [ 3 ]

It currently claims its exclusive jurisdiction over the Orthodox Christians living in the former member republics of the USSR. excluding Georgia and Armenia. although this claim is disputed in such states as Estonia and Moldova and consequently parallel canonical Orthodox jurisdictions exist in those countries (Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church and Metropolis of Bessarabia. respectively). It also exercises ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the autonomous Church of Japan and the Orthodox Christians resident in the People's Republic of China. The Moscow-based administration of the ROC has exceedingly limited powers over the ROC's constituent semi-autonomous church structures in such countries as Ukraine and Belarus. where, along with the Russian Federation. it enjoys the position of numerically dominant religious organisation.

The ROC should not be confused with the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), another autocephalous (since 1970, albeit not universally recognised in this status) Orthodox Church, that traces its existence in North America to the time of the Russian missionaries in Alaska (then part of the Russian Empire ) in the late 18th century, and still largely adheres to the ROC liturgical tradition .

The ROC should also not be confused with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (also known as the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, or ROCOR), headquartered in New York. The ROCOR was instituted in the 1920s by Russian communities outside then Communist Russia, which refused to recognize the authority of the Moscow Patriarchate then de facto headed by Metropolitan Sergius Stragorodsky. The two Churches reconciled on May 17, 2007; the ROCOR is now a self-governing part of the Russian Orthodox Church.


History [ edit ]

The Christian community that became the Russian Orthodox Church is traditionally said to have been founded by the Apostle Andrew. who is thought to have visited Scythia and Greek colonies along the northern coast of the Black Sea. According to one of the legends, Andrew reached the future location of Kiev and foretold the foundation of a great Christian city. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] The spot where he reportedly erected a cross is now marked by St. Andrew's Cathedral .

As a result of the Christianization of Kievan Rus' in 988, Prince Vladimir I of Kiev officially adopted Byzantine Rite Christianity — the religion of the Eastern Roman Empire — as the state religion of Kievan Rus'. This date is often considered the official birthday of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thus, in 1988, the Church celebrated its millennial anniversary. It therefore traces its apostolic succession through the Patriarch of Constantinople .

Armenian Apostolic Church

Armenian Apostolic Church , independent Oriental Orthodox Christian church and the national church of Armenia .

According to tradition, Armenia was evangelized by the apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus. Armenia became the first country to adopt Christianity about 300 ce. when St. Gregory the Illuminator converted the Arsacid king Tiridates III. The new Armenian church soon struck a course independent of the founding church at Caesarea Cappadociae (now Kayseri, Turkey), though it developed in close relationship with the Syrians, who provided it with scriptures and liturgy and much of its basic institutional terminology. The Armenian church’s dependence on the Syriac alphabet ended in the 5th century, when Mesrop Mashtots invented an Armenian alphabet and undertook numerous translations of the scriptures into Armenian.


Definition of Terms

A. D. Latin: "the year of the Lord." A sectarian designation for dates which always goes before the numerical date. Examples: A. D. 1987. A. D. 70. Dates A. D. are the same as those C. E. Used together with B. C. flh

Angel Greek: "messenger." The Hebrew term mal'ak can refer either to a human messenger such as a prophet or to a heavenly messenger. In the NT the term refers exclusively to heavenly beings. See below: gods . flh

Apocalypse Greek: "revelation." A written account of a vision of the heavenly world and/or of the future. As a genre the apocalypse is characterized by bizarre imagery which the prophet does not understand and which must be explained to him by a heavenly guide. The difficult imagery reflects the understanding of a sectarian group about the meaning of the present time in relation to the heavenly world and about the future. "The Apocalypse" refers to the Book of Revelation. Other apocalypses may be found in Daniel 7-12. flh

Apocalytpic Short for "apocalyptic eschatology ," the understanding of the future based upon a revelation (Greek: apocalypsis ) rather than upon speculation or calculation. flh

Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical Books Greek "hidden," a term employed by St. Jerome (died 420 C. E.). The books in the Greek Septuagint but not in the Hebrew Bible. These books are accepted as canon among most Christian churches, though rejected as canon by the Protestant churches in favor of the shorter list of books found in the Hebrew Bible. Though the exact list differs from church to church, the main collection of "extra books" consists of Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and additions to Esther and Daniel. See also Septuagint Vulgate . and Jamnia . flh

Apophthegm A very thin story built up around a saying (of Jesus or of a prophet). The function of the story is to explain or to exemplify the content of the saying, and the interest of the story remains with the saying even when the narrative includes a wondrous act. flh

Aramaic A Semitic language which came to be the official language of the western Persian Empire and, consequently, a language spoken by the Jews during the Persian Period (late sixth century B. C. E.) and continued in use for many centuries thereafter. Portions of Ezra and Daniel are in Aramaic, and a few of Jesus' sayings in the NT are given in Aramaic. flh

Aramaism A Semitism best explained on the basis of Aramaic grammar, syntax, or vocabulary. flh

B. C. English: "before Christ." A sectarian notation to designate dates before the birth of Christ. This notation is placed after the numerical date. Used together with A. D. flh

B. C. E. English: "before the common era," a non-sectarian notation equivalent in meaning to the sectarian B. C. The notation is placed after the numerical date. Used together with C. E. flh

Belief An intellectual conviction of some kind. In the study of religion it usually has reference to an intellectual conviction about the world of the gods or the relationship of that world to the world of ordinary experience. Except in the case of the Pastoral Epistles, the word "belief" is not equivalent to the word "faith." flh

Bible Greek biblos , "scroll," or "book." In modern English the term refers to the scriptures . This word has become common because of the invention of printing that made it possible to generate exactly the same text in codex form time after time. In this course "Bible" will be synonymous with "Christian scripture(s)." In reference to the Masoretic Text . we shall refer either to the Hebrew scripture(s) or to the Hebrew Bible. flh

C. E. English: "common era." A non-sectarian notation for dates preferred in biblical studies. Although the dates are exactly the same as dates introduced with A. D. . it does not force non-Christians to express their dates as "in the year of the Lord." Used together with B. C. E. flh

Canon Greek: "rule" or "measure." In Christian usage canon refers to rules adopted by a council. Protestants use the word almost exclusively to refer to their canon of scripture . often specified in a confession of faith. This usage has become common in English even among non-protestant writers as a way of referring to the scriptures, but this usage obscures the differences between the texts each religious sect recognizes as canonical. Thus, Catholics, Orthodox, and Anglicans recognize Ben Sirach as scripture, but Moravians, Presbyterians and Baptists do not. Especially confusing is the expression "the canon" in reference to scripture in that it begs the question as to what works are meant. Because the word "canon" derives from Christian practice, it is never appropriate to refer to Jewish scriptures as "the Jewish canon." Recently, Catholic writers have used the term "deuterocanonical" in reference to the Apocrypha to underscore their belief that these books cannot be used alone to determine matters of faith or morals. flh

Characterization The modes employed by an author in to describe to the reader the personality and mind of a character in a narrative. flh

Christ Hymn Philippians 2:6-11, widely believed to be a pre-Pauline Christian hymn to Christ used by Paul and amended by him only with the words "and death on a cross" in verse 8. See also kenosis . flh

Codex What we in modern English would call a "book." The codex replaced the scroll as the preferred means of reproducing long documents after its introduction in the second or third century C. E. by the Christians of Egypt. See Bible . flh

Cult See cultus below. The term "cult" in religious studies does not automatically refer to a fanatical sect as it does in contemporary English. flh

Cult Objects Implements used in the performance of cultic acts . These might include vessels for sacrifices . special clothing for cultic officials, written texts. Architectural features such as altars and pillars might also be termed by some authors cult objects. flh

Cultic A modern adjective that refers to those ritual activities that relate human beings to the world of the gods . These include such activities as sacrifices . washings, dances, drama, and others. flh

Cultus A specific organized body of ritual activities that relate human beings to the world of the gods . See cultic above. The term may also be used loosely to refer to the institution which supports the practice of those ritual activities. Thus one may speak of the "Temple cultus," meaning both the ritual acts of the temple and to the temple as the institution under whose auspices these activities occur. flh

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Название: Корпоратив

Категория: КОМЕДИИ

Добавлен: Сегодня

Рейтинг: 5.0

Игорь — старший менеджер в мебельном салоне, мечтающий о повышении. На следующий день после корпоративной вечеринки он обнаруживает, что салон полностью разгромлен. Сотрудники утверждают, что когда они уходили, всё было в порядке. Игоря это не устраивает, ведь теперь на кону его карьера. Пытаясь выяснить, что же произошло, Игорь узнаёт шокирующие подробности о ночных приключениях своих коллег…

Путеводитель по Zoomby

Дело в том, что на Zoomby только лицензионное видео. На каждый фильм, сериал, мультфильм, передачу, представленные на портале, у нас есть права. К сожалению, эти права действуют не во всех странах. Но мы делаем все, чтобы вы смогли смотреть Zoomby в любой точке мира.

Права на контент действуют определенное время. Возможно, на тот фильм или сериал, который вы ищете, они закончились.

Возможные причины:

Возможно, скорость вашего интернет-соединения недостаточно быстрая. Рекомендуемая скорость для комфортного просмотра видео на сайте: 3 Мбит/с. Пожалуйста, проверьте скорость вашего интернет-соединения: http://www. zoomby. ru/speedtest

Не установлен Flash Player

Для просмотра видео на zoomby. ru необходимо установить Flash player последней версии. Скачать его можно здесь: http://www. adobe. com/ru/products/flashplayer. html


What happens when pirates play a game development simulator and then go bankrupt because of piracy?

When we released our very first game, Game Dev Tycoon (for Mac, Windows and Linux) yesterday . we did something unusual and as far as I know unique. We released a cracked version of the game ourselves, minutes after opening our Store.

I uploaded the torrent to the number one torrent sharing site, gave it a description imitating the scene and asked a few friends to help seed it.

How does piracy feel?

The cracked version is nearly identical to the real thing except for one detail… Initially we thought about telling them their copy is an illegal copy, but instead we didn’t want to pass up the unique opportunity of holding a mirror in front of them and showing them what piracy can do to game developers. So, as players spend a few hours playing and growing their own game dev company, they will start to see the following message, styled like any other in-game message:

Boss, it seems that while many players play our new game, they steal it by downloading a cracked version rather than buying it legally.

Slowly their in-game funds dwindle, and new games they create have a high chance to be pirated until their virtual game development company goes bankrupt.

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Обувь и одежда LI-NING

Китайская компания Li-Ning специализируется на производстве спортивных товаров. Наперекор сложившемуся стереотипу, качество спортивной одежды и обуви Li-Ning не может не радовать. Одежда и обувь, призванная обеспечивать победу, поддерживать спортивный дух обладателя, сделана из прочных, дышащих, натуральных материалов.

Появившись на свет в 1989 году, известный бренд позаимствовал имя у великого китайского гимнаста Ли Нин. С тех пор, подобно знаменитому гимнасту, компания двигается все выше, становится все сильнее, развивается еще быстрее. В 2005 году Li-Ning слилась с AIGLI и стала еще крупнее.

Ассортимент производимой продукции расширяется с каждым годом: спортивные костюмы, кроссовки, кеды, олимпийки, шорты, футболки. Есть и совсем профессиональные вещи: лонгслив (футболки с длинным рукавом), худи (лонгслив с капюшоном), тайтсы (облегающие тренировочные штаны). И обувь и одежда производится как для мужчин, так и для женщин, как для повседневной жизни, так и для усиленных тренировок.

Профессионалы и любители по всему миру ценят комфорт кроссовок, созданных по уникальной запатентованной технологии. Кроссовки Li-Ning – отличный вариант для тренировок. Они призваны защищать ноги от ударных воздействий, рифленая подошва обеспечивает надежное сцепление, сетка по верху необходима для вентиляции. Кроссовки идеально сидят и обладают удивительной износостойкостью.

Яркие и жизнерадостные цвета кроссовок (голубой, желтый, розовый, красный и т. д.) добавят красок в обыденный гардероб. Подошва порой выглядит нестандартно (например, имеет сквозные трубки), оттого, что производитель использует совершенно новые виды амортизации.

Любители активного образа жизни, люди, являющиеся олимпийской надеждой, прирожденные победители ценят удобство облегающих футболок, шорт, тайтсов. Невозможно переоценить комфорт и практичность свободных спортивных брюк, шорт, толстовок, не сковывающих движения. Яркие (желтые, синие, красные, фиолетовые) или спокойной окраски (белые, серые, светло-голубые) вещи отмечены логотипом компании или китайскими иероглифами.

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Speed dating что это

Speed dating

Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process or dating system whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people. Its origins are credited to Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah. originally as a way to help Jewish singles meet and marry. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] SpeedDating . as a single word, is a registered trademark of Aish HaTorah. Speed dating . as two separate words, is often used as a generic term for similar events.


Organization [ edit ]

Usually advance registration is required for speed dating events. Men and women are rotated to meet each other over a series of short "dates" usually lasting from three to eight minutes depending on the organization running the event. At the end of each interval, the organizer rings a bell, clinks a glass, or blows a whistle to signal the participants to move on to the next date. At the end of the event participants submit to the organizers a list of who they would like to provide their contact information to. If there is a match, contact information is forwarded to both parties. Contact information cannot be traded during the initial meeting, in order to reduce pressure to accept or reject a suitor to his or her face.

There are many speed dating events now in the United Kingdom. Canada. and the United States. Requirements for each event vary with the organizer. Specific age range based on gender is a common restriction for events. Many speed dating events are targeted at particular communities: for example, LGBT people, polyamorists. [ 4 ] Christians. [ 5 ] Graduate student speed dating events are common. [ 6 ]

Practice [ edit ]

Some feel that speed dating has some obvious advantages over most other venues for meeting people, such as bars, discotheques. etc. in that everybody is purportedly there to meet someone, they are grouped into compatible age ranges, it is time-efficient, and the structured interaction eliminates the need to introduce oneself. Unlike many bars, a speed dating event will, by necessity, be quiet enough for people to talk comfortably. Speed dating is for singles.

Participants can come alone without feeling out of place; alternatively it is something that women who like to go out in groups can do together. [ 7 ]

Because the matching itself happens after the event, people do not feel pressured to select or reject each other in person. On the other hand, feedback and gratification are delayed as participants must wait a day or two for their results to come in.

The time limit ensures that a participant will not be stuck with a boorish match for very long, and prevents participants from monopolizing one another's time. On the other hand, a couple that decides they are incompatible early on will have to sit together for the duration of the round.

Most speed dating events match people at random, and participants will meet different "types" that they might not normally talk to in a club. On the other hand, the random matching precludes the various cues, such as eye contact, that people use in bars to preselect each other before chatting them up.

Online speed dating [ edit ]

Several online dating services offer online speed dating where users meet online for video, audio or text chats. The advantage of online speed dating is that users can go on dates from home as it can be done from any internet enabled computer. The disadvantage is people do not actually meet one another.

Scientific research [ edit ]

There have been several studies of the round-robin dating systems themselves, as well as studies of interpersonal attraction that are relevant to these events. Other studies found speed-dating data useful as a way to observe individual choices among random participants.

First impressions [ edit ]

A 2005 study at the University of Pennsylvania of multiple HurryDate speed dating events found that most people made their choices within the first three seconds of meeting. Furthermore, issues such as religion, previous marriages, and smoking habits were found to play much less of a role than expected. [ 8 ] [ 9 ]

A 2006 study in Edinburgh, Scotland showed that 45% of the women participants in a speed-dating event and 22% of the men had come to a decision within the first 30 seconds. It also found that dialogue concerning travel resulted in more matches than dialogue about films. [ 10 ]

In a 2012 study, researchers found that activation of specific brain regions while viewing images of opposite-sex speed dating participants was predictive of whether or not a participant would later pursue or reject the viewed participants at an actual speed dating event. Men and women made decisions in a similar manner which incorporated the physical attractiveness and likability of the viewed participants in their evaluation. [ 11 ]

Subconscious preferences [ edit ]

Malcolm Gladwell 's book on split-second decision making, Blink , introduces two professors at Columbia University who run speed-dating events. Drs. Sheena Iyengar and Raymond Fisman found, from having the participants fill out questionnaires, that what people said they wanted in an ideal mate did not match their subconscious preferences. [ 12 ] [ 13 ]

Olfaction and the MHC [ edit ]

A 1995 study at the University of Bern showed that women appear to be attracted to the smell of men who have different MHC profiles from their own, and that oral contraceptives reversed this effect. [ 14 ]

The MHC is a region of the human genome involved with immune function. Because parents with more diverse MHC profiles would be expected to produce offspring with stronger immune systems. dissimilar MHC may play a role in sexual selection.

A speed "date" lasting several minutes should be long enough for the MHC hypothesis to come into play, provided the participants are seated close enough together. [ citation needed ]

Olfaction and pheromones [ edit ]

The TV newsmagazine 20/20 once sent both a male and a female set of twins to a speed dating event. One of each set was wearing pheromones. and the ones wearing pheromones received more matches. [ 15 ]

Age and height preference [ edit ]

A 2006 study by Michele Belot and Marco Francesconi into the relative effects of preference versus opportunity in mate selection showed, while concluding that opportunity was more important than preference, that a woman's age is the single most important factor determining demand by men. [ 16 ] Although less important than it is to men, age is still a highly significant factor determining demand by women.

The same study found that a man's height had a significant impact upon his desirability, with a reduction in height causing a decrease in desirability at the rate of 5% per inch.

Selectivity [ edit ]

Studies of speed dating events generally show more selectivity among women than among men. For instance, the Penn study reported that the average man was chosen by 34% of the women and the average woman was chosen by 49% of the men. [ 8 ] New studies suggest that the selectivity is based on which gender is seated and which is rotating. This new study showed that when men were seated and the women rotated, the men were more selective. [ 17 ]

Spin-offs [ edit ]

The popularity or charm of speed dating has led to at least one offspring: Speed Networking. A structured way of running business networking events with the goal of making meeting potential business contacts easier and more productive. Some speed dating companies have now started offering free speed dating where you do not pay unless you meet somebody you like.

Business speed dating has also been used in China as a way for business people to meet each other and to decide if they have similar business objectives and synergies. [ citation needed ] Speed dating offers participating investors and companies an opportunity to have focused private meetings with targeted groups in a compact time frame.

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Клуб знакомств в Москве

Шаг к незабываемому общению

Каждый день мы общаемся с огромным количеством людей: на работе, в общественном транспорте, в сети. У каждого из нас, безусловно, есть друзья и товарищи, общество которых нам приятно и интересно. Но все же этого мало. Время от времени каждому жизненно необходимы новые знакомые, новые лица в своем окружении, новые свежие и яркие эмоции, новые открытия и знания. Поэтому у многих часто возникает вопрос, где же найти все это, не тратя много времени и не прилагая титанических усилий.

Представляем афишу наших вечеринок:

16 октября - Вечер быстрых знакомств Speed Dating (28-46 лет), Русский клуб, м. Китай-город

17 октября вечеринка Speed dating, девушки 20-32 лет, муж. 21-38 лет, Русский клуб, м. Китай-город

17, 24, 31 окт. - Игра в мафию, Русский клуб, м. Китай-город


18 октября Романтическая вечеринка знакомств, девушки 27-42 лет, мужчины 34-46 лет, Ресторан История, м. Курская

19 октября Боулинг пати, Клуб Галактика, м. ВДНХ

25 октября - Клубная вечеринка знакомств "Ключи и замки" (Key&Lock) (26-46 лет), клуб Солярис, м. ВДНХ

26 октября Вечер знакомств «У Любви нет возраста», дамы 38-55 лет, кавалеры 45-59 лет, м. ВДНХ

Места проведения наших вечеринок:

У нас есть универсальный ответ для тех, кто ищет свою любовь: вечеринки экспресс знакомств! С их помощью Вы сможете погрузиться в море общения с интересными людьми, открыть для себя много нового, найти закадычных друзей а может, кто знает, и свою вторую половинку!

Наш клуб знакомств это место, где возможно все, где даже самый робкий и становится смелым, где молчаливый скромник превращается в очаровательного болтуна, где самые застенчивые раскрывают весь свой потенциал общения. Попробуйте сами и убедитесь в том, что нет ничего прекраснее чистого, искреннего и интересного живого общения.

Что может дать клуб знакомств

В нашем ритме большого города сложно выкроить хоть минутку для общения в удовольствие. А когда такая минутка находится, то часто уже не остается на это сил и желания. Для современной жизни лучшим вариантом станет клуб знакомств, Москва раскроется перед Вами букетом интересных и ярких личностей на наших вечеринках. Это быстрый и удобный способ найти новых собеседников или даже свою любовь!

Вечеринки знакомств проходят в самое разное время, и Вы всегда сможете найти подходящий для себя вариант. Не тратьте время на бесцельные поиски собеседников на улицах или в сети. Реальные знакомства с умными, перспективными, интересными людьми принесут Вам массу положительных эмоций, и сделать это проще всего на наших вечеринках.

Многие из нас помимо теплого и искреннего общения мечтают и о том, чтобы наконец обрести счастье в личной жизни. Для таких людей наш клуб знакомств также устраивает специальные вечеринки знакомств. Флирт пати - настоящее спасение от одиночества и скуки, прекрасный способ провести время и возможно даже встретить свою судьбу. Не бойтесь идти навстречу новым открытиям!

Знакомства в нашем клубе на вечеринках это отличный способ победить робость и встретить огромное количество ярких и запоминающихся личностей. Никто не останется без внимания на наших вечеринках!

Прогулка на теплоходе — Ваш шанс на романтическую встречу

Наш клуб приглашает Вас в романтическую поездку на теплоходе «Олимпиада». Вас ждет 4-часовой круиз по реке Москва. В течение вечеринки мы проследуем мимо Храма Христа Спасителя, Московского Кремля и других красивых мест столицы.

Количество гостей Вас приятно удивит — это 100-120 человек, которые свободно разместятся на 2 просторных палубах теплохода «Олимпиада». «А что если пойдет дождь?» - спросите Вы. Не волнуйтесь, на этот случай в вашем распоряжении нижняя закрытая палуба нашего романтического лайнера.

С чего начать?

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Dating kaibigan


Start losing weight with The Slim Firm’s HCG drops and Garcinia Cambogia.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) drops. It is a hormone produced by pregnant women to help their body feed the baby with fat stores rather than the muscles. This is why it’s helpful for weight loss. HCG also helps your body burn your stored fat instead of your muscles to make up for the calories you are no longer eating. When your body is burning extra calories especially from fat, you lose weight.

Garcinia Cambogia capsules. This is for those with active lifestyle. Garcinia Cambogia supplement contains a proprietary blend of 20 proven weight-loss/fat-burning, and appetite suppressant ingredients that helps curb appetite, increase your energy and boost your metabolism. It also supports cholesterol level, blood pressure and immune system and is an excellent addition to the HCG Diet program.

How does HCG works?

HCG modifies eating behavior by regulating the hypothalamus in the brain that manages the homeostatic control of food intake by receiving, coordinating and responding metabolic cues and signals from the digestive system. By integrating the metabolic signals, the hypothalamus tells the body when to eat and maintain the body weight “set point”. Therefore, the activity of HCG in the hypothalamus helps regulate food intake while reducing food cravings.

You must follow the entire HCG diet protocol based on Dr. Simeons’ research. HCG drops should come along with the strict 500-calorie diet to have good results. If you try feeding yourself with 500-calorie meals per day without taking the HCG drops, you are obviously STARVING yourself and that is a big NO-NO! So here’s the program overview and the important phases of this diet program.

The Four Phases

The HCG Program is divided into 4 phases of various lengths. Here it is in order:

Loading Phase (2 days). Some call this phase as “binge” or “gorge” days. You start taking the HCG drops on Day 1. For these first 2 days, you must eat the most fattening foods you can until you are completely full. Concentrate on foods high in fat and oils rather than sugar.

Core Phase (13-43 days). On the morning of Day 3, you begin the 500-calorie diet per day. You also continue taking the HCG drops at the specified dosage. The length of this phase depends on how much weight you want to lose.

Transition Phase (3 days). Stop taking the HCG drops at the end of the Core Phase. Continue on the 500-calorie diet for the 3 days in this phase while your body transitions and eliminates the high level of HCG in your body.

Maintenance Phase (21 days). Slowly increase your food intake and begin eating any foods you want except sugars, starches, or artificial sweeteners. Your metabolism is still trying to stabilize during this phase. Therefore, watch your weight closely, and slowly increase your calorie intake at a rate that allows you to maintain your new lower weight.

How to take the HCG?

For best results, do not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes before or after taking the dose.

Fill the dropper with HCG liquid.

Hold the tip of the dropper over a spoon. Squeeze the bulb very gently until a single drop of liquid falls into the spoon. Repeat until you get the number of drops for the desired dosage level.

Pour the liquid from the spoon under your tongue. Hold it for 1 minute before swallowing.

Remember not to drink or eat anything for 15 minutes after taking the dose for maximum absorption.

The total daily caloric intake during the core and transition phases should not exceed 500 calories.

Proteins – Eat 2 servings anytime during the day but not at the same time. Meat can be cooked by boiling, grilling, or broiling, but don’t use any additional fat or oils during cooking. One serving is about 100 grams weighed raw. Remove all visible fats. Allowed items are beef, veal, chicken (breast, skinless), and fish ( NO eel, tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring, dried or pickled fish).

Vegetables – Eat 2 servings anytime during the day but not at the same time. Best eaten with the protein serving. One serving is 2 cups for green leafy vegetables and 1 cup for other vegetables. One item per serving. NO MIXING OF VEGETABLES!

Fruits – Eat 2 items anytime during the day but not at the same time.

Starches – Only melba toast and grissini (breadsticks) are allowed. Serving size is one melba or breadstick.

Fluids – For you to achieve your desired weight, it’s best to drink at least 8 glasses of water. No alcohol, carbonated drinks or juices allowed. Herbal or green tea are allowed. Coffee without sugar is also okay.

Personal Testimony

I am a proud user of The Slim Firm’s HCG Drops and Garcinia Cambogia and being that proud made me post this one here in my blog. I know that a lot of people are struggling just to lose weight and here I am want to reach out and help others be fit and healthy.

HCG drops helped me lose for about 20 pounds in one month. But before trying this diet, I researched well to make sure how effective and safe it is to be used. I also have a friend who used this before me and I see her transform that quick. It amazed me and made me decide to try it and see it for myself.

I started using HCG last April 2014 because of curiosity. And of course for me to look good and lose weight. I tried going to the gym the year 2011 but gained my weight back after 2 years of no exercise and active lifestyle. Before going to the gym, I weighed around 185-190 pounds and that was the worst of me! By having a balanced diet together with regular exercise, I lost 34 pounds in 4 months. But still, my BMI didn’t reach the normal range.

I was still in college those days and I gained my weight back last year before taking my board exam because all I do was to eat and eat and eat while reviewing.

The Slim Firm changed my life once again. I was able to achieve my body by following the diet program. Sometimes, I couldn’t help myself not to cheat because at first, I really felt hungry. I lost weight without doing hardcore exercises. All I did was to eat 500-calorie meals daily. For you to have an idea what food I ate, try visiting my instagram (@hcg_nikkipatoots) account.

I took one bottle of HCG drops and dropped 20 pounds. So from 180-183, I ended at 160 pounds. I tried doing the second round of this diet but I failed due to parties and lately, I’ve been resistant to it already. So now, I’m resting and my ending weight is around 152-154 pounds.

I was able to wear my old clothes again and somehow feel good about myself once more. Because of The Slim Firm, I became more confident and motivated to achieve my goal weight and inspire other girls out there.

Who to contact?

The ever friendly Apple Alegro of The Slim Firm. Get your HCG bottles and/or Garcinia Cambogia Capsules by following her at instagram (@theslimfirm), liking her facebook page and send her a message at 0917-8332765. She’s nice and a good coach as well. I’ve been sending her updates about my weight loss journey and sometimes ask her questions. She answers as soon as possible.

Try now and see the results for yourself! Be a happy loser with The Slim Firm!

Note: Losing weight with HCG drops depends on how you follow and focus on the protocol. You need to plan your desired program before starting your diet. Goodluck!

Salamat, kaibigan

(Below is the privilege speech delivered by Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. at the Senate on June 9, 2014 as he, Juan Ponce Enrile and Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada face arrest after being charged with plunder before the Sandiganbayan anti-graft court over their alleged involvement in the P10 billion pork barrel scam.)

Mr. President, muli po akong tumatayo sa harapan ng ating mga kababayan upang minsan pa (at posibleng sa huling pagkakataon) ay mailahad ko ang aking damdamin na hindi para humudyat ng pagkakawatak-watak, bagkus, ay magpaubaya at magbukas ng bagong kabanata sa ating kasaysayan.

Mr. President, nasabi ko na nga po dati, malinis po ang aking konsensiya. Ngayon na naisampa na ang kaso laban sa amin, hayaan niyo na po kaming harapin ito sa husgado. Ipaubaya na po natin ito sa korte at doon ko na po ipagtatanggol ang aking sarili.

Ang atensyon na itinuon sa amin, ituon na natin sa mas mahahalagang bagay na magbibigay kaginahawahan sa ating mga kababayan.

Napakarami pong hinahaharap na problema ng ating bayan na mas nangangailangan ng tama at mabilisang solusyon. Isipin na muna natin ang bayan.

Ang ating mga mamamayan – ang kanilang mga pangunahing mga pangangailangan. Tama na ang batuhan. Tama na ang siraan.

Kung mamarapatin, may panawagan po ako sa ating Pangulong Aquino. Alam ko pong marami tayong ‘di pagkakaunawaan sa usaping pulitikal, ngunit iisa lang ang hangarin natin para sa bayan.

President Aquino, nakasalalay po sa iyo ang kinabukasan ng bansa sa loob ng natitira pang 2 taon bilang pangulo. Sana ay gamitin mo ang iyong kapangyarihan para masolusyonan ang mga suliranin ng ating mga kababayan.

Una na nga dito ay ang pagbibigay ng hanapbuhay sa marami nating mga kababayan nang sila ay mapakapaghatid ng pagkain sa kanilang hapagkainan.

Pabilisin pa sana ang pagkilos sa ikaaayos ng kalagayan ng mga biktima ng bagyong Yolanda na hanggang ngayon ay sabik na sabik pa rin sa ating kalinga; pag-ibayuhin pa sana ang paglaban ng mga pulis sa kriminalidad;

isaayos na agad ang kalagayan ng Ninoy Aquino International Airport para maging maayos ang serbisyo at maibangon ang imahe ng turismo sa bansa; Pakinggan at bigyang tugon ang mga hinaing ng mga maysakit sa mga pampublikong ospital, lalo na ang mga patuloy na nangangailangan ng mga gamot at medikasyon;

Para hindi na lumala ang estado ng ekonomiya, lapatan na ng agaran at pangmatagalang lunas ang napipintong krisis sa kuryente at enerhiya na damang-dama na ngayon sa Mindanao at malapit nang kumalat sa buong bansa;

Pangalagaan sana ang pangunahing mga pangangailangan ng mga mamamayan tulad ng edukasyon, mga serbisyong panlipunan, at lalo na ang pagkain. Siguruhin na natin na may sapat na kakainin ang bawat Pilipino.

Ilan lamang ito sa napakaraming kailangang gawin at bigyang atensyon.

Lead this country not with hatred but with love. Lead the country towards unity and not partisanship. Push our nation’s interest and not political agenda. Bibihira ang nabibigyan ng pagkakataon na maging pangulo. At mapalad ka Pangulong Aquino.

Panguluhan mo ang bansa sa kaunlaran at progreso para huwag masayang ang 6 na taon na ipinagkatiwala sa iyo. Napakasaklap na mahusgahan ka ng kasaysayan bilang isang tinimbang ngunit nagkulang. You still have 2 remaining years. Hindi tama at hindi maganda na maaalala ka at ang iyong administrasyon sa pagpapakulong lamang ng mga hindi mo kaalyado. Jailing your oppositors should not be the only achievement and legacy you will be leaving behind.

Sana po ay lubos na tayong magkaisa at magtulungan. Magsikap tayong sama-sama na maging disente ang buhay ng bawat Pilipino na hanggang ngayon ay puro kahig walang tuka. Hindi ako nagdududa na kaya ng bansang umahon sa pagtutulungan ng mga pinuno. Maraming magagaling sa Kongreso; sa burukrasya; sa pribadong sektor. Ang kailangan lang ay magkaisa. The remaining 2 years is still enough. Kaya mo pa yan Ginoong Aquino. Kaya natin ito.

Mayroon na tayong pagkakataon ngayon, na mula sa pagkagiba ay bumangon bilang mas matibay na bansa.

Ang hamon ngayon ay palakasin muli ang tiwala ng tao. Magagawa lamang ito kung ang mga pinuno ay magbibigay ng malinaw na halimbawa. Ang hamon ngayon ay bumaba tayo sa tao, alamin ang kanilang mga tunay na pangangailangan, at magkaisang pakinggan at tugunan ang mga hinaing ng bayan.

Tama na po ang awayan, tigilan na ang pulitika ng paghihiwalay. Tama na ang pambebengga. Ang magkakaibang kulay ng ating bandila ay dapat sumagisag ng pagkakaisa at hindi pagkakaiba-iba.

Adhikain ko po na sana mula ngayon, wala nang dilaw, wala nang orange, wala nang berde, wala nang asul, wala nang pula. Iisa lang ang dugong nananalaytay sa ating mga ugat, at yan ay dugong Pilipino. Isang Dugo, isang diwa - gamitin natin ito para tayo lubusang magkaisa, umunlad at lumigaya, para sa bansa.

Masyado nang nadungisan ang mga institusyon na tanging kumakatawan at sandigan ng taumbayan.

Sana lang po, ang pagwasak sa reputasyon ng Senado at Kongreso ay walang kinalaman sa isang grand design para mawala ang tiwala ng publiko sa institusyong ito, tungo sa pag-abolish ng mga ito sa pamamagitan ng pagbago sa konstitusyon o Cha-cha.

Mr. President, napakarami na pong mga tao ang nababanggit sa usaping PDAF. Napakarami na pong nasasaktan. Napakarami nang nasira ang buong pagkatao dahil sa pagbato ng putik na parang alkitran na kumakapit sa balat at tumatagos na hanggang kaluluwa. Pag nabanggit ka, tapos ka. Hanggang sa kaapo-apuhan mo, wasak na. Buhay ka pa, ibinurol ka na para panooring ng buong mundo, at pagkatapos, inilibing ka pa.

Kaya naman nananawagan ako sa media. I appeal to our journalist’s commitment to responsibility and their sensitivities.

Napakahirap pong bumuo ng pangalan, pero sa isang iglap, ay durog na ito. Mr. President, paano po kung pagkatapos ng lahat ng ito ay mapatunayang walang-sala at inosente ang isang taong nawasak na? Paano po? May pag-asa pa kayang malinis at maibangon niya ang kanyang pangalan at dignidad?

Regardless Mr. President, handa akong mapiit at magsakripisyo dahil alam kong sa tamang panahon ay lalabas at mangingibaw pa rin ang katotohanan.

Naniniwala pa rin ako na ang Korte ay hindi papayag na mangibabaw ang kawalan ng katarungan. Nariyan kayo, aking mga kababayan, na sisiguruhing hindi mananaig ang kasinungalingan.

Nandito pa rin ako, sa kabila ng lahat, para ipagpatuloy ang pakikibaka at kasama ng mga minamahal kong mga kababayan sa lahat ng pagkakataon, sa labas man o loob ng piitan.

Mr. President, before I end, I also have a list. Mas matindi ito sa lahat ng iba pang listahan. Para sa ikabubuti ng bansa, hayaan niyong ibahagi ko ito sa inyo. Wala akong itatago.

First on my list, is God.

Unang una, at higit sa lahat, nagpapasalamat ako sa Diyos na alam kong hindi niya ako bibigyan ng pagsubok na hindi ko malalampasan. Lord salamat po sa pagkakataon na higit ko Kayong nakilala.

Thank you for walking with me during these times of trial. Tulad ng lagi, alam ko pong hindi Niyo ako pababayaan. Alam kong hindi Mo pababayaan ang bayan.

Pangalawa sa aking listahan ay ang aking ama at pamilya na patuloy nagbibigay sa akin ng lakas at tibay. Daddy, I love you, babangon tayo.

To my wife and kids, we shall overcome! Be strong. Ipagpatuloy ninyo at higit pang pag-ibayuhin ang pagtulong sa kapwa. Mama, salamat sa pagmamahal. Mga anak, salamat.

Pangatlo, my colleagues:

Senate President Drilon – I pray that you, as the leader of this chamber, will be successful in rebuilding this institution. Ipaglaban mo ang institusyong ito;

Senator Recto – A true gentleman; Your economic foresight and expertise continue to benefit the country. Saludo ako sa iyo;

Senator Alan Peter – I wish you good luck in all your endeavors;

Senator Sotto – Di lang kita Tito, para kitang kuya. Marami akong naipasang batas noong Majority Floor ka. It is an honor working with you. Salamat sa suporta;

Senator Honasan – I look up to you. Your humility is worth emulating. Your patriotism is beyond question. I salute you;

Senator Miriam – I’m praying for your health. Get well soon Ma’am, the Senate needs your expertise;

Senator Lapid – kaibigang Lito, ikaw ang Leon Guerrero ng masang Pilipino. Bida ka talaga ng masa;

Senator TG Guingona – Kaibigan pa rin kita no matter what. Lead the Blue Ribbon Committee in fulfilling its true mandate;

Senator Sonny Angara – I look up to your father. Continue his legacy;

Senator Grace Poe – Salamat. Nakikita ko sa iyo ang puso ng iyong ama. Ang tunay na panday. Ipagpatuloy mo ang mga hangarin niya para sa bayang Pilipino;

Senator Jinggoy Estrada – Kosa, hanggang dito ba naman magkasama tayo? Pinagtatawanan tayo siguro ni Daboy ngayon. Kidding aside, hindi ito ang katapusan natin pare. God is just preparing us for something better;

Senator Loren – Seatmate, I will miss your enthusiasm in serving our kababayans;

Senator Trillanes – I will always admire your tenacity in fighting for the Filipino people;

Senator JV – Sa maikling panahon ng pagkakasama natin, nakita ko ang puso mo na tulad ng iyong ama. Isa lang ang hiling ko, sana magkasundo na kayo ng kapatid mo;

Senator Bam – keep it up. You’re on the right track;

Senator Koko – I will always treasure the advice and guidance of your father when we worked together. I see him in you;

Senator Serge – Brilliant. A good person and a good friend;

Senator Pia – Continue to be an inspiration to women;

Senator Villar – Isa kayong inspirasyon ng Sipag at Tiyaga;

Senator Chiz – Please be careful with your Heart. Kidding aside, your passion is without equal;

Senator Nancy – Your father can truly be proud of you;

Senator Bongbong – Pare, nakita ko sa iyo ang sipag mo, ang galing mo, at ang talino mo. May aabangan pa ang bansa sa iyo;

Senator Enrile – I can only wish I live a full life like yours. One of the greatest leaders of this country. Your brilliance, your experience, brought a culture of excellence not only to this institution but to every institution you have led. You are undoubtedly the ultimate statesman.

To Congress, ibangon natin ang nayurakan na institusyon. Pagsikapan at pagtulungan natin na hindi na muling mangyari ang ganitong yugto sa ating kasaysayan.

Salamat po sa aking mga kasamahan at sa lahat ng mga empleyado na nagkaroon ako ng pagkakataong makatrabaho kayo at makahalubilo.

I thank this August chamber for being witness to my pure and genuine intentions to serve our people and give back to their kindness for the past 10 years.

Nagpapasalamat po ako sa pagkakataon at karangalan na maging isang taas-noong lingkod-bayan, na kahanay ninyo.

Salamat sa aking kaibigan, my party President Congressman Martin Romualdez.

Hindi mo ako iniwan. Naramdaman ko sa iyo kung ano ang isang tunay na kaibigan. Mapalad ang iyong mga pinamumunuan.

Salamat sa aking mga kapartido sa LAKAS-CMD, lalo na kay dating Pangulong Fidel Ramos who mentored me and continues to share with me his kindness and wisdom.

Former President and Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, you have always been in my prayers, and I will always continue praying for you. Kaya mo ‘yan Ma’am.

Vice President Jojo Binay, you are a true man of vision. Your track record speaks for itself. Mabuhay ka. Former President and Mayor Erap Estrada, may our present and future leaders emulate your sense of forgiveness. Tunay kang ama ng masang Pilipino.

Nagpapasalamat din po ako sa industriya na aking kinalakhan at humubog sa akin.

Salamat sa aking mga tagahanga na sumuporta at tumangkilik sa akin bilang artista sa pelikula at telebisyon, gayundin sa lahat ng aking mga nakasama at nakatrabaho.

Siyempre, hindi pwede mawala sa aking listahan ang mamamayang Pilipino.

Maraming Salamat po sa halos 20 milyong bumoto sa akin na hindi tumigil magtiwala, sumuporta at magmahal sa akin. Maraming Salamat sa inyong lahat! Hindi po ako magsasawa na sabihin at kilalanin na kayo ang dahilan kung bakit mayroong isang Bong Revilla. Kayo ang dahilan kung bakit patuloy akong lumalaban at lalaban. Kayo ang nagpapatibay sa aking kalooban at nagbibigay lakas at inspirasyon sa patuloy kong pakikibaka para sa katotohanan.

Kung ang pagkakakulong ko ang siyang magiging susi sa pinto ng hustisya ay malugod ko itong tatanggapin. Nakapiring po ang katarungan, at magkakaroon din ang tunay na hustisya. Kung hindi man ngayon, sa naaayong panahon.

Makulong man ako, hindi nila makukulong ang aking pangarap at pagmamahal sa bayan.

Huwag po kayong mag-alala. Hindi po ako mawawala, babalik po ako.

Tandaan po ninyo, kahit dumating man ang takip-silim, hindi mapipigilan ang bukang liwayway. Sisikat muli ang araw at magbibigay liwanag muli sa kadiliman.

May kahilingan po sana ako sa inyo. Sa ating pansamanatalang paghihiwalay, mayroon akong isang orihinal na awit na naglalaman ng aking saloobin. Gusto kong pakinggan ninyo, at sana ay maibigan niyo ito. Para sa iyo ito, kaibigan.


Hindi Masabi

Mary Christine C. Rebamonte

Alam kong nagtataka ka kung saan patungkol ang sulat na ito. Maaaring pagkatapos mong mabasa ito ay balewala lang sa'yo. Ngunit kahit ganoon pa man, ang mahalaga lang ay malaman mo ang nasa isipan ko. Alam mo, hindi ko hilig ang magsulat. Ni kahit subukang maging bukas sa isang tao. Tanging ikaw lamang ang aking pinagkatiwalaan. Hindi ko alam kung saan dapat magsimula. Di ko rin alam kung paano ito dapat tapusin. Ewan, basta kailangan kong masabi ito sa iyo.

Masaya akong nakilala kita. Masaya dahil naging magkaibigan pa tayo. Nabanggit ko sa iyo ang tungkol sa wish ko noong bata pa ako. Alam mo, natupad mo ang 90% ng hiling ko kaya nagpapasalamat ako sa iyo. Hindi ko alam kung bakit at paano ka naging ganoon kahalaga sa akin. Hindi ko maipaliwanag subalit, hindi na mahalaga kung bakit, ang importante ay alam kong bilang kaibigan ay mahal na mahal kita.

Simula ng makilala kita, nagbago na ang buhay ko. Tinuruan mo ako maging mapagpasensiya, magtiwala at masikap. Isa akong tamad na estudyante – sa totoo lang. Nagsusulat lang ako kung kailangan. Pero, alam mo ba na simula nang maging magkaibigan tayo ay naging masipag na talaga ako sa mga gawain ko. Ginagawa ko na kasi ito pagkabigay pa lang upang magkaroon ako ng pagkakataong madalaw ka. Para sa iyong kaalaman, matagal na sana akong tumigil sa pagpunta sa "doon" kung hindi lang dahil sa iyo. Kung tutuusin hindi naman mahalaga sa akin kung magkasakit man ako. Naniniwala ako na kung dapat ka nang mamatay kahit ano pa kalusog ang katawan mo gagawa at gagawa SIYA ng paraan upang masawi ka.

Isang taon mula ngayon, naaalala ko pa lahat ang mga nangyari. Wala akong nakakalimutan! Maging ang amoy ng pabango mo. At kahit naisin ko mang kalimutan ang mga alaalang iyon ay mahirap, lalo na’t lahat halos ay masasaya at magagandang alaala. Naaalala ko pa kung saan kita unang nakita, kailan ka unang nagsabi sa akin ng iyong mga sikreto at kung kalian kita unang pinaiyak.

Gusto ko kung paano mo ako tratuhin dati. Pakiramdam ko mahalaga rin pala ako sa mundo at may nag-aalala rin pala sa akin. Kaya naman, pinilit kong mangako ka. Nais kong kahit malayo tayo ang alam ko pa rin kung ano ang nangyayari sa iyo. Kung inaway ka na naman ba ng mga naiinggit sa iyo o ikaw ba ang nang-away sa kanila, kung pinagalitan ka na naman ba o pinuri ng amo mo. Ang maliit na impormasyong iyon ay mahalaga sa akin. Isang karangalan para sa akin ang mapagsabihan ng mga sikreto ng isang tao at hindi lang dahil tsismosa ako. Biruin mo sa dami ng mga kaibigan mo, ako pa? Ako pa na isang mangmang na tatanga-tanga ang pinagkatiwalaan mo?

Ang mahirap kasi, nasanay akong lagi kang mabait sa akin. Nasanay na lagi kang nariyan sa oras na kailangan kita. Kung alam mo lang ang nadarama ko sa tuwing magagalit ka sa akin noon kapag hindi ako nagrereply. Sa totoo lang, kahit nag-aalala ako na baka magalit ka ay natutuwa pa rin ako dahil hinahanap mo rin pala ako. Nasanay akong sa tuwing makikta mo ako’y yayakapin mo ako na para bang kay tagal nating hindi nagkita at kahit kung minsan ay nahihiya ako ay niyayakap na rin kita. Nasanay akong maging tapat sa iyo at ni hindi ko nga kayang maglihim sa iyo nang matagal. Higit sa ano pa man, nasanay akong mahalin ka bilang matalik kong kaibgan. Nasanay.

Bigla, nagbago ang lahat. Pakiramdam ko ay kaaway ko ang buong mundo, pakiramdam ko ay naloko ako nang ilang beses na wala akong nagawa dahil isa akong tanga at walang kwentang tao. Hindi ko maipaliwanag ang nararamdaman ko. Kaya, dahil sa pagkalito, nagawa ko ang kasalanang iyo. Nagalit ako noon! Sa isip ko hindi na ako dapat magpakita sa iyo. Hindi mo naman ako kailangan pa. Subalit, huli na nang matauhan ako. Nalilito ako noon kaya tinanong ko ang panginoon. Humingi ako ng tulong kung ano ang aking dapat gawin. Kaya, nagpakita ako sa iyo ulit. Inamin ko ang kasalanan ko at talagang pinagsisihan ko iyon dahil hindi ako naging makatarungan sa ginawa ko. Sinira ko ang tiwala mo!

Ngayon, naisip ko na ang dahilan kung bakit ka nagbago. Kung bakit hindi na tulad ng dati ang turing mo sa akin. Sa totoo lang, ayaw kong mainggit. Ayaw kong magselos at ni ayaw kong aminin sa sarili kong nararamdaman ko iyon. Bukod sa alam kong masama iyon lalo pa’t kaibigan ko rin sila ay masakit din sa pakiramdam. Masakit. Masakit na para bang hindi mo alam kung saan nanggagaling. Na gusto mong patayin ang pakiramdam na iyon ngunit hindi mo alam kung paano! Na wala kang ibang magawa kundi umiyak na lamang upang sa ganoon ay mabawasan nang kaunti ang sakit.

Alam mo bang masakit isiping ang taong mahal mo ay hindi ka na mahal, na ang taong pinahahalagahan mo higit sa sino pa man ay di ka na pinahahalagahan at higit sa lahat masakit na ang dating kaibigan mo at itinuring mong natatangi sa lahat ay wala na at naglaho na sa kanyang katauhan.

Aaminin ko, naiinggit ako sa kanila dahil pwede ka nilang makasama araw-araw, oras-oras. Malaya silang tao. Nagagawa nilang gawin ang gusto nilang gawin. Naiinggit ako sa kung ano mang bagay na nagagawa nila na di ko magawa kahit kaya ko rin naman. Naiinis dahil kaya nilang makuha ang buo mong atensyon. At sa isang iglap lamang, nagawa nga nila.

Natuwa ako nang malaman kong makakasama kita sa isang trip . dahil inakala kong maibabalik ko pa ang dati nating samahan. Akala ko maibabalik ko pa ang pagiging close natin, akala kong makakausap na kita nang masinsinan at higit sa lahat, akala kong masisiyahan ako sa pagsama ko. Ngunit hindi, mali ako sa mga akala ko! Huli na pala ang lahat. Nagkalamat na ng tuluyan ang ating pagkakaibigan. Mahirap nang ayusin pa. Isa pa, nakahanap ka na ng ipapalit. At sa tingin ko ay mas magiging mabuti siyang kaibigan sa iyo. Mas makakatulong siya sa iyo.

Paano ko magagawang ayusin ang problema kung sa tuwing gagawin ko ay nanghihina ako at walang magawa kundi ang tumawa. Paano kita makakausap ng masinsinan kung sa paglapit ko pa lang sa iyo ay may kausap ka nang iba at dama ko ang tiwala mo sa kanya. Paano ako matutuwa sa pagsama ko kung parang nag-iisa lang pala ako, kung nagkakanya-kanya lang pala at ako itong tangan nahuhuli sa mga biro ninyo.

Alam mo ba ang pakiramdam na para kang pinagkaisahan? Na wala kang makausap? Kaya nga iba na lang ang kinakausap mo subalit, sa kalagitnaan ng pagkukwento mo at pagsasalita mo nang may buong kagalakan ay bigla ka namang sasabihang “di man diay ka tabian sa?” Alam mo rin ba ang pakiramdam na kung saan dati ako ang sinasabihan mo, ngayon kapag nagtatanong ako’y sasabihin mo lang na hindi ko naman kilala ang taong pinag-uusapan ninyo, tapos kayong lahat ay tawa na ng tawa habang ako ang nag-iisang walang muwang. Para mo na ring sinabing anong pakialam ko!

Isang matalik na kaibigan lang ang itinuturing kong kayamanan sa mundo at ang pagkawala nito ay isang kamatayan ng parte ng buhay ko. Ito’y isang tiyak na kabiguan para sa akin. Hindi kita sinisisi sa mga pangyayari. Alam kong hindi mo naman alam na nasasaktan ako. (Iyan ang mahirap sa pagiging malakas, kung minsan hindi na natin alam na nanghihina na pala siya). Kaya ko lamang sinasabi ito ay upang malaman mo ang totoo kong nararamdaman. Karapatan mong malaman ang iniisip ko tungkol sa iyo at alam kong gusto mo ring malaman ito.

Patawad sa mga nagawa kong kasalanan sa iyo. Ngayon, matapos ang dalawang linggong pagsisikap ko at pag-iisip, tanggap ko na ang kinalabasan ng mga pinanggagawa ko. Sana kahit kaunti man lamang ay natuwa ka ring nakilala mo ako. Hindi ko na kayang magkunwari pang malakas ako! Dahil ang totoo’y lampa ako’t mahina. Nasanay lang kasi akong nasa tabi kita lagi kaya, inakala kong hindi ka na mawawala pa. Inakala kong sapat na ang mga ginawa ko. Sayang, kung naging mabuti lang akong kaibigan, hindi sana ganito ang kalalabasan!

Hindi ko na alam kung paano ito tatapusin. Marami pa sana akong nais sabihin, pero hindi ko na alam kung paano pa ito sasabihin kaya hanggang dito na lang. Sana ay naunawaan mo ang ibig kong sibihin! Hindi ko hinihiling na tanggapin mo ang mga sinabi ko. Sapat na ang basahin mo lang ito. Tandaan mo, kapag kailangan mo ng isang kaibigan at iniwan ka na ng lahat. Nandito lang ako laging naniniwala sa iyo! Kahit ganito lang ako, asahan mong kapag kaibigan kita’y ipaglalaban kita dahil hindi ako agad sumusuko.

Naniniwala akong sa kahuli-hulihan ay may panibagong simula at sa pagkakataong iyo’y, sana’y maging maganda na ang wakas!

paalam sa isang matalik na kaibigan…

i am not so sure how to begin this entry. but yesterday, while going to the world trade center, pasay city, para sa last day ng agrilink 09, sa loob ng jip na sinakyan ko may tumatak talaga sa akin na mga salita. i always see this sticker since i also attend to victory christian fellowship, pero dat tym, saka lang nagkaroon ng meaning sa buhay ko ang sticker na ito. it says…

yes, it is indeed true. i realized that we only have one life to live, kaya we should make the most out of it .

last friday, i was so shocked sa isang nakalulungkot na balita. i was having my lunch that time when one of our officemates/friends called telling me that Ate Toni or Antoinette Kindipan. who was also our officemate/friend died.

habang sinasabi sa akin ni ate lou ang details wala akong ibang magawa kundi umiyak nalang sa isang tabi. kinilabutan ako noong panahong iyon. AYOKONG MANIWALA. oo, ayoko talagang maniwala hanggang sa kinumpirma na nga na wala na talaga siya. na kasama nga si ate tony sa nalandslide sa benguet. na pati ang dalawang kapatid niya at mom niya wala na rin.

that time, i ask my self, bakit si ate toni pa? she is just 26. marami pa siyang pwedeng gawin sa buhay. bakit si ate toni pa? na alam kong napakabait? at bakit si ate toni pa? na maraming nagmamahal sa kanya.

hindi ko rin lubos isipin na namatay siya sanhi ng landslide. naramdaman ko yung struggles ni ate toni ng mga panahong iyon. yung tipong matatabunan ka ng buhay na walang kalaban laban. yun ang masakit dun.

noong mga panahong iyon sobrang natulala talaga ako sa mga pangyayari. ang mahirap pa dun magkakahiwalay o magkakalayo kaming magkakaibigan ng mabalitaan namin iyon. naghahanap kami ng pwede naming pagshare-ran ng nararamdaman. yung grief, yung pain, yung sadness. halo-halong pakiramdam.

sa buhay ko, hindi ko pa naranasang nawalan o mamatayan ng kapamilya. kaya hindi ko alam kung anong pakiramdam ng mawalan. pero si ate toni, kahit hindi ko kapamilya, sobrang sakit ng dinulot ng pagkawala niya. ngayon lang ako nalungkot sa tana ng buhay ko ng ganito katindi.

noong gabi ding iyon, hindi talaga ako makatulog. inantay ko ang balita, umaasang walang katotohanan ang lahat ng iyon. nananalangin na sana hindi si ate toni ang bangkay na nahukay. pero natapos ang gabing tila hindi ako binigyan ng pag-asa sa mga aking hiling. humiga ako, umiyak sa tabi ng tatay ko, at naglabas ng sakit na nadarama.

sa pag-iisip ko, hindi talaga ako dalawin ng antok. hanggang sa dumating ako sa punto na may naririnig akong iyak. noong mga panahong iyon, hindi ko alam kung imahinasyon ko lang ang mga iyak na naririnig ko o sadyang may umiiyak lang sa tabi ng tinutuluyan namin. umiikot ako sa kama na tila bagang di ko mahanapan ang kapayapaan sa puso’t isipan. hanggang sa napagod nalang ako sa kakaiyak at kakaisip kung kaya’t nakatulog din ng saglit.

hanggang ngayon, ilang araw na rin ang nakalilipas, di ko parin mapigilan ang sarili ko na umiyak sa tuwing naalala ko ang nakapanlulumong pangyayari. dati kung may nakikita akong nalalandslide, nababaha, at binabagyo, nakikisimpatya ako. pero ngayon, isang malapit na tao sa puso ko ang namatay dahil sa delubyo ay iba pala ang pakiramdam nito.

masakit magpaalam sa taong malapit sa puso mo, pero mas masakit magpaalam kung alam mong ang taong iyon ay kailan ma’y di mo na makakatagpo.

si ate toni lang naman ang pinaka unang naging tunay na kaibigan ko dito sa PhilRice. si ate toni lang naman ang tinatakbuhan ko noong mga panahong hindi ko alam ang gagawin ko sa buhay ko. si ate toni lang naman ang nakikinig sa lahat ng saloobin ko. at si ate toni lang naman ang isa sa mga tunay na kaibigan kong alam kong laging andiyan pag kailangan ko.

hindi ko aakalain na noong nag get together tayo sa manila last July, kahit sandali lang, eh ang mga huling araw na makakapiling ka namin ate toni.

hindi ko alam kung kailan ulit kita makikita ate toni. mamimis ko ang mga ngiti mo, ang mga kwento mo, at ang mga walang kamatayang payo mo sa akin.

sa mga oras na ito ayokong magalit kay Lord sa nangyari. gusto ko siyang tanungin kung bakit. pero alam ko na kahit gaano kahirap tanggapin may dahilan siya kung bakit ka niya kinuha. maybe, YOU HAVE SERVED YOUR PURPOSE in life, and that is to give Him the glory.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.

sobrang naiyak ako sa last entry ni ate toni sa facebook na isinulat niya noong oct 3 habang nanalasa ang bagyong si Ondoy. nakita ko na noong panahong isinulat niya iyon ay tila ba handa na siya sa kung ano man ang posibleng mangyari sa kanya.

If there is something good about the rain, for me, it would be these realizations. Tonight, even as I write this, the rain continues to pour on. But what’s good about it is that it makes me value more the thought that life is brief, that there are so many things to be thankful for, that I can always trust the One who gives life to spare my life and the ones I love from this storm. – Antoinette Kindipan

Everytime the rain will fall, I will always remember you Ate Toni!

PAALAM ATE TONI! magkikita din tayo sa malayang panahon!

Pagdating Ng Panahon Lyrics

Alam kong hindi mo pansin

Narito lang ako

Naghihintay na mahalin

Mapapansin mo rin

Alam kong di mo makita

Narito lang ako

Hinihintay lagi kita

Umaasa kahit di man ngayon

Hahanapin mo rin Hahanapin din

Pagdating ng panahon

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She's Dating the Gangster

It all started when 17-year-old Athena Dizon unwittingly plays a trick on resident heartthrob and bad boy, Kenji de los Reyes. All of a sudden, she finds herself pretending—unwillingly at that—to be his girlfriend to make his ex jealous.

Now, not only does she have to deal with dirty looks from the girls in school who want Kenji for themselves, but her supposed boyfriend is. more It all started when 17-year-old Athena Dizon unwittingly plays a trick on resident heartthrob and bad boy, Kenji de los Reyes. All of a sudden, she finds herself pretending—unwillingly at that—to be his girlfriend to make his ex jealous.

Now, not only does she have to deal with dirty looks from the girls in school who want Kenji for themselves, but her supposed boyfriend is getting on her nerves. He's hotheaded, never seems to agree with her on anything—and everything about him screams gangster .

Has Athena gotten herself into more trouble than she can handle? Or has she actually found herself a boy she can call hers — gangster be damned?(less)