вторник, 24 февраля 2015 г.

Speed dating петербург

+7(812) 956 22 97

25 октября (сб). Женщины 38-48, мужчины 45-55 лет. Ресторан "Rossi`s" (м. Гостиный двор)

Speed dating (быстрые свидания, флирт вечеринки) мы проводим в ресторанах:

Ресторан "Гнездо" Клуб "Snob" " Rossi's Bar"

Питер Флирт проводит быстрые знакомства в Санкт - Петербурге с 2009 года. За 5 лет работы мы организовали более 400 вечеров знакомств, на которых встретились тысячи людей и образовались сотни пар. Сегодня клуб знакомств Питер Флирт является крупнейшим в Санкт-Петербурге. В месяц мы проводим около 15 вечеров быстрых свиданий, предоставляя людям разного возраста возможность выбора удобного до дате и меступроведения вечера знакомств в Петербурге.

Вечеринки знакомств в Санкт-Петербурге

Кратко расскажем о том, что вас ждет на вечеринках флирта. Все быстрые свидания проводятся в ресторанах, клубах, барах, наиболее комфортных для подобного рода мероприятий. Это места с мягким освещением, комфортными креслами, диванами, а также качественной музыкальной аппаратурой и хорошим обслуживанием.

Быстрые знакомства ведут только профессионалы в своей области - лучшие в СПб ведущие и музыканты. В начале вечеринки быстрых знакомств ведущий рассказывает о том, как будут проходить экспресс свидания. Затем, начинаются пересадки и каждые 7 минут на протяжении флирт пати у вас новое знакомство. Во время музыкального перерыва вас ждет легкий фуршет. Также можно пригласить девушку на медленный танец, выпить кофе. На молодежных экспресс знакомствах можно поиграть в очень популярные сейчас настольные игры, поучаствовать в танцевальном мастер классе. На наших speed dating вечеринках мы не проводим конкурсы, чтобы не создавать никакого напряжения нашим участникам. По окончании экспресс знакомств (а они длятся 3 часа), можно остаться в клубе бесплатно и продолжить знакомства с наиболее симпатичными вам девушками или мужчинами.

Быстрые знакомства

Вечеринки флирта, проводятся в Петербурге для разных возрастов, как для 25-ти летних, так и для тех кому за 50. Как показала практика, современная европейская технология под названием "speed dating" (экспресс знакомства) не только прижилась в Петербурге, но и набирает популярность с каждым днем. Конечно, экспресс свидания имеют несколько положительных составляющих. Помимо реальных знакомств вы просто хорошо проводите время. Потанцевать сегодня, не посещая ночной клуб достаточно сложно. А вечеринки знакомств позволяют все это получить.

Кто приходит на быстрые свидания

Главная цель гостей вечеринок быстрых знакомств - это, конечно же, познакомиться с девушкой или мужчиной для серьезных отношений. Помимо этого гости хотят пообщаться, пофлиртовать, потанцевать и просто весело провести вечер.

14 июня 19:00 суббота – вечеринка знакомств в День Медработника

28 июня 19:00 суббота – Speed Dating – вечеринка знакомств

Самый простой, самый быстрый и реальный способ знакомств! Speed Dating вечеринка, для тех, кто ценит время и устремлён к новым контактам! Реальная возможность встретить человека для серьёзных отношений. Знакомства, чтобы найти друга или подругу.

Последние статьи из нашего журнала о знакомствах

Марафет перед свиданием. Мощное влияние элементарных факторов самопрезентации в момент первого контакта.

До той поры, пока нет признаний – можно оставаться ещё очень долго в потенциальных отношениях. Признание в любви. Как сказать мужчине о своих чувствах первой? Советы для мужчин и женщин о том, как говорить о своих чувствах.

Клуб знакомств "Дуэт"

Мечтаете познакомиться с мужчиной, встретить девушку своей мечты, сходить на романтическое свидание, найти свою вторую половину, создать семью?

18 октября. Романтический вечер знакомств.

19 октября. Знакомства и игра в боулинг. Боулинг Party.

Клуб знакомств "Дуэт" - это клубные вечеринки, где Вас ждут новые встречи, знакомства, флирт и общения. Это незабываемый вечер в атмосфере романтики и флирта. Они хороши своей динамичностью, весельем, азартом. Здесь правят балом неуловимое притяжение, чувственность и свобода выбора. Вечера специально построены так, что бы вы могли оказать правильное впечатление на понравившегося человека. Ведь флирт - это тонкая игра.

Посещая вечера флирта и знакомств, Вы экономите время, силы и деньги на поиски нового знакомства с женщиной или мужчиной. У Вас есть уникальная возможность за один вечер приобрести 20 – 30 новых знакомств. Быть может Ваше новое знакомство сможет перерасти в романтические отношения или обернуться настоящей дружбой. На самостоятельный поиск в Москве такого количества встреч и свиданий может уйти несколько месяцев.

Клуб знакомств "Дуэт" что это?

Мы даем Вам возможность первой встречи, которая может изменить всю Вашу жизнь!

В ритме мегаполиса нам не хватает времени для общения друг с другом. Бешеный ритм столицы, работа, увлечения. все это заполняет вашу жизнь, но зачастую заставляет забыть о простом, но главном удовольствии - полноценном общении. Да и познакомиться в Москве не просто. Наши вечеринки помогут Вам сэкономить время и деньги на поиск новых знакомств.

Где в большом городе познакомиться с мужчиной или девушкой, найти подругу или друга. Клуб "Дуэт" дает прекрасную возможность за один вечер приобрести 20 – 30 реальных знакомств.

Флирт вечеринки и встречи организуются в формате клубных вечеринок Москвы. Вы получаете приглашение в один из клубов, где вас ждет развлекательная программа. Сценарий вечеринки составляется профессионалами в своей области.

Клуб "Дуэт" - это место для тех, кто хочет познакомиться и кто ценит свое время. Здесь происходят знакомства для:

для флирта

для любви и романтики

серьезных отношений

дружеских отношений

Мы открыты для представителей всех профессий, возрастов, жизненных позиций и религиозных взглядов.

Знакомства - это прежде всего положительные эмоции

Вечера проводятся в ресторанах Москвы. Вас ждут развлекательная программа с ведущими, танцевальные конкурсы, музыка, призы, яркие эмоции и, конечно, новые интересные реальные знакомства.

Экспресс-знакомства дают возможность за один вечер приобрести 20-30 новых знакомств, а выбор за Вами!

Чтобы попасть на встречу Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться на ближайшую вечеринку и получить приглашение .

Здесь перед вами гостеприимно раскрывает свои двери уникальный клуб - клуб "Дуэт". Мы предлагаем вам разнообразить свою жизнь с помощью проверенного средства - интересного общения. Кто-то найдет здесь вторую половинку, а кто-то просто отдохнет от стресса столицы.

Теперь подробнее коснемся того, как вы можете попасть на вечеринки. Как профессиональный клуб знакомств и встреч, мы всегда держим вас в курсе предстоящих мероприятий. Это позволит вам правильно выбрать тематику вечера в соответствии со своими желаниями. Каждая вечеринка флирта долгое время готовится нашими сотрудниками. Есть несколько форматов вечеринок: романтический вечер знакомств - приглашается 45-60 человек, равное количество мужчин и женщин. Знакомство происходит во время перехода от столика к столику. За 7-8 минут общения люди успевают познакомиться и понять возникла ли взаимная симпатия и желание общаться дальше. Тут же можно обменяться контактами, закрепить новое знакомство можно медленным танцем, на вечере обязательно много красивой и романтичной музыки. А также ведущий проводит шуточные конкурсы и розыгрыши, что создает непринужденную атмосферу для общения! Для любителей динамичной и клубной атмосферы - добро пожаловать на клубную вечеринку "Замки и Ключи"! На эту вечеринку собирается 150-200 человек, желающих познакомиться и найти свою вторую половинку. Все девушки при входе на вечеринку получают замочки, а мужчины ключи. Необходимо всего лишь нужно проверить подходит ли ключ к замку! Это легко и весело, попробуйте, Вам понравится! Знатокам любви подойдут вечера - "Что? Где? Когда?". Это азартное и захватывающее мероприятие - не только море флирта, но и море эмоций. Вечера "Что? Где? Когда?"- это симбиоз между классическим speed deting (быстрые знакомства) и викториной в стиле телевизионной игры "Что? Где? Когда?".

В клубе знакомств "Дуэт" нет места одиночеству, банальным вопросам и скучным ответам. Только веселье, увлекательное общение, игры, представления и много новых друзей и подруг. Вечеринки знакомств-экспрес хороши своей динамичностью. Одинаковых вечеринок не бывает!

Изучите анонсы клубных вечеринок, и вы обязательно найдете ту, на которой соберутся интересные вам люди. Клуб "Дуэт" всегда открыт для мужчин и женщин, которые хотят найти друг друга!

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Dating divorced man

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Exploring the Past

An inevitable part of getting to know a partner is talking about past relationships. Unless the couple is very young, both will have had relationships. But when there is a marriage involved, this conversation about the past can take on a more serious tone. A key question will be why the marriage broke up. But this is a serious issue, and it should not be forced. However, a reluctance to open up at all about the marriage could be a warning sign.


If the divorce is recent, the man is likely to be still emotionally fragile, and more than likely to not really be ready to get involved in a new relationship. His reasons for dating may be dubious, from wanting to be seen to be "moving on" to replacing his wife. It is always wise to be cautious when dating a newly divorced man.

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No Strings Attached Relationships?

Don't Rush

Men who are divorced are not often eager to rush back into marriage. Though they may miss having a constant companion, they are likely not ready to jump back into another legal, long-term commitment. Do not bring up the possibility of marriage early in your relationship. Doing so might make the man weary of dating you due to any potential expectations that you might have. After you get to know him better and develop an understanding of how he feels about another marriage in the future, you could bring up the topic with him.

Do not Pry

The end of a marriage is usually a painful experience for those involved. If the man does not bring up the circumstances surrounding his divorce, do not press him for details. There will be plenty of time as your relationship together advances for you to discuss such topics. He might appreciate the opportunity not to discuss his divorce with you. However, if he brings up the topic himself, do not feel uncomfortable addressing it with him. Be understanding that he may be very emotional about his divorce.

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It's difficult enough to enter the dating world as a single woman. If you're recently divorced, dating may feel even more difficult.

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Divorce is one of the most devastating, tragic events that can occur in one's life, ranking with death and job loss. During.

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Dating a Widower, compared to Dating a Divorced Man

My friend and colleague Abel Keogh writes a popular column on his blog, and runs several areas on Facebook, about the perils and pitfalls experienced by women who choose to date widowed men.

I have various quibbles with this topic, which he and I have discussed many times. To me, the Dating a Widower movement, such as it is, looks like it's just based on following Google to high readership. Just because people ask a question, doesn't mean there is a substantive answer to be found. though it can be created by someone inventive, responsive to readers, and with tremendous knowledge of the subject. as well as first hand experience as a member of the population in question. Abel is far from the only author tackling this subject: in addition to his two books, Dating a Widower and Marrying a Widower, there is Julie Donner Anderson's Past: Perfect! Present: Tense! and her associated forums and other activities.

I'll admit that those who date widowed people is not a group I have chosen to speak to or for. and that knowing how few men under 55 are widowed compared to women (at one time Social Security told me it was 1 man to 7 women) makes me quite skeptical. but some of the stories Abel and his readers share are pretty dreadful.

Many of the men in question seem to have significant trouble living comfortably with their past lives and experiences. Perhaps some of them were even a little nuts before they were widowed (we are changed by our losses. but not that much).

I also think that widowers with children still at home (most of the widowers I know fall in this category) are a bit more justified in hanging on to "stuff" from their past lives and sharing family (like in-laws) and memories a bit more actively. This is a giant set of exceptions that negates, for me, a lot of Abel's advice.

To be honest I have been pretty suspicious of these areas in part because when I was dating, at 40. I looked only at men who had been married. To me, the only relevant person to compare a widower's baggage to was. a divorced man. (I mostly restricted my searches to men who had been parents, because I had a young child and needed someone who'd understand that if I cancelled a date due to flu that he shouldn't take it personally. and I considered never-marrieds undateable. prejudices which had been confirmed by experience.).

I do not doubt that many women DO ask these questions and that people are confronting some difficult situations with this "baggage." But emotionally unavailable men come in many flavors. And it seems too easy to me to provide advice to women who are dating. probably the most insecure people in the world. What makes widowed men so much more "difficult" to deal with than, say, divorced men? Or men who reached 40 without ever marrying?

So let's do a comparison of baggage. I married a divorced man and we spend more time dealing with his feelings about his 23-year marriage disintegrating and their divorce than we do with Gavin almost literally disintegrating before my eyes and his death. (Although the score does even out a bit if you start counting the time I spend on managing his posthumous career as an artist and the fact that I spend tons of time on volunteer work for widowed people like Widowed Village and the Soaring Spirits board. )

I've always wanted to do a comparison that went beyond "my husband didn't WANT to leave me." Abel has just published a huge list justifying why this is a legitimate area. some of the ways that widowers behave badly in the dating market. So let's tear in and see what we find.

понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

Dating profile template

Generated Templates For Online Dating Profiles

A good tagline engages the reader to continue reading your profile.

Generating a lot of text from a template can result in funny results.

We have investigated many interesting phenomenons. This page shows fill in the blank examples for how to write perfect profiles. Finding a tagline for your profile is one of the hardest parts. A template can serve as a fill in the blanks example for a good, personalized online dating profile. This is, of course, why our software is still in beta. Funny Online Dating Profiles are generated using rules we engineered. The subject line of the email and the profile - also called a tagline - seems to be hard to choose for many people. A short essay that helps your perfect match get a good idea of who you are. It is important to live a rich, fulfilling life.

The woman to man ratio changes over time. Learn how to stand out from the crowd. In an ideal world older people would not have a harder time finding dates online. Statistically speaking, a woman's desirability peaks at age 21. Men have their prime around age 36 while a womens desirability peaks around age 21. Some demographics in internet dating, such as recently divorced or older than 45 have a hard time finding a partner. Dating preferences change with age, and obviously most people prefer to date people younger than themselves. How many fun activities have you participated in last week?

You can learn how to write a funny online dating profile by learning from examples. Having a good tagline can make all the difference in the world. A hot woman receives roughly four times the messages an average-looking woman gets. Sometimes the text repeats and this needs to be accounted for. A hot women receives 25 times as many emails as an ugly one.

Did you know that correct grammar and spelling is essential for your profile? Most people spend too much time optimizing their profile. A woman gets a better response from men as men become less consistent in their opinions of her. A profile tagline should be funny and to the point. This website was made to help you succeed with internet dating. After age 26 a man can expect many more potential dates than a woman of the same age. A woman of 31 is already past her prime, while a man doesn't become so until age 36.


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Create a creative screen name. Your online name should reveal something about your personality. If Van Gogh is your favorite artist and your birth year was 1980, starrynight80 would be fitting. Try not to be esoteric unless you only want to attract a narrow demographic.

Reveal your interests in the body of your profile. Move away from a list of adjectives and delve into specifics. Rather than writing that you are athletic, talk about how you placed in the last marathon you ran. Details are what will set you apart from others and spark interest in those with similar characteristics, hobbies and values.

More Like This

How to Create an Irresistible Online Dating Profile

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Your online dating profile needs to stand out from the rest. Most online profile templates have a section for you to.

Online dating is no longer taboo or something to be embarrassed about. In fact, online dating has become one of the most.

When creating an online dating profile, try not to make it too long, upload current pictures, and avoid putting too much information.

According to Today's Dating, there are an estimated 80 million online dating users all looking to find that special connection on the.

There are several reasons why you might want to create a fake dating profile. Although most of the reasons are quite deviant.

Online dating sites require you to create a profile that describes who you are. Potential dates rely on these to decide if.

Online dating is popular, but the task of making your profile stand out from the others is daunting. Conveying your personality over.

Internet dating is booming as an effective way to meet people, find romance and even marriage partners. Online dating may disappoint, however.

Online dating can open the doors to a large pool of potential mates, but success depends largely on the profile you display.

Whether interested in casual dating or a long-term relationship, online dating is a great way for women to meet prospective new people.

How to Build My Own Free Dating Site. Choose a members profile template for the site based on color scheme and.

By plugging in a few keywords, the generator will create screen names for you to consider. How to Write a Flattering.

This article tells you how to create an irresistible online dating profile. Other People Are Reading How to Write an Online Dating.

Online business profile templates; Downloadable business profile tools; Show More. Instructions. 1. Determine your audience. A business profile for investors should include.

How to Write a Profile About Yourself for an Online Dating Websites Ad. How to Create Driving Directions. How to Search.

Online dating allows you to meet more people than you ordinarily would in hectic daily life, and lets you specify exactly what.

Comments You May Also Like. Funny Ideas for Dating Profiles. A prospective match on an online dating website may scroll through hundreds.

Attracting a woman through a dating website starts with being yourself, both in your profile and in your photos. If you've ever.


Paid services will help monetize your dating site built with the Dating Pro website template. Following services are available (and the number is growing): featured users, lifting profile up in search, stealth mode, reading and sending messages, highlighting profile in search, access to Instant messenger, banners, and more.

Dating Profile Template

There is free profile example you can download for reference, however, you may format your sample dating profile template based on the online needs and requirements. During the development process, it is essential to take into account the dating profile format, dating profile layout and dating profile outline in the dating profile example.

The first key part in the dating profile template is the overview. In the section, you need to give an overview of the person such as name and location. For example, The Nickname:__; The Age:__; The Education:__ etc.

The second key part in the dating profile sample is the main body. In the section, you may use common questions for gathering information about the people. For example, What is your lifestyle:__; What is your personality:__; What is your hobbies:__ etc.

The last key part in the dating profile example is the footer. In the section, you need to give details of the requirements of the other party. You may ask the person to describe his ideal match, what does his ideal relationship? What are some important values or requirements your match must have?

воскресенье, 22 февраля 2015 г.

Dating software

Free Installation and Free Support and now with Video and Social Networking Software.

Integrated Skype, our dating software can help you establish a professional online dating presence in the shortest time possible and at a fraction of the cost it would take to develop your own in-house solution.

Are you seeking a professional online dating script or social networking solution for your new dating business? Our online dating packages offer affordability and flexibility which combines to allow you to offer your members a truly engaging experience. Packed with useful features such as groups, forums, social networking, flirts, skype connectivity and much more. Check out the features.

Whether your online dating site is targeting the international market or a niche segment of this vast and expanding business sector, you will quickly appreciate the comprehensive features included in the dating software and the design flexibility provided by the "skin" template engine. Create your own look and feel and stand out in the crowd. Don't lose customers and don't lose revenue through poor software or inadequate support. Choose the best software and give your business a headstart on the competition.

See our portfolio for examples of what our dating script can do for you (including 2 customer sites that were showcased on) or go directly to the dating software demos and get a feel for the powerful admin tools and user features that are a must for your new business.

Now with Social Networking!

DatingSoftware. biz has now released our latest product to our dating software family. The new vPlus Dating software with Social Networking is now available in the dating script and can be turned off or on via the Admin Control Panel. Simply turn it on and you now have your very own Social Networking/Dating site like MySpace, Friendster or Tribe. vPlus version now includes 6 Skins and includes Dynamic Event Notifications. Check out the full vPlus Feature List .

Click here to read about DatingSoftware. biz and how we can help you create a niche marketing online dating site and make money!

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Мобильная версия

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Professional online dating software is a foundation for your successful online dating, networking, and personals business.

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We at Dating Pro team will gladly help you install the dating script for no extra cost, and we will give our best to help you start your dating business online or to improve your existing dating site.

What will you get if you choose Dating Pro CMS?

- Professional dating site script, flexible structure and user-friendly website design;

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- Design template integration services to give your dating site a unique look and feel.

What is more, our team offers you assistance in doing the basic SEO (search engine optimization) setup for your dating site including meta tags and URLs changes to help you prepare for the site launch and to better present your brand and services online. SEO setup comes as part of the service and is completely free as well.

Dating & Community Website Development Simplified

AspNetDating is a flexible and customizable ASP. NET-based platform that can be used for the construction and management of commercial or ad-supported online dating websites, community portals, social networks and intranets.

The software's unique architecture leverages the. NET development patterns including 3-tiered architecture, master pages, themes, standard user controls and CSS.

If you have existing site or dating software you can easily integrate it with solutions from AspNetDating.

What's more, if you know. NET then you already know how to customize AspNetDating's online dating software.

Asp. Net Dating Software Technical Documentation

Why AspNetDating?

AspNetDating combines online dating software and community software . It's up to you to decide whether your site will be more dating oriented or more of a social networking service.

Our team is constantly improving the online dating and community software with new functionality. The majority of AspNetDating's software features are based on our customer requests to create the ideal solution for your online dating needs.

If you feel that our software is missing an important feature just lets us know and chances are we'll add it.

The prices that you see on our web site are final and are all you would expect to pay. There are no hidden fees whatsoever for our online dating software or our community software.

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Already have a successful dating or matchmaking service? Why not start up something unique like a local site that specializes in private matching for certain clients? With AspNetDating doing all the hard work there is no limits to the markets you can deliver services to.

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Dating hiv

HIVMatch. co. uk

We are the largest and most established dedicated HIV/AIDS dating site in the UK and have been online since 2006.

Unlike other similar dating websites who also allow anyone with an STD, hivmatch. co. uk is committed to the needs of our members with HIV/AIDS only.

No advertising, no gimmicks, just thousands of members all over the UK who no longer wish to feel alone.

Meet really positive singles at HIV Christian Dating

Living with HIV is a hard thing to do but not impossible, with faith in God and a little control you can have a long fruitful life. There are a lot of people diagnosed with HIV who are living their lives normally, so it can be done. hivchristiandating. com gathers single Christians who are HIV positive and not ready give up on their social and love life.

If you have been feeling lonely lately, if you wish to date again but you are afraid of contact with another person, we are giving you a solution. Join our online community and start dating freely and stress free again. Singles from our club are just like, so there is no fear nor risk of infecting anybody. You can enjoy human contact again. Our members are Christian HIV positive men and women who are not ready to give in just yet, they come here to meet, chat and date. This is the site where you will meet people that will not judge you or label you, with us you will get full support and understanding. Whether you search for a mere chat, a casual encounter or a romance be sure that you will find it here. Don't struggle searching through other sites, when we have all that you need. Spend time with singles that will teach you how to turn this setback into an advantage. Joining hivchristiandating. com is easy and 100% free. All you need to do is follow few steps we have assigned for you, write your introduction words and attach your photo to it. This way you are set to go and ready to meet a men/women of your dreams. We assure you that our members are real and we have no fake profiles. Start your life and dating again, do it today with no hesitation. With us and God everything is possible!

Disclaimer: 100% Free basic membership allows you to browse the site, view profiles, send flirts and modify your profile. Charges will accrue if you purchase a premium membership which is offered upon completion of your profile. This site is billed by 24-7help. net 800-425-9886

HIV Christian Dating. Copyright © 2014 HIV Christian Dating .

Welcome to HIVDating. com!

HIVDating. com is the BEST and LARGEST HIV Positive Dating Site for People Living with HIV!

Having HIV can make life harder, and when it comes to dating, it will make dating even more difficult than it is normally. When finding out you have HIV/AIDS, you will feel like you are alone in the world. Did you wish there was a place where you can find the people who are also living with HIV/AIDS, and you can dating with other HIV singles in a comfortable and private environment?

HIVDating. com is the right place for you, it's an exclusive HIV singles dating and support community only for people living with HIV/AIDS. Here, you can have HIV chat, find HIV support groups, meet and date other HIV singles, and you will find that there will be easier for dating with HIV.

This is a place where you can feel safe while dating with HIV. Join our HIV positive dating personals and find your local HIV match now. Never feel lonely again!

Our community is for all kinds of people living with HIV from all over the world including black people, gay men, lesbian, Christian, Jewish, Army and so on. You can meet and date HIV singles in:

United States, USA, San Diego, Atlanta, Chicago, Michigan, NYC, New York City, NY, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL, Houston, TX, Phoenix, AZ, Philadelphia, PA, San Antonio, TX, San Diego, CA, Dallas, TX, San Jose, CA, Detroit, MI, San Francisco, CA, Jacksonville, FL, Indianapolis, IN, Austin, TX, Columbus, Ohio, Fort Worth, TX, Charlotte, NC, Memphis, TN, Boston, MA, Baltimore, MD, Seattle, WA, Las Vegas, NV.

Australia, New Zealand, Sydney, Melbourne, Western Australia, Queensland, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Tasmania, Towns ville, Cairns, Canberra, Central Coast, Alice Spring, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Northern Territory, Wollongong.

Canada, Vancouver, Edmonton Toronto, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec, Vancouver, BC, Calgary, Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Quebec City, Hamilton, Ontario, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kitchener, Ontario, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Victoria, BC, British Columbia.

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Copyright © 2001 — 2013 HIVdating. com - #1 STD dating website - STD Dating in the Real World.

#1 Community for STD Dating and Support

Success Stories (1,600+ posts)

After many years of proactively looking for the one? I finally decided to take a new path. I decided to work on myself and become the person I wanted to be whilst in a relationship rather than focusing on what I could get out of a relationship. I enrolled in a course called Avatar which is about exploring consciousness and discovering any limiting beliefs which hold us back in our lives and I began working on being the best person, friend and partner I could be.

It was important to me to have integrity with my dating so I utilized Positive Singles while I was working on myself. Read More >>

STD Inspirational Stories (1,400+)

I have only been living with this for about 2 months. I am learning to take it day by day. I refuse to let it define me. Or limit me. I will not be reckless, but I will be adventurous. I will always disclose my status to potential partners - it has separated the sincere from the strictly sexual already. I know that I will still find real love, the love I deserve.

PositiveSingles is part of a network of affiliated sites serving persons who are STD positive. Please see our Privacy Policy for details of how user profiles are accessible to others in the network.


Human immunodeficiency virus 1

Human immunodeficiency virus 2

The human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) is a lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus ) that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), [ 1 ] [ 2 ] a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Without treatment, average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtype. [ 3 ] Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood. semen. vaginal fluid. pre-ejaculate. or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells .


Structure and genome

Structure of the RNA genome of HIV-1

The RNA genome consists of at least seven structural landmarks (LTR. TAR. RRE. PE, SLIP, CRS, and INS), and nine genes ( gag . pol . and env . tat . rev . nef . vif . vpr . vpu . and sometimes a tenth tev . which is a fusion of tat env and rev), encoding 19 proteins. Three of these genes, gag . pol . and env . contain information needed to make the structural proteins for new virus particles. [ 15 ] For example, env codes for a protein called gp160 that is broken down by a cellular protease to form gp120 and gp41. The six remaining genes, tat . rev . nef . vif . vpr . and vpu (or vpx in the case of HIV-2), are regulatory genes for proteins that control the ability of HIV to infect cells, produce new copies of virus (replicate), or cause disease. [ 15 ]

Nef also interacts with SH3 domains. The Vpu protein (p16) influences the release of new virus particles from infected cells. [ 15 ] The ends of each strand of HIV RNA contain an RNA sequence called the long terminal repeat (LTR). Regions in the LTR act as switches to control production of new viruses and can be triggered by proteins from either HIV or the host cell. The Psi element is involved in viral genome packaging and recognized by Gag and Rev proteins. The SLIP element (TTTTTT) is involved in the frameshift in the Gag-Pol reading frame required to make functional Pol. [ 15 ]

Welcome to STDdatings. com

- a service of PositiveSingles. com

Welcome to STDdatings. com, the largest, most active and trusted STD dating site for positive singles with STDs. We have been a leader in STD dating personals for over ten years.

When you have herpes (hsv-1, hsv-2), hpv (human papilloma virus), hiv /aids, hepatitis or any other STD, do you feel like you are all alone in the world?

70 million people are living with STDs in the u. s. alone, as well as an estimated 400 million people worldwide. Do you wish there was a place where you can meet them and didn't have to worry about being rejected or discriminated?

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Ask Live STD Counselor / Expert - Get answer in minutes

Successful STD Dating Advice - Learn from other members' personal experience

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Herpes Dating Sites - A list of the top 10 dating sites for people with herpes, including oral herpes and genital herpes. Read the editor and user reviews to choose a right herpes dating website.

HIV Positive Dating for Positive Singles

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and are VERY Vigilant about that.

This HIV+ Dating Site is for HIV Positive Singles(Heterosexual and Gay) that want to find, meet and date others that are hiv positive. To provide a safe way of communicating and a safe place to meet without public interference. Looking for an hiv positive life partner, someone to hang out with? HIV POZ is the place.

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суббота, 21 февраля 2015 г.

Dating portugal

What are Portuguese Women like - Dating Girls from Portugal

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This country nestled in the southernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula is blessed not only with natural beauty but also attractive looking people. Portuguese women are known to be some of the most desirable in the world. However if you wish to know more about them apart from their good looks, here are a few pointers.

Mediterranean good looks

Like many people from southern Europe, Portuguese women too are blessed with vivid Mediterranean beauty. Their dark eyes, long eyelashes and thick dark hair are some of the most striking physical features. These traits coupled with their tanned skin due to living in sunny areas makes Portuguese women incredibly attractive. Many of them have broad frames and carry their curves with pizzazz. Traditional Portuguese culture encourages women to be curvy and while women of today are aware of the health problems brought on by obesity, they don’t think much of starving themselves in order to attain size zero figures. All the better for it since Portuguese women with their sensuous curves are far more attractive than the stick-thin figures on many of Europe’s fashion runways.

Emotional at heart

Women in Portugal are passionate to the core. This means that while they are ready to lavish all their love and passion on you, when upset they can give free rein to the most frightful of tempers too. While their mercurial passions are more often the stuff of stereotypes about temperamental personalities influenced by the “hot Southern Sun”, to a certain extent it is based in reality since here people have more license to express their emotions. Unlike Scandinavian cultures where people tend to be shy and emotionally reserved, Portuguese culture allows its members more freedom when it comes to expressing feelings.

Socially open

Another aspect of Portuguese culture is that people tend to use a lot of physical contact during social interactions. Men will hug each other or shake hands warmly even when meeting for the first time while women will kiss each other on the cheeks. Here people stand close to each other when talking and use a lot of gestures and animated speech to get their point across. So if you are introduced to a Portuguese woman by a good mutual friend, don’t be shy of shaking her hand or even giving her a light hug. In fact if you insist on standing away in informal situations, you may even come across as haughty and rude. However don’t mistake a woman’s social openness for sexual interest. If a Portuguese woman feels you are abusing her friendliness, she is quite capable of giving vent to her fiery temper.

Like their partners to be involved

Portuguese culture welcomes open and involved verbal communication which is why Portuguese people are passionate conversationalists. And while women have traditionally been allowed to express themselves primarily in the domestic setting, now modern young Portuguese women are venturing out more than ever in cafes and pubs. So when you take your Portuguese girlfriend out on a date make sure you have enough topics in mind to engage in an animated discussion. Ask her about her work is she is a professional or her courses if she is studying. Also enquire her about her family, ancestral home town and other such details as women here are more open about discussing their upbringing as compared to other west European cultures. Above all show in your conversation that you are interested in knowing more about her as a person and that you do not see her just as another attractive face.

Love to be courted

Love in Mediterranean cultures is all about passion and the Portuguese are no different. Women here thus expect their admirers to woo them with intensity and fervor. So if you are reticent by nature or come from a culture where love is a private emotion, then be prepared to put in some extra effort while court your Portuguese girlfriend. You need to go all out while wooing her; lavish her with gifts – while they need not all be expensive, they should be romantic and symbolic like flowers and jewelry rather than practical like a hair dryer or hand-blender. Also remember to be at your gentlemanly best when taking out your Portuguese girlfriend – open the car door for her and offer to take her coat or shawl while sitting down at the restaurant table. A pertinent point here is never to keep your date waiting at a bar or pub alone – not only because it is rude to keep a lady waiting but because in Portugal single women in public watering holes are looked at askance.

Close to their families

Portuguese families are extremely close-knit which is why you may find your Portuguese girlfriend forever bringing up her parents and siblings in conversation. More importantly she will want her family’s approval if she is seriously thinking of settling down with you. Traditionally parents here have exercised great influence in the personal lives of their children, often arranging marriages or at least prodding them towards particular partners. Even though today women are far more conscious about individual choices, still they prefer keeping their parents in the loop about who they are seeing and may also waver if their parents don’t approve of their choice. So if you are keen on your Portuguese girlfriend, it would be far wiser to make a good impression on her family first. Turn up with a nice gift like a bottle of fine wine or expensive chocolates when invited to dinner with your girlfriend’s family. Don’t forget to compliment her Mama on her delicious ‘ovos molles’ as well as her father on his well-maintained garden. Portuguese culture is essentially rural and though many families now live and work in cities, they are proud to be reminded of their roots. On the upside, a tightly-knit family will ensure that you and your Portuguese partner are always taken care of and you will never want for a support network.

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What are Portuguese Women like - Dating Girls from Portugal

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This country nestled in the southernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula is blessed not only with natural beauty but also attractive looking people. Portuguese women are known to be some of the most desirable in the world. However if you wish to know more about them apart from their good looks, here are a few pointers.

Mediterranean good looks

Like many people from southern Europe, Portuguese women too are blessed with vivid Mediterranean beauty. Their dark eyes, long eyelashes and thick dark hair are some of the most striking physical features. These traits coupled with their tanned skin due to living in sunny areas makes Portuguese women incredibly attractive. Many of them have broad frames and carry their curves with pizzazz. Traditional Portuguese culture encourages women to be curvy and while women of today are aware of the health problems brought on by obesity, they don’t think much of starving themselves in order to attain size zero figures. All the better for it since Portuguese women with their sensuous curves are far more attractive than the stick-thin figures on many of Europe’s fashion runways.

Emotional at heart

Women in Portugal are passionate to the core. This means that while they are ready to lavish all their love and passion on you, when upset they can give free rein to the most frightful of tempers too. While their mercurial passions are more often the stuff of stereotypes about temperamental personalities influenced by the “hot Southern Sun”, to a certain extent it is based in reality since here people have more license to express their emotions. Unlike Scandinavian cultures where people tend to be shy and emotionally reserved, Portuguese culture allows its members more freedom when it comes to expressing feelings.

Socially open

Another aspect of Portuguese culture is that people tend to use a lot of physical contact during social interactions. Men will hug each other or shake hands warmly even when meeting for the first time while women will kiss each other on the cheeks. Here people stand close to each other when talking and use a lot of gestures and animated speech to get their point across. So if you are introduced to a Portuguese woman by a good mutual friend, don’t be shy of shaking her hand or even giving her a light hug. In fact if you insist on standing away in informal situations, you may even come across as haughty and rude. However don’t mistake a woman’s social openness for sexual interest. If a Portuguese woman feels you are abusing her friendliness, she is quite capable of giving vent to her fiery temper.

Like their partners to be involved

Portuguese culture welcomes open and involved verbal communication which is why Portuguese people are passionate conversationalists. And while women have traditionally been allowed to express themselves primarily in the domestic setting, now modern young Portuguese women are venturing out more than ever in cafes and pubs. So when you take your Portuguese girlfriend out on a date make sure you have enough topics in mind to engage in an animated discussion. Ask her about her work is she is a professional or her courses if she is studying. Also enquire her about her family, ancestral home town and other such details as women here are more open about discussing their upbringing as compared to other west European cultures. Above all show in your conversation that you are interested in knowing more about her as a person and that you do not see her just as another attractive face.

Love to be courted

Love in Mediterranean cultures is all about passion and the Portuguese are no different. Women here thus expect their admirers to woo them with intensity and fervor. So if you are reticent by nature or come from a culture where love is a private emotion, then be prepared to put in some extra effort while court your Portuguese girlfriend. You need to go all out while wooing her; lavish her with gifts – while they need not all be expensive, they should be romantic and symbolic like flowers and jewelry rather than practical like a hair dryer or hand-blender. Also remember to be at your gentlemanly best when taking out your Portuguese girlfriend – open the car door for her and offer to take her coat or shawl while sitting down at the restaurant table. A pertinent point here is never to keep your date waiting at a bar or pub alone – not only because it is rude to keep a lady waiting but because in Portugal single women in public watering holes are looked at askance.

Close to their families

Portuguese families are extremely close-knit which is why you may find your Portuguese girlfriend forever bringing up her parents and siblings in conversation. More importantly she will want her family’s approval if she is seriously thinking of settling down with you. Traditionally parents here have exercised great influence in the personal lives of their children, often arranging marriages or at least prodding them towards particular partners. Even though today women are far more conscious about individual choices, still they prefer keeping their parents in the loop about who they are seeing and may also waver if their parents don’t approve of their choice. So if you are keen on your Portuguese girlfriend, it would be far wiser to make a good impression on her family first. Turn up with a nice gift like a bottle of fine wine or expensive chocolates when invited to dinner with your girlfriend’s family. Don’t forget to compliment her Mama on her delicious ‘ovos molles’ as well as her father on his well-maintained garden. Portuguese culture is essentially rural and though many families now live and work in cities, they are proud to be reminded of their roots. On the upside, a tightly-knit family will ensure that you and your Portuguese partner are always taken care of and you will never want for a support network.